Chapter 2: Falling

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Selena's P.O.V.

The pilot took mine and Justin's bags. We boarded the private jet. I was nervous yet excited. Justin's parents sat in front of us. I sat down in the window seat. Justin sat down next to me. I looked out the window then looked down at my J-ring. I looked back at me. Soon we would be in Paris. It was hard to believe that I was actually going to Paris. It seemed like it was a dream come true.

A slight high pitched noise rung on the plane. "Attention passengers. Attention passengers. We will be leaving shortly. Please turn your cell phones on airplane mode, since there will be no service while we are in the air. Thank you." he said. 'What? No! My plan was to call my mom while we were in the air.' I thought. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and checked who the caller was. It was my mom.

I stood up. "Uhm, Justin. I'll be back." I said. "Where are you going?" he asked. I walked past him. "Babe, I promise I'll be back." I said. I turned around and kissed his forehead. "Just hurry back." he said while I took my lips off his forehead. "Promise." I said while turning back around. I quickly got off the the jet. I nervously answered my phone.

"H-hello." I said a little shaky. I heard my mom's voice. "Mom it's fine." I said. Her voice was in a panicky tone. Then she asked the question I never wanted to hear. "I'm l-l-leaving." I stuttered. My mom yelled at me. "Mom please calm down." I begged. My mom began ranting on and on about how this was a bad decision. "Mom please." I begged. Tears began to fill my eyes. 'Was this a bad idea after all?' I thought. "Yes mom, I know." I said.

My mom kept yelling at me. I heard a loud thud. "Mom, I'm just going to Paris." I said in a calm voice. My mom yelled louder. I moved my phone away from my ear. Once she stopped yelling, I put the phone back to my ear. "You can't go!" she yelled. "Mom I love you, and I'm sorry." I said then quickly hung up.

I felt a rush of wind behind me. It was so powerful. I covered my ears. 'Why was there wind?' I thought. I began to stumble over a bit. I planted my feet but kept loosing my balance. I held my hands tighter against my ears. I closed my eyes; I tasted dust. 'Why was it so loud?' I thought. Then I opened my eyes. They widened.

I batted my eyes quickly. I rushed to turn around; which was hard with the wind blowing me over. I finally regained my balance to turn around. Then I saw the private jet going down the runway and began going up into the air. My eys widened. I began running towards the jet.

I ran as fast as possibly as I could. The jet seemed to be going slower than it should be. I reached the end of the jet. I don't think I've ran this fast before in my life. I saw the private jet floor fly open. "Selena!" Justin yelled. I ran faster. "Justin!" I yelled back. Justin stoke his hand out as far as he could reach. I reached for his hand. I ran faster. I jumped up to grab Justin's hand. Justin reached further out towards me.

Justin's P.O.V.

I reached for Selena's hand. The pilot probably saw her. He knew she was supposed to be riding with my family. Selena was running so fast. She reached further my hand and I reached further for her's. Then I grabbed her hand. I felt the sparks. I saw tears go down Selena's face. She looked me in the eye. I could tell by the look in her eye what she was trying to tell me.

I shook my head. "I'm not letting you go." I cried. Selena gripped my hand tighter; I gripped her's tighter. I saw some tears fill her eyes. "Babe just let go of me." she cried. "No. I can't let go of you. I love you." I said with tears in my eyes. The jet began lifting off the runway. Selena's feet lifted off the ground. I gripped her hand tighter. I looked into her eyes.

"Just let go." she cried. I began to try and lift Selena up into the plane. "Babe stop. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Selena cried. The jet went up higher. I had to pull her into the jet, if I didn't she would fall to the ground. I didn't want her to die.

I turned my head and looked at my other hand gripping to the latch next to the door. I had to use both of my hands to help her up. I shakily took my hand off the latch. I reached for Selena's other hand. The jet went higher. Selena grabbed my hand. She held my hands tightly. I tried lifting her up. The jet went higher. I tried harder to lift her up. Selena and I looked each other in the eye.

"I love you Justin." Selena said. The tone of her voice sounded like it was the last time she was going to say that. "I love you too." I said. 'I'm not letting you die.' I thought. I felt Selena's hands slipping out of mine. I gripped her hands tighter. "Just let go." she cried. Selena closed her eyes.

I used all my strength to try and pull her up. We ended up falling. I let go of Selena's hands when we were falling. "Justin!" Selena yelled. I looked down. We weren't that far from the ground. But it would still hurt.

I moved closer to Selena and hugged her close to me. We began falling faster. Selena buried her face into my chest. I moved my body into the position, so when we fell, I would land on my back and Selena would land on top of me. Selena moved her face off my chest. She noticed what I had done. "No, no, no, no, no, no." Selena cried.

Then I felt the ground coming closer. "Justin, no!" Selena screamed. Then I felt my back hit the ground. I didn't make a noise. I heard Selena scream.  I heard Selena scream. I didn't move. I felt Selena hovering over me. The world was all blurry. I closed my eyes. I heard Selena screaming my name, then occasionally yelling for help. The world went black.

Selena's P.O.V.

I looked at Justin. He risked his life for me. I looked up at the jet. It looked like the jet was going to land. I looked back at Justin. He looked like an angel that fell from the sky. I went down on my knees and moved closer to Justin's left side. I ran my fingers through his hair. "Justin." I cried.

I heard the jet land. I didn't look away from Justin. I cried. Tears kept falling from my face. This was way worse than my mom being mad at me for running off to Paris. I kept running my hand through his hair. I tilted his head up with my other hand. Luckily his head wasn't bleeding. "Justin, please don't leave me." I cried. Justin didn't move.

I heard someone run towards me and Justin. I didn't look away from him. I kissed his forehead. 'I love you so much.' I thought while taking my lips off his forehead. Justin's eyes began to open. When his eyes opened he immediately looked into my eyes. I began crying of happiness. "Justin." I cried happily. He slowly left his right hand up and wiped the tears from my cheek.

"I love you." he said. Justin's mom rushed over to his right side. "Oh my gosh! Baby! Are you okay?" his mom asked in panic. Justin slowly moved his head in my hand and rotated his eyes to look at his mom. His mom looked so scared. "Mom, I'm fine." he mumbled softly. "I don't believe you." his mom said. 'Either do I.' I thought. Justin blinked very slowly. His mom and I helped him sit up.

"Where are we going?" Justin mumbled. I stood on Justin's left side, and his mom on his right. Justin wrapped his arms around our shoulders and used us a crutch. We began walking slowly. Justin stumbled a little. He groaned, "Owuh." Justin's mom looked at him with concern.

"Where does it hurt?" my mom asked. "My back." he groaned. Justin fumbled over on to his mom's side. He fell down on the ground. "Justin!" I yelled. "Sweetie!" his mom yelled. We both rushed down to Justin's side. His mom and I began to help him up.

I saw Justin's dad stick his head out the door. "Pattie! Hurry up! We have to keep on schedule!" he yelled. "Jeremy! Your son is hurt!" Pattie yelled back. His dad looked down. I figured he was on his phone. He looked back up at us. We helped Justin stand up. We began walking to the jet.

"He's fine!" Jeremy yelled. Pattie looked at me confused. "Is he serious?" she asked. I shrugged. "No he's not!" Pattie yelled back while looking at him. "Don't worry there's a first aid kit on board!" he yelled. I saw Justin's mom roll her eyes. 

"He is just so unbelievable sometimes." Pattie said under her breathe. She was right. I knew Justin wanted to spend time with his dad, but it didn't seem like Justin's dad wanted to spend time with him. We helped Justin up then re-boarded the jet.

Runaway Love (Jelena Fanfic) *Part 2*Where stories live. Discover now