Chapter 13

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Namjoon's p.o.v

I looked on my phone for somewhere to go today. A Cinema? no. We could go for a picnic... or ice skating. I showered and got dressed and went to get Jin up. I walked into his room and sat beside him.

"Jin..." I whispered, shaking his arm a little. He groaned and moved over. I stood up and flopped myself over his body. "Jinnnnnn." I said again, he opened his eyes which met with mine for a second and then shut again.

"Noooo. I'm tired." I picked his up and he groaned, putting his arms around my shoulders. "Urghhh. Nooo." I carried him down the stairs and dropped him on the sofa.

"So today, we're going ice skating. Go get washed up and we'll go. Jin stood up and stumbled to the bathroom. The shower turned on and i made us some coffee. He came out with wet hair but fully dressed in some blue jeans and a pink hoodie. He looked adorable. I handed him some coffee and he took it and sat down on the sofa. He took a sip of his coffee and put it on the table. I sat next to him and started drinking mine. He picked his back up but touched cup cup and hissed.

"Ahh. It's hot." The coffee splashed on his hoodie and he put the coffee back down and sighed, resting his head on the back of the sofa. "I liked this hoodie as well..." I went upstairs and bought down a white shirt and his black leather jacket. I came back down and gave them to him.

"I bought you the jacket a few weeks ago, you haven't wore it yet."

3rd person

Jin got changed into his white shirt and jacket and the two ate and set off. They both got into their skates and went onto the ice. A few minutes later Jin was doing well whereas Namjoon was still doing little glides and steps. Once he started to get it Jin Told him to go faster.

"Come on just a little bit, I'll catch you if you fall" Namjoon looked at the floor and went a little fast but stopped suddenly when a child zoomed past. He stepped backwards and fell, landing on his arm.

Jin heard a crack and his eyes widened. He pushed past a few people and saw Namjoon holding his arm and groaning in pain.

"Are you okay?" He fell in front of Namjoon who inhaled through his teeth and shook his head.

"I-i think it's broken." Namjoon stuttered out. Jin picked Namjoon up, sliding little but then  gliding out of the ring. He looked at his arm which was bleeding. "I'm s-sorry." Namjoon stuttered. His blade slid across Jin's upper arm when he was picking him up. Jin sat Namjoon on a bench and called 911.

When an ambulance came the two sat in the back. 

"And your name is?"

"K-Kim Namjoon."

"And you?"

"Kim Seokjin." The doctor looked through some paperwork.

"Oh yeah. You were here before." He pointed at Namjoon. "He's your boyfriend, correct?"

Jin looked at Namjoon who's eyes were wide.

"Yes." Jin pointed out. Namjoon looked at him shocked but then looked forward.

"Alright. When we get there we will take an x-ray if its broken we have the obvious antibiotics and cast and sling. On for 6 weeks. Maybe 5 if it heals that fast. " 

Namjoon looked down, upset with himself whereas Jin was nodded and taking in everything the person was saying.

"Does he need anything. More water than usual? Food? More rest? Less exercise?" Jin was really intrigued and wanted to know everything. When they got there, the doctors took Namjoon inside and did an x-ray. They would put a cast and a sling on it and he might be able to go home if he wasn't in a lot of pain. Jin popped his head inside the room.

"I'm gonna go get the car from the skating rink."

"You have a licence?" Jin nodded.

"Be back in a minute or two."

Jin got to the car and just sat in it for 5 minutes. If he let Namjoon go at his own pace, if he didn't tell him to go a little faster... If he reached forward to catch him, maybe he wouldn't have a broken arm... He hit the driving wheel and started to drive. Namjoon was waiting outside and Jin came out of the car, opening the other door and helping Namjoon in. He was holding a bag.

Jin shut the door and got inside the car himself.

"What did they give you?" He asked, turning on the engine and looking at the bag.

"Oh, uhh, some pain killers, sleeping pills if i can't sleep because it's too stiff or uncomfortable and apparently these stop it from bruising and heals it faster." Jin nodded, looking into the mirror and reversing the car, starting to drive home.

When they got home he took the prescription bag which had the pills in and opened the door.

"Jin. I can do this, i have two hands." Namjoon pestered.

"Yeah i know but..." He put the bag on the table and sat Namjoon down.

"But?" He looked at Jin who looked up at him and moved forward to him and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Joonie, this is all my fault..." Namjoon pulled Jin back who was on the verge of tears.

"No, no, no, no, no." He wiped Jin's eyes. "Nothings your fault. What makes you think that?"

"If i didn't tell you to skate faster y-y... I should have let you go at your own pace a-and i didn't catch you... You see? THIS IS WHY I LEFT!" Tears poured out of Jin's eyes and Namjoon pulled him into another hug, rubbing his back in circles. 

"I'm just a bad luck charm to you." Namjoon heard Jin muffle in his shirt.

"No..." Namjoon said reassuringly. "I didn't see that kid because i wasn't looking where i was going...It's my fault Jin, not yours."

"BECAUSE YOU WERE LOOKING AT ME! ME! I-it's my fault. I'm sorry." Namjoon didn't know what to say. He moved his hand up and lightly patted Jin's head.

"Okay...It's okay..." Jin pulled away again and wiped his eyes.

"I-i'll go make dinner." Jin walked into the kitchen and washed his hands whereas Namjoon sat on the side of the table and watched him. He made food and put it in the oven and in the mean time made some cookies. Namjoon watched him roll out the dough and start to cut out shapes.


"Hmm?" Jin replied, turning his head to the side while rolling out the last bits of dough to make more cookies.

"Can you teach me how to make a dessert when i get this off?" Jin smiled at the request.

"Yeah." He turned back and started placing the cookies on the tray, taking out the dinner and putting in the cookies into the oven. He put the food on 2 plates and sighed. "You." He pointed at Namjoon. "Go get your pyjamas on. Call me if you need help, okay?"

"Alright mother." Namjoon jumped off the side and Jin rolled his eyes, placing the plates on the dinner table and bringing out the coke from last night's take away. It was still fizzy and they hardly drank any of it. He heard Namjoon shout down.

"Jin...I can't do the buttons up!"

"I'm coming!" Jin ran up the stairs and knocked on his door.

"It's the shirt buttons, i can't do it." Jin walked in and turned Namjoon around from the mirror, making him look at him.

"Okay." Jin started doing up the buttons but accidentally grazed his finger over Namjoon's chest. He carried on doing up the buttons but could see Namjoon's cheeks were bright red. "Alright, foods downstairs, come get it..."

"After can I watch you play overwatch? I can't because of my arm. Pleaseeeeeeee?" (Ur welcome Amy-Chan3139)



Sophie's Note

I'm tired and dk what to say. uhhh...poor Namjoon. Broke his arm but has Jin to care for him now he's back!

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