Chapter 7

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Jin's p.o.v

I got up early as i had to go to work at 10. well...9:30am. Namjoon's house was closer to work than mine. I got up and made myself some cereal. This wasn't my house but i had permission to help myself to anything. I looked at the time. 7am. I looked at the stove and smiled a little. I took out some eggs, flour, milk and some salt. I took out some oil as well. I mixed the eggs, flour and milk and added a pinch of salt into the mixture and stirred it. I turned on the stove and sprayed some oil into a pan. I then poured the mixture in and got some cream and blueberries. One the pancakes were done in the pan i flipped them and placed them on a plate. I squirted some cream and dropped some blueberries onto it before wrapping it in cling film and placing it in the fridge. I looked at the time again. 7:40am. I decided to go in the shower and when i came out i left a note.


Gone to work. Made you some breakfast in the fridge. I'll be back at 4. Thanks for letting me stay here for the week.

-Jin :)

8am. An hour and a half till i have to go. I checked i had everything. In my bag i had my work clothes and i had my breakfast. My teeth...

I went into the bathroom but couldn't see any spare tooth brushes. I looked at the time. 8:30. Maybe i should do my hair now and then look. I bought out a brush and started brushing my hair. I stopped. Maybe i could do something new. 

I bought out some gel and swiped it over my hair, making a sweep of hair stand up and over like a wave instead of it all being down like usual. I looked for a tooth brush again but couldn't find one. i walked into the living room. (Like the hair style he had in boy in luv)

"Jordan..." He looked up from his phone.

"Yes, Mr. Kim?" 

"Jin...Just call me Jin." He nodded. "Do you know where any tooth brushes are?" He nodded and went into a drawer in the bathroom, taking a tooth brush out of a packet. It was blue but i saw a pink one in the drawer. I put the tip of my finger in my mouth and looked at Jordan.

"Can i have the pink one?" I asked, taking my finger out my mouth and pointing at it. He nodded and got the pink one for me. "Thank youuuuu!" I said, smiling at him. He smiled back and sat back down. I brushed my teeth and looked at the time 9:10am. I had 20 minutes but i guess going early wouldn't hurt anyone. I was about to go out the door but i turned around and ran to the note.

P.S I used some of your hair gel :D

 I then went out the door.

Namjoon's p.o.v

I woke up late. I slept past my alarm. I was angry at myself because i wanted to see Jin off. I went into the shower and got dressed. I went to do my hair but noticed some gel was missing. I shrugged and came out of the bathroom.

i went to look in the fridge but something caught my eye. A piece of paper on the counter. I read it. I smiled. He made me pancakes. I took them out of the fridge and started eating them, looking at the last bit of the note. He doesn't normally use hair gel...

I ate the last of my pancakes and drank some orange juice. I went on my phone for a bit. I looked on my recent messages. 

'Not kidding right, there's this rly cute guy at this cafe i'm at. He's looking at me. He' s coming to take my order oml.'


I looked at the cafe and found it was the same one Jin was working at. I then got another message.

'His shift is over now, we're off to get something to eat together. He said his name is Jimin... I'm tired.'


I watched tv for a little. Or for what i thought for was a little. I looked at the time. 2:55pm. Jin's shift ended at 4pm. I smiled, getting in the car and driving to the cafe. I sat down at a stool. It was now 3pm. 1 hour to go. I saw someone look at me and walk forward. Then i saw Jin giving a person change and looking at me. He pushed the person out the way telling them he would take my order. The person nodded sadly and walked away. Jin smiled and dashed towards me.

"What are you doing here?" He laughed.

"I would like a coffee please, two sugars." I smiled back at him. He nodded, taking my money out of my hand.

"Wait for me..." He whispered and ran off. I tapped on the table while waiting and he came back with a coffee. He placed it on the table and then put a cookie on the table as well. 

"Shhh." He said putting a finger over his mouth.

"I like your hair..." I whispered back. He smiled and walked away. I sipped my coffee slowly and took small bites of my cookie. I looked at the time. 3:45pm. I finished my coffee and looked down. I stood up and put both things in the bin, walking up to the register where Jin was.

"Can i get a flat white and whatever you like?" Jin looked up at me then at his watch. 3:53pm. He nodded and placed the two into a container.

"I'll be back in a minute." He went behind the door and turned a corner to get changed. I took the two coffee's and when he came out i went to the car and drove both of us home. 

3rd person

Both boys came home and Jin flopped on the sofa.

"Urghh my legs." Namjoon sat down and laughed.

"Whens your next shift?"

"The day after tomorrow..." Namjoon nodded.

"What time is it?" Namjoon looked at is phone.

"ten past four... How hard did you work today?"

"I didn't sit down. I was walking all day. From 10 til 1 i was behind bringing new ingredients back and forth. 1-3:45 i was taking orders and for the last 15 minutes i was at the till."

"You look tired..."

"I am." Namjoon stood up and put on a film. Halfway through he felt something move. He looked to the side and saw Jin's head fall slowly onto his shoulder in his sleep. He reached over and put a blanket over Jin. He watched the rest of the movie before also falling asleep on the sofa as well. It was uncomfortable but he didn't want to wake Jin so they both slept on the sofa.

Sophie's Note

Lord help me. My internet has gone down so i wrote this at my sisters house. URGH I HAVE TO GO HOME SOON WHAT DO I DO? I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT INTERNET.

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