Chapter 50: The Song

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Justin's P.O.V.

Selena had an IV hooked up to her and she was past out. A scar was near her hairline. Her heart monitor beeped. Breathing slowly, I teared up. Scooting my chair closer to Selena, I took her hand. Setting my hand softly in her's, I let her lay her hand on top of mine. Some tears fell from my face.

"Selena I just want you to know how sorry I am." I admitted. Staring at Selena, I waited for her eyes to open.

"Well I don't know if you can hear me, but I'll just tell you anyways." I said while tearing up. Selena moved her head a little. I smiled at her. Smiling seemed to help take the pain away; from seeing her like this.

"You know when you were running down the street? Well it reminded me of when we first met. When we were back at school and we were running across campus and you were running so fast in your heels," I said while tearing up, "It just reminded me of how fast you can run in heels."

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I waited for Selena to grab my hand and for her eyes to open. No response. 'Why couldn't this be like the movies and they wake up when you tell them a story about their past?' I thought. Taking Selena's hand out from under mine, I sighed.

"Selena I love you." I said. Waiting for her to say: I love you, back; there was no response. She was still fast asleep. Her heart monitor continued beeping. 'Please wake up Selena,' I thought.

Sighing, I looked around the room. The room was so plain. The only thing in here was Selena's bed, a few chairs, and the guitar I had brought in. My eyes focused on the guitar, then they widened. 'The song.' I thought. Looking back at Selena, I then got up from my chair and walked over to the guitar. I opened the guitar case.

On the neck of the guitar were blue birds on every other fret. On the head of the guitar there were also blue birds. The pick guard was brown with yellow streaks at the bottom; representing grass. There were also a few more blue birds. Taking it out of the case, I examined the guitar. It was a lefty. 'Maybe this was my guitar.' I thought.

Walking back over to my seat, I sat down. Putting the guitar, in the right position in my lap, I looked at Selena. Lightly strumming the guitar with the pick, I loved the sound it made. Smiling at her, she move her head a little. I placed my hand on the right fret.

"Selena for the past few days, I've been working on a song. I wrote this song for you. After everything that's been going on for a few days, we made things work. And we shouldn't let this Barbara thing affect us.We made it through everything else. So why can't we now? Now I'm going to tell you the same thing you told me on the plane ride here. Babe, everything's gonna be alright." I said while a few tears streamed down my face.

Strumming the guitar, this was the first time I was singing the song out loud. Hopefully Selena would wake up during the song and like it. The sound so far, sounded really good. I hesitated to begin singing. I had no idea if I was good or not. All that mattered was that I was about to pour my heart out to Selena.

*****Scooter's P.O.V*****

Slightly opening my eyes, I saw Justin pick up the guitar then walk off. 'Wait that kid plays guitar?' I thought. Sitting up, I got out from my chair. Turning around, I saw Justin go down a hallway. I began to follow him.

"Where do you think you're going?" the man at the front desk asked. Turning, I looked over at him.

"Oh I'm with him." I said. He nodded then signaled for me to go on. Following Justin, I saw him looking around then he stopped. Quickly, I hid. 'Did he hear me?' I thought. Hiding near the water fountain, I waited a few seconds to come out. Peeking my head out, I saw Justin continue walking.

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