Chapter 33: The Bust boy

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Selena's P.O.V.

Setting my glass down, it was now half empty. Staring at the water in my cup, I thought,'Where is Justin?' Checking the time on my phone, it had now almost been an hour. Rolling my eyes, I now knew that Justin wasn't coming. Seriously, I had every right to be mad at Justin, but I wasn't. Taking my phone off the table, I put it back in my purse.

Beginning to get up from the table, I then felt water in my lap. The cup rolled off my lap and fell onto the floor. Standing up, I looked up and saw the cute bust boy.

"Here let me get you some napkins." he said then quickly ran off. The front of my dress was so wet. He came back and handed me some napkins. Taking the napkins form him, I began to dry my dress off.

"I'm so sorry." he apologized.  Continuing to dry myself off with the napkins, I said,"Don't worry about it. It's okay."

"No it's not. I'm so sorry." he apologized. He was so sweet. My eyes widened. Looking up at him, his facial expression even showed that he was sorry.

"Don't worry about it. It's totally fine. But can you get me some more napkins?" I asked. He nodded.

"Of course! Of course," he said quickly then ran off to get some more napkins. Sitting back down in the seat of the booth, the napkins were soaked. Putting the soaked napkins on the table, I set my purse down by my side. Looking down at my lap, the water was slowly drying up.

The bustboy came back and handed me the napkins. Putting the napkins on my lap, I began drying the water in my lap.

"Again I am super sorry....." he paused waiting for me to tell him my name.

"Like I said, don't worry it's fine. I'm Selena by the way." I said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Selena. I'm Alfredo....And I'll be right back." he said with a smile then walked off.

'Alfredo. Interesting name. It suits him though.' I thought. Putting pressure on the napkins, I hoped the pressure in the napkins would make them soak up more of the water. My dress became damp. Putting the rest of the napkins on the table, Alfredo came back with a plate with a piece of pie on it. He set the plate down in the middle of the table.

He sat down on the other side of the booth. He handed me a fork. Taking it from him I said 'thanks' then I stared at the pie. 

"Wait aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked curiously. Alfredo turned his head and looked around the diner. 'Well that was dumb question. There was no one else in here.' I thought. Alfredo turned his head and looked back at me.

"I don't think so." Alfredo said. We both began busting out laughing. Our laughter rang through the diner.

"I'm sorry that was a dumb question." I laughed. Alfredo continued to laugh with me.

"Don't apologize, you were just being cute." he said. Looking at him, I cocked my head. Smiling at his awkwardly, he blushed a little then looked down at the pie.

"So what type of pie is this anyways?" I asked curiously. Looking at the pie, I knew it had to be some type of berry. There was no way it was apple. So what was it? Alfredo looked up at me.

"Boysenberry." he replied. Rocking my wrist back and fourth on the table, I just stared at the pie. He took a can of whip cream off the side of the table. He put a pile of whip cream on the pie.

"Not so much." I giggled. Alfredo laughed then stopped putting the whip cream on the pie. He put the whip cream back at the edge of the table.

Was it wrong to be sitting here with Alfredo? I mean he was cute and it seemed that he liked me. Plus we were flirting a little. If we could call this flirting. But the again, Justin did blow me off. So I did have the right to be here with Alfredo; right?

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