Chapter 4: Dream

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Justin's P.O.V.

My back began to sting. I clenched my jaw. I tried to ignore the pain. I looked at Selena. She was laying across the seats on her side sleeping. 'She looks so cute when she sleeps.' I thought. I looked out the window. We would be in Paris 7 hours from now. Everything looked so dark.

The clouds looked like dark fog. I saw stars shimmering. I thought about making a wish on the first star I saw. But my wish had already came true; for Selena to come with me to Paris. I looked at the moon. It looked brighter than usual. The stars shined brighter. They reminded of the stars that were shining that night at Taylor's party when I gave Selena the J-ring.

I looked back over at Selena. What she said earlier kept running through my mind: Everything's gonna be alright. The tone she said it in; the words. It was just perfect. I started tapping my toe. My fingers strummed against my thigh. My eyes widened. I had a great idea. I got up from my seat and went over to the room my parents were at.

I walked into their room. "Mom do you have a pen and paper?" I asked. My mom picked her purse up off the ground. She dug through her purse in search of a pen. She pulled one out and handed it to me. "Thanks." I said, then she handed me a notebook.

"Thanks." I repeated. I quickly rushed out of their room and back into mine and Selena's. I sat down. I began writing. Selena mumbled. I looked up and smiled at her. "I love you Justin." Selena said sleepily. 'Sleep talking? That's adorable.' I thought. "I love you too Selena." I said with a smile. I looked back down at my notebook and continued to write.

Selena's P.O.V.

Justin carried me off the plane. I began giggling. "Babe, I don't want you to hurt your back more." I giggled. Justin smiled at me. "It's already hurt, you're going to do nothing to it." he said. Justin set me down. I looked at the pavement then up. Life didn't seem real right now. I turned and faced Justin.

"I'm so glad you came to Paris." Justin said. I smiled at him. "Same."I replied with a smile. "So what do you want to do first. I mean this is the city of love." he said. Justin wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I rested my hands on his shoulders.

'The city of love. I liked the sound of that.' I thought. I smiled at the ground then back up at Justin. "It doesn't matter what we do first. All that matters is that we're here together." I said.

Justin pressed his lips against my forehead then quickly took them off. I stood on my tiptoes and quickly kissed his forehead. I saw his mom walking toward us. She had an angry facial expression on her face. I ignored her and stared at Justin. I felt my feet rise off the ground. "Babe your back." I said in a worried tone. Justin just laughed. He picked me up so our lips would line up.

I wrapped my legs around Justin's waist. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "I love you Justin." I said. "I love you too Selena." Justin said with a smile. Then I saw Pattie right behind Justin. Her face was red. 'Was she that angry?' I thought. Pattie sprung up off the floor.

In the air she looked at me evilly. "Pattie stop!" I yelled. But she wouldn't. She forced me out of Justin's arms. I began falling back. "It was a huge mistake for you to come to Paris!" she yelled at me. But I thought she wanted me here. I hit my head against the pavement.

My eyes widened as I quickly got up. I knocked the blanket off me onto the floor. I looked around. I was still on the plane. I breathed slower. 'It was only a dream.' I thought. I looked at Justin. He was writing something ina notebook. I looked closely, but I couldn't make out the words. Justin looked away from his notebook. He set the notebook down in the seat that was next to him. He smiled at me.

"Did you know you were a sleep talker?" he asked. 'I am?' I thought. I looked at him confused. "Don't worry it's cute." he said. I smiled at him. "What were you writing?" I asked curiously. Justin's smile grew wider. "Well I was just writing down what you told me." he admitted.

I looked at him confused. "When you said everything's gonna be alright." he said. 'Oh yeah! Now I remember."I thought. "Why were you writing that down?"I asked. "It just sounded good for a song." he said. 'Oooh a song? That's awesome!' I thought. "You're writing a song?" I asked.

"Kinda." he replied. "Can I see it?" I asked. Justin picked up the notebook then handed it to me. I looked at what he had written down. All across the page was: Everything's gonna be alright. I handed the notebook back to Justin.

"Yeah it's not really a song yet." Justin laughed. I nodded in agreement. "You have really sloppy handwriting." I said jokingly. Justin laughed. "Well at least I'm not a sleep talker." he argued jokingly. "Hey! You said that was cute." I giggled. He rolled his eyes. "Don't worry your handwriting is cute." I said. We both continued to laugh. I went over to the seat near Justin and quickly kissed him on the cheek. 

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