Chapter 9

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Namjoon's p.o.v

Right, i know he's supposed to be working for me but i woke up before him and last night before i went to bed i saw him sat on the edge of his bed with the tip of his thumb in his mouth and the home phone on his ear. I peered round the corner and i heard him speaking about how he needed more hours at work. Yeah, he works for me but he still wants more hours so he feels less guilty. He's gonna be exhausted. Things are really down for him at the minute. I care for him, i really do, i don't want him to work so hard but he won't listen. so, i'll get him breakfast and make sure i won't wear him out even more.

I got up without waking him. Last night he ran to my room, he looked so vulnerable and scared. I quietly got dressed and got downstairs. I took out my phone and rang up the cafe he worked at.

"Hey, uhh, i know it's early but can you maybe something breakfast themed here. For a worker...his name is Jin. I-i can't cook and he needs something nice to eat. It's this address."

"Y-yeah alright, his shift is at 11am til 8:30pm if he doesn't remember, he asked for a few more hours, that's £4.57 is that okay?"


I looked at the time, it was 7am. The food came at 7:20am and i went to wake Jin up. He went straight to work. I decided to let him rest when he came home but he had...paperwork? I asked what they were for and he said they would get him extra hours and money. I told him to only do it for an hour and i came upstairs 2 hours later and he was still doing it.

"Jin..." He looked up and yawned. "Jin that's enough, go to sleep." He insisted he would do it for 1 more hour. I told him not to but he begged. I couldn't resist. I went to bed and fell asleep but woke up at 3am to get a drink. I peeked in his room and he was still there, tapping a pen on paper and writing things down. "Jin, seriously, go to bed."

"Alright, okay, yes, okay i will." I asked him when his shift was, he said 6am. 6am til 6pm. 12 hours. He carried on working when i came up with some water. "Jin, come on, go to sleep, its 4am." He sighed and nodded, setting an alarm. I went back to sleep but got woken up by his alarm half an hour later. He got up and drank some coffee, he hardly slept at all. He came home with more work and stayed up more. He got a cup of coffee and stayed up another night no matter how much i begged for him to sleep. It was his fourth day he came home like this and he walked in with more paperwork in his arms and he had bags under his eyes. He looked so pale and so sick. I felt bad, i couldn't do anything to stop him.

3rd person

Jin walked in with more paperwork and Namjoon stood up and ran towards him.

"Seriously Jin," He took the papers off of him and placed them onto the table. "You're so pale and sick you cant do this anymore!" He staggered out of my grip.

"I'm fine i just need to-" He gripped onto something on the kitchen to hold himself up but collapsed, his hand fell down to the floor, slapping on the tiles. Namjoon's eyes widened as he rushed towards him, falling onto the floor next to Jin.

"JIN! JIN! WAKE UP! Shit..." He took out his phone and rang 911. An ambulance came and Namjoon got into the ambulance with Jin.

"Uhh, excuse me are you related to this patient?" I mean Namjoon wasn't but he wanted to stay with Jin.

"Yes, i'm his b-boyfriend?" It came out more as a qustion than an answer. The doctor nodded and Namjoon sat next to Jin who was laying down, unconscious. The doctor sat opposite him and he felt awkward. Maybe he to...

He took Jin's hand and entwined it with his, resting his hand on his lips. The doctor then looked down at his paper and spoke up.

"We assume it has been caused by lack of sleep...fatigue. Have you...seen any of the signs recently. Has he slept much?"

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