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"So all of you got super powers? That is so cool dude." Justin said in awe.

"I know right? This meeting is probably where we're gonna decide on superhero names and that stuff. It'll be so fun." Prodigy said as he pulled a black blazer over his red T-shirt. Perrie was going to be there so he wanted to look good.

"Can I join, man? I could be like your sidekick." Justin whined.

"Sorry man. It's too dangerous. I wouldn't want you getting hurt." Prod said looking at his reflection.

The taller boy sighed. "It's cool bro. You're just looking out for me. I'll just hang in here and read comic books until the meeting's over."

Prodigy nodded. "Wish me luck though. Perrie's coming."

Justin grinned. "The cute blonde you've been talking about? Good luck bro."

"Craig your guests are here!" Prodigy's father yelled from downstairs.

Prodigy took a deep breath. "Later bro." He ran downstairs feeling excited. He never had more than one friend over. It was always just him and Justin but now he had new potential friends and they had super powers. This was even more awesome than when he and Justin first started their Youtube channel.

He saw Ray Ray and Roc Royal when he got to the living room. "Hey guys. What's up?" He asked with a huge bright smile.

"Do you have a more secret place for us to conduct this meeting Prodigy?" Ray Ray whispered looking around. "We can't risk anyone finding out about this."

"We need a lair." Roc pointed out.

"Don't worry I've got a place. Follow me." He gestured to them and moved to his backyard. "Tada!" He said, spreading his arms wide and gesturing to a large treehouse supported by two huge trees.

Ray Ray rolled his eyes. "I guess this'll have to do for now."

"Oh man that tree house looks so cool." Roc said as they all moved towards the ladder to climb up to the treehouse.

"Thank's bro." Prod gushed. "Me and my best bud Justin built it together."

"Wait you idio- guys built this?" Ray asked in alarm as he was the first to almost completely climb up into the house.

"Don't worry we had help from our dads and a construction crew." Prodigy laughed. "It's been up for eight years, this bad boy."

"Great." Ray Ray said unenthusiastically.

When Ray Ray and Roc Royal were comfortable Prod climbed down and headed to the house to wait for the others. He was hoping Perrie would come soon. He was standing outside when he saw Princeton strolling with a book in hand. He greeted him then led him to the treehouse.

Perrie was the next to arrive, being driven by her father. "Okay Dad bye." She waved him away.

"Give me a call when you're done pet." Her father said.

Perrie blushed. "Yes I know! We've been through this. Bye!"

"Who's that?" Perrie's dad asked gesturing to Prodigy who was standing and waving at him. "That the boy you came home with last week?"

"He's in the group with me, Dad. Now go!" Perrie shrieked as her face became completely red and she felt herself almost slip into what she was now referring to as 'go through mode'.

"Okay, okay! I'm going!!!" Her father drove off.

Perrie took a deep breath and tried to focus on remaining solid. "Sorry about that." She said shyly.

Elite Eight (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now