Chapter 4

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3rd person

Both boys had finished playing Mario cart and were now cuddled up on the sofa. Jin on the left and Namjoon on the right, a box of popcorn separated them. Jin's eyes were glued on the screen, teared up whereas Namjoon was already crying.

Both of them watched as the boy ran into the room to try and wake up the girl. She wouldn't wake up. Her face was pale and she was still. They watched him cry and scream, pulling his hair and punching himself. Then they watched the man reach into his chest and pull out a heart, glowing and red. It beat slowly and he sat and watched it, looking into all of his memories. His mother dying, which set Jin off crying as well, and all the other bad things. The man walked over to the woman, laying next to her and crushing his heart into dust before losing life and falling lifelessly next to her. The family then rushed in and found the two together. They picked up the phone which was left on the floor and read the two last texts the lovers send to each other. One said i love you and the last text said til i die with a full stop at the end. They noticed they never wrote a full stop at the end of any text and it made them cry harder to see that that one dot really did mean it was the end. The one parent and family went to the funeral which hurt Jin more. 

He got off the sofa and ran to Namjoon, engulfing him in a hug and crying into his shirt. Namjoon cried himself and then Jin pulled back. 

"Why are you crying?" Jin shrugged and wiped his tears.

"Why are you crying?" Namjoon looked down.

"The girl killed herself Jin." Jin  looked confused.

" said she got killed by being stabbed."

"It showed in the beginning her being bullied and depressed. Then the boy made her happy and then her mother died. The boy got in an accident and was told he wouldn't be normal ever again. Everything was going downhill for her so she killed herself. At the end here," Namjoon re-winded the CD and showed a clip. "It shows the man  was found innocent. The boy recovered but it was too late...she gave up..."

"Oh...You really notice these things don't you?" Namjoon nodded. "Then is that why you're crying?" This time he shook his head.

"My dad...he's the CEO of a business. It took a long time to get there. I used to get bullied and beaten up at school for being snobby. I was called snobby because i was rich yet i didn't seem it as most of the time i didn't eat. It was because they would take my money. I would focus on work and get A's. They would wait til the teacher turned and rip my homework, getting me detentions. They would follow me, leave me mean messages and i did...want to give up... I mean... i was adopted into this family so i had no real parents so nobody would miss me. I found this person online though and they helped me get through it. Their mum died a few years back so they kind of knew what was going on."

Jin nodded slowly.

"Rap_Monster1994..." Namjoon looked at Jin confused and then his eyes widened. Jin started playing with his thumbs.

"How did you know?" Jin was silent for a few seconds.

"It was me... I was the person online... I didn't know it was you i swear. But that means you heard about..." Jin went quiet.

"So...your dad does this?" Namjoon looked at Jin's body which was full of faded bruises. Jin nodded again. Namjoon suddenly stood up and grabbed his coat. Jin realised what he was doing and grabbed his arm.

"Please don't go to him! Joonie please! Please! No, don't go he'll hurt you too." Namjoon was at the door when Jin shouted back. "DON'T GO IT WAS MY FAULT!" Namjoon turned around confused.

Jin started crying and fell to the floor.

"I-it was my f-fault." He cried, hiding his face in his hands. Namjoon took off his coat and sat down, crossed legged in front of the boy.

"Look at me." Jin carried on crying and looking at the floor. "Look at me!" Namjoon said louder and sterner. Jin looked up and him and sniffed. His face was red. "What do you mean it's your fault..." His voice had gone soft again.

"I-if i didn't draw that flower they wouldn't have argued a-and mum wouldn't have gone and s-she wouldn't have died and t-then he wouldn't do this." He sobbed louder. "IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed and he pulled Jin into a hug.

"It not your fault...Drawing a flower is the cause of you getting hurt...It isn't right. He's doing this for revenge...he blames you when it isn't your fault." Jin stopped for a second before wrapping is arms around Namjoon as well.

"It is...It really is my fault." 

"Shhhh, it's not." Namjoon said, rocking side to side with Jin in his arms.

"It is..." Namjoon sighed.

"You're not going back tonight...It's raining and i'm not having you getting hurt again." Jin nodded into Namjoon's shirt before pulling back.

"Can know...Shower?" 

"Y-Yeah! Haha. sorry i didn't realise." Jin laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's here." Namjoon lead Jin to the bathroom. "I'll uhhh...i'll order pizza." Jin nodded, closing the door and hopping into the shower. His voice echoed through the house.

"Joonie! Which one should i use?"


Jin nodded to himself and picked out a strawberry smelling soap. He washed his hair after and got out the shower, wrapping a towel around his lower body. He walked out and saw Namjoon.

"Where so called clothes?" Namjon stared at Jin for a second. Jin looked down at his chest and covered it.

"S-sorry i uhh i didn't noti-"

"This way!" Namjoon said turning around and taking Jin to his bedroom. "Pick something out..." He aid, opening the wardrobe. Jin ran his fingers through the clothes but stopped on one. He picked out a pink jumper with white letters on it.

"W-where did you get this?"

"From a shop in the was £154."

"M-my mum once bought me this..." He said putting it back and picking out some pyjamas. Namjoon ran downstairs to get the pizza while Jin got changed. The two sat on the sofa and ate while watching a film.

"Jin..." Namjoon said.

Jin looked over with pizza still in his mouth.

"I'm glad you're my friend." The last word made Jin a little disappointed. Friend. He didn't know why. The two got to bed but Namjoon couldn't sleep. Thunder clapped, scaring him. He would jump back into the corner of the bed whenever it sounded. Jin heard this and came into the room turning on the light and looking at Namjoon in the corner. e walked over to him and hugged him. Every time thunder clanged he jumped. They sat there for around an hour before Namjoon fell asleep. Jin wrapped him into his blanket and went back to his room.

Jin got up extra early to then make Namjoon breakfast.

Sophie's Note

 Friendship n stuff. I don't know what i'm doing with my life XD.

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