Chapter 29

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Namjoon's p.o.v

Once Jin got discharged I insisted for me to carry him back to the hotel. I held him on my back as i walked.

"You've got thinner again...lighter." He put his head on my shoulder.

"It's working then..." He told himself.

"What?" He shook his head.

"I just want to lose some weight, in my opinion, my glorious face bought you towards me." He smiled but i kept a straight face.

"You don't need to lose weight, you're fine." I said.

"See! Fine...I want to be skinny."

"You are skinny, if you do this you're gonna hurt yourself. You're perfect just the way you are. In fact, you need to eat more." Jin sighed and i jumped, lifting him up my back. I fell into my own thoughts for a few minutes.



"What are you thinking about?" Jin asked me. I shook my head.


"Tell me!" He said kissing the side of my neck.

"T-this is all my fault. The doctor was right, my stupid actions caused you to be hurt and i'm scared that...That I'll hurt you in future."

Jin sighed.

"If i didn't scare you by lifting the picture and shouting for you to look at it, you wouldn't have got scared and fell backwards. It's my fault." I shook my head.

"I shouldn't have been so close to the edge, I'm sorry this happened." Jin leaned up and kissed my jaw. 

"Lets just agree that it was both of our faults."

"BUT I DIDN'T GET HURT AND YOU DID!" My vision went blurry and i started to cry. Jin furrowed his eyebrows and reached and hand over to wipe my tears.

"Don't cry...It's okay, everyone gets hurt don't they?" I nodded.

"But it shouldn't be because of me!" Jin smiled sympathetically at me.

"It's fine. I promise..." I opened the door and walked into our hotel. I then lowered Jin onto the bed. He quickly got into the covers. I walked over to the kitchen and took out 2 cups. One i made a hot chocolate in and the other i put some lemonade in with ice.

3rd person

"You cold?" Namjoon asked, putting the glasses on the bedside table. Jin nodded and snuggled further into the sheets. He sat on the edge of the bed and held Jin's cheek. "So...i'm gonna look after you. We have tonight and tomorrow is our last night before we go...If there is anything you want to do then we can do it. I'll be over in the other room because i'm gonna start packing some stuff, you call me if you need anything." Jin nodded and went on his hone. Now he was along he could do nothing but search for nonsense.

Do crabs think fish are flying?

When will the world end?

Is Mario gay?

Is Mario actually gay?

Am i gayer than my boyfriend?

Does sex really hurt when it's done nicely?

What flavours of condoms are there?

If you mix flavoured lube with a flavoured condom does it make a new flavour?

Can lube be used as moisturiser?

"What you doing?" Namjoon asked, coming into the room. Jin quickly turned off his phone and shoved it under his pillow.


"Really? You're sweating!" Jin then realised how hot he was.

"I-i need some air." Jin waited on the balcony.

"What was he-" Namjoon went on Jin's phone. He checked the history and read everything. "I's a creative idea..." He tilted his head at the new flavour search. Then he looked at the sex one and stopped. He looked at Jin on the balcony and back at the phone.

Standing up, he walked to the balcony and behind Jin and held the phone in front of him.

"And this is?" Jin eyes went wide.

"I-i uhh i..." Jin blushed." Jin's face fell. "B-because you do everything a-and i want to see if i can make you happy if i could...if i could-"

"If you could...have sex with me?" Jin nodded slowly. "Jin..." Jin looked down. "You know i would only do that if you were comfortable with it...Instead of asking the internet ask me, you should be comfortable asking me questions, i'm your boyfriend." Jin nodded and sat down on the sofa, pulling Namjoon to sit next to him.

"I-i do want to...I'm just scared it'll hurt."

"I know princess...He went rough on you...He really hurt you." Namjoon hugged Jin.

"B-but i really want to make you happy."

"You do...You already do!"

Jin went silent and the atmosphere felt awkward.

"Can we try it?" Namjoon's eyes went wide.

"W-what did you say?"

"Not today...But i think...if you make sure it doesn't hurt that i-i would want to try." Namjoon nodded.

"I would never hurt you..." Jin snuggled up to Namjoon.

"C-cold..." Namjoon lifted Jin up and grabbed a blanket and the TV remote. He sat back down and Jin laid his head on Namjoon's stomach with the blanket on him while Namjoon searched for a film to watch. "Tomorrow..." Jin sighed.

"Shhh." Namjoon hushed Jin and put his arms over Jin's shoulders.

"Presents..." Jin whispered.

"It's 10pm, you can go to bed soon." Jin nodded. Namjoon watched TV for a while longer but felt Jin's head fall back onto his chest. "Jin?"

Jin didn't reply. Soft and quiet snores came from his partly open mouth. Namjoon turned off the TV and picked Jin up. He put him on the bed and got some pyjamas.

"Come on..." Namjoon said, helping Jin into his pyjamas and laying him down.He got changed himself and laid in bed with Jin. Namjoon just played with Jin's hair until Jin stirred and shivered.

"J-joon..." He whispered in his sleep, shivering. Jin rolled over and rustled forwards into Namjoon's chest, his arms around Namjoon's waist. "C-cold..." He whispered again.

Namjoon sighed.

"Why does it always happen to you? Why not me? Why did you have to jump in after me? Why can't it be me for once? I love you too much for you to get hurt...You know, mum and dad love you too, they don't want to see you hurt either...My poor baby, get well soon please." 

Jin shuffled in his sleep. Namjoon leaned down and kissed him on the forehead and then on the cheek.

"Night night." Namjoon pulled the covers up higher and went to sleep himself.

Sophie's Note

Well, if you didn't know, i have a chapter 30 tradition where chapter 30 is smut... So thats gonna happen XD

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As always, don't be a ghost reader!


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