Chapter 22

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3rd person

The two went home the next day. They would start packing and looking for a house nearer to their parents. Jin agreed the night before that he would move in with Namjoon if they ever moved so for Namjoon, this was a happy time.

The next day Jin was up early and made himself coffee when he got a text.

From Jungkook

J: My brother has gone out for a date with my sister-in-law and left me with their baby, they said they wont be coming back till 7pm...I CAN'T LOOK AFTER BABIES! And...Me and Tae planned a date...Jinnnnnnn! You know you love us?

Jin rolled his eyes and texted Jungkook the address where they were. Soon after Taehyung appeared with Jungkook with a baby in his arms. He gave Jin a backpack of 'supplies' and told them that they would be back at 6pm. Jin put the bag on the table and took the baby.

"Her name's Yuna...Shes 5 months old." Jin held the baby and smiled. Jungkook peeked over Taehyung's shoulder.

"Okay, we're going...Bye!" The two turned away but Jin shouted back.

"Can she eat food? Does she have baby food in the bag? Has she even had breakfast?"

"YES! YES! AND YES!" Jin nodded.

"Alright, bye!" Jin shut the door and sat down.

"Hello...." He said to the little girl. She had a white dress on with little daisies painted on with white frilly socks and little black shoes. Jin held out his hand and her small one held onto his finger. "Well aren't you a beautiful little girl?" She was now balanced on Jin's knee and he put one arm around he waist and kept her hand on his other finger and leaned forward.

"You're so cute...Hmm? Are you hungry? No?" The baby stuck out it's lip and blew raspberries. Jin smiled brighter and held her on his hip. "What's in this bag?" He reached in and looked at the baby, pulling a silly face. She smiled and Jin awed at her. He pulled out a folded up chair. He placed it on the floor and put the baby on his knee, himself now sitting on the floor. "Can you get to the chair?" 

The baby looked up at Jin and gurgled, starting to crawl to the chair. She put one leg up and pulled herelf onto the chair.

"WOW! Well done! What a clever girl!" Jin reached into the bag and pulled out a bit more. He found a few toys and something to put in the baby's mouth if she hurt while her teeth were growing. He put it n the fridge and heard Namjoon.

"Hey Jin i'm-Why is there a baby in the front room?" Jin came back in and picked the baby back up.

"It's my friends niece, i'm babysitting..."

"Yeah, nice much stuff is on the floor?"

"Oh, just the toys."

"Just? Just the toys?" Jin nodded.

"Mmhmm..." Jin turned to Namjoon and gave him the baby.

"Hold her a second, i need to go pee!" Namjoon held the baby and looked at her.

"Jin..."Namjoon said as he heard the tap sstart running.

"Yeah?" Jin shouted back.

"It smells!" What do i do?"

"Change the nappy!" Everything went quiet for a second.

"I can't do that...." Jin laughed.

"Why not?"

"Because...It's giving me a 'Haha you have to wipe my ass' look."

"Well 1) Language! She's a baby and 2) That looks she's giving is right, you do have to wipe her butt."

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