Chapter 24

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Namjoon's p.o.v

I texted him, i called him, i video called him. He didn't pick up. I looked outside and saw no stars were shining, just the moon. We he staring at it too? I gave up, grabbing the room keys and going out to find him.

Jin's p.o.v

I sat near the wall of the beach. There was no sun and it was pitch black all around me but the moon glazed on the sea. The tide came in far, touching my toes before going back again. Watching little ripples of water coming closer to me and then suddenly disappearing somehow made me cry.

But maybe it was my fault. If i didn't help, if i just said that i was taken loud enough, this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if i stepped away... I heard a crunch and moved myself backwards, thinking i might be able to maybe merge myself with the wall somehow.

"Jin?" I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip to stop me from crying out. I moved my hand to wipe my tear and it rustled on the other material on my hoodie, like a soft grazing sound. The rustle stopped. "Jin please..." I stood up and silently moved away from Namjoon but found myself at a bar somehow. Whatever...I sat at a stool and just nodded at anything the waiter said and ended up with an unknown drink in front of me. Well,it was an all inclusive holiday so...Why not? I looked at the glass. Thin but tall, like a weird shaped shot glass.

"It's strong...You should probably have someone with you in case yo-" He voice left me and i trailed into my own thoughts. I spun the glass in my fingers, just plainly staring at it before picking it up and downing it.

It was strong, he was right. It burned my throat and tasted bitter. I scrunched my face up.

"Maybe you shouldn't drink this time of night..." I shook my head, waving my index finger in a circle only just getting over the taste. He bought another one out and sighed, putting it on the table. "Mate...These are one of the strongest you can get...I would suggest no more after this one..." My eyebrows furrowed and i took another shot, kind of getting used to the taste. "Seriously man, no more." I coughed.

"Just, a normal one...a pint." He sighed and put a glass on the table. I took little sips. "It's like..." The guys looked up at me, his face was a little blurry. "Everyone just wants to hurt me...but it's my fault i'm getting hurt, you know?" The man was putting glasses away.

"Do i need to call someone?"

"No...Just one more."

"I'm afraid we're closed now."


"I'm sorry..."

"Okay..." I stood up and felt the world spin. I started walking back to the hotel. If he wanted to speak well...i want never gets and i'm not staying outside for a week."

Namjoon's p.o.v

It's been an hour and a half and I still haven't found him. I decided to go back and try and call him again. His phone rang and eventually he picked up.


"Jin? Listen, i'm sorry i got angry and i got jealous and...Where are you?"

"Youuuuu listen to me! I'm comiiing back now...mnrgh." Jin slurred his words.

"Jin...What's happening?"

"Nothing important, just like me right Namjoon?"

" don't talk like that! I mean whats wrong?"

"Nothing...Fuck, i still love you after what you did."

"A-are you drunk? Where are you, i'll pick you up."

"I'm fineeeuuuhhh..."

"Jin, Where are you?" I said a little more sternly.

"Don't be so mardy, i'm in the elevator and coming in now...ByEeEeE~"

3rd person

Namjoon heard keys wrattle in the door but it stopped after 10 seconds. Jin banged on the door.

"I can't do it!" Namjoon opened the door and Jin stumbled in, bumping into a draw.

"Jin!" Namjoon grabbed Jin's arm but he shrugged him off.

"I cannnnnn do it!" Jin stumbled forward and flopped on the sofa. Namjoon reached to help him up but Jin told him he wanted to stay.

"How much did you drink?"

"Theres the little babies." Jin pinched his fingers close together. "Just little ones..." He hicupped. "And the man there was all oh no you don't want so many of them!"

"That's all?"

"no no no. I had two," Jin held up three fingers. "Two pints of beer." He put his arm on his eyes. "Mnghhh..."

"You smell awful..." Namjoon sighed. "Bath for you tomorrow morning..."

"Not. not now though. B-because i want to sleep. And..Yeah." Namjoon grabbed the bed cover and pillows, putting them on Jin and sitting next to him.

"I'm not sleeping. I'm gonna be looking out for you." Jin rolled onto his side where Namjoon was now sat.

"Cm'ere...Cm'ere" Jin waved his hand. Namjoon leaned in closer. "I really do love you...You didn't do what dad did and that's good." Namjoon felt himself tear up.

"But i could have..."

"But you stopped...I'm just going to far, i allllllllways go really far. Did i tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Jin reached out his arm.

"H-hold my hand..." Namjoon linked is hands with Jin's. "I alllllllllways go really far. One time when i was small, i did running on a grass-" Namjoon smiled at the mix up of words. He smiled as Jin said on a grass. "Yeah?"


"And, and, and i got 2nd cos another guy got it first and i bit him. Hehehe." Namjoon shook his head and smiled.


"But then he gave me his medal because i said i would get my mummy to give him 50p...I never gave him it though."

Namjoon stroked Jin's cheek and Jin looked down.

"I really miss my mum..."

"I know you do...It's alright" Jin shook his head

"I wish she was here, i could have made you two meet and...and..." Jin stopped talking and looked at Namjoon. "You remind me of my mum..." Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed.


"She cared for me and dad didn't and...then she left. You've cared for me and you're gonna leave me aren't you?"

"No...I would never..."

"I understand...If i saw you kiss someone i would get angry because i want you to myself..." Namjoon was surprised at the change of subject. "Because i do love you... I love you more than dogs and sweets and cooking and food and-"

"I get it..."

"Food...Tomorrow can we get some noodles or go to the food thingy i saw when i was getting drink?" Namjoon nodded.

"Whatever you want, princess. Now get some sleep..." Jin nodded and grabbed Namjoon's arm, snuggling into it. "But you're on the floor..."

"I'll be fine..."


"Sleep." Jin sighed and went to sleep. Room service would give them new sheets that didn't smell of alcohol tomorrow. Namjoon didn't care if he got a stiff neck, he slept right next to Jin.

Sophie's Note

Jin ma boi. Don't drink cos you'll tell everyone about when you bit that little child XD I wonder if he has a scar... also 2 chappy's in 1 day WOOOOOOOOO :D

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