Chapter 6

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Jin's p.o.v

I ran. I ran as far as i could but the shock drained my energy faster. I just kissed my friend. I-i'm not gay. My dad would kill me if i were... So why? I mean...he was nice to me so maybe i just wanted to repay it. But with a kiss!? Oh, I've really messed up. He wont ever want to see me again.

I found myself home. My home. Or should i say dad's home. I'm not welcome here, the only reason i'm here is because of mum's last wish.... For dad to care for me. I don't think he's fulfilling that wish at the moment. I went to open the door but a strong scent of liquor went up my nose. I rushed inside and saw dad on the floor, empty bottles of alcohol surrounded him.

"Dad..." I said. He didn't wake up. "Dad?" He didn't move a muscle. I fell to the floor and shook his arm a little. "Dad wake up...Dad!" He still wouldn't wake up even though i was now vigorously shaking his arm. I got up and ran to the phone. Yes. I cared for him. He might hurt me but he's the only person i have left. I didn't know why i would feel like this in a situation. I felt...calm.

"911 wwhat's your emergency."

"Ah, y-yeah, hi. Umm trouble is, I've just came home and my dad wont wake up. I think he had too much to drink and now he's passed out. He won't wake up..."

"I appreciate you being so calm in this matter."

I"t's fine. Just send an ambulance please."

"On it."

 While i was waiting i seemed to drift of into my own thoughts.I sat near the door, waiting for them to come so i could open the door.

Why was i  away from Namjoon... Why did i kiss him? I think, i think i might like him... Where do i go now? He hates me.

Namjoon's p.o.v

I sat on the sofa and tried to text Jin the only way i could. Using my old account on which we used to speak to each other on. I mean, i feel happy that he was okay with my troubles and that we helped each other. It's almost like we were pushed together. Pushed.  Jin pushed himself up to me and kissed me. Pushed. My mind went back to to what happened only 2 hours ago. I've been trying to contact him for two hours. I mean, he kissed me... He couldn't like me...could he? I mean...i didn't mind the kiss, it was actually quite nice. His lips were big and soft and they-

Do i...I think i like Jin.

I need to see him. i ran up my coat hanger and slipped on my coat. I walked out and wandered around. I can remember what the house looked like but i can't remember where it was. I thin i found it ambulance was in front of the door. I saw a person being carried into the ambulance. One word was going through my head. Jin.

"JIN!" I ran through a small crowd and to the ambulance.  "JIN!"

"J-joonie...?" I felt so relieved to hear that one word. I turned around and he was there standing and looking confused.

"Oh my god Jin." I ran forward and hugged him so tight i felt his ribs against my stomach. I released him a little so he was comfortable. I started to cry out of happiness"I-i thought it was you in there..."

"I'm fine,  it's okay... it's okay" He rubbed my back and i hiccuped. He then realised... this was probably awkward for me considering he...kissed me. I shuffled, getting comfortable in his neck. He coughed and moved back.

"Sorry, i uhh..."

"Jin, listen." I reached out my hand and brought it back "Don't...leave me. I don't hate you because you...kissed me.  I actuallly-"

Thank you." Jin hugged me again. "For not hating me..."

I almost said i liked it.

"It's fine." And now it's time to act smooth.

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