Chapter 21: Selena, where are you?

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Justin's P.O.V.

My parents sat down on the couch. Pacing in front of them, I fought back the tears. Selena wasn't here? Where was she? I needed to see her face. Looking at my parents, my dad was on his phone and my mom was looking at me confused. My dad couldn't be serious right now. My girlfriend was missing and all he cared about was his phone?

Taking my dad's phone from his hand, I threw it on the ground. My dad looked at me angrily. "Justin what is your problem?" he asked. "My problem?!? My problem is that my girlfriend is missing! This is all your fault! If you hadn't kicked her off set she wouldn't be missing." I said angrily. 

My dad picked his phone up off the ground and said, "Oh great Justin! You cracked my screen." "My girlfriend is missing!" I yelled. My dad rolled his eyes and got up from the couch and said, "Plus this was not my fault." He then went up the spiral staircase. Rolling my eyes, I then sat down next to my mom on the couch.

Looking down at the floor, I brought my hands up to my forehead. Sighing, I let the tears fall from my eyes. The fact that Selena was missing, killed me. My mom rubbed my back. "Justin, don't worry. Everthing's gonna be alright." my mom said.

Whining, I replied, "You sound like Selena." My mom pulled me in closer and hugged me. Everything was making me think of Selena. My mom let go of me.

Turning my head, I looked over at my mom. She brought her hand to my cheek. Using her thumb, she wiped the tears from my face. Sniffling, my mom wiped the rest of the tears from my face. "Justin did you try calling her?" my mom asked. 'Oh yeah.' I thought. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I became more worried about Selena.

"Justin, you shouldn't have been that hard on your dad." my mom said. Rolling my eyes, how could she say that? He deserved it, and he really deserved the crack in his screen. Typing in Selena's number, I then brought my phone up to my ear. The rings were so long, and my heart began to race.

"Hey this is Selena! Well you got my voice mail, so leave a message after the beep. BEEP! Haha, no that was just me. Here's the real one..." Selena's voice mail said. Selena's voice mail was adorable. But all it did was remind me about her, I sighed.

"Selena it's Justin. When you get this, please, please, please call me. I need to hear your voice. Please just call me. I need to know that you are okay." I said. Hanging up my phone, I put it back into my pocket.

Not answering her phone, nowhere in sight. Now I was more than extremely worried about her. Looking at my mom, she hugged me. Her hugs helped a little, but right now all I needed was for Selena to walk through the front door.

Selena's P.O.V.

Crossing my arms under my chest, I felt the wind blow. My arms became cold. It was hard to believe how cold it was here. Still having no clue where I was going, I hoped wondering around would get me somewhere. Hopefully. Cars pushed past me. It seemed like the cars were making the wind stronger.

Walking along the curb, I looked around. The city looked so beautiful at night. A car rushed past me. A puddle of water flew up. Water flew into my eyes and all over the front of me. My jaw dropped, I moved my sunglasses to the top of my head. My eyes remanded closed. Bringing my index finger up to my eye, I quickly wiped it across my eyes. Water flew off my finger.

Looking down at my finger, I was covered in dirty water. Sighing, I moved away from the curb and continued walking down the sidewalk. The city looked the same. Continuing to wander, I didn't recognize anything. Seriously, I needed to be more observant of my surroundings.

After wandering around for half an hour, I finally recognized a building. Running up to it, I tripped on a curb of the sidewalk and fell on some dirt. Quickly getting up, I was now wet and dirty. 'Great.' I thought sarcastically.

Looking at the building, I knew it was one that was around the restaurant Justin had taken me to. Now I remembered how to get back to the house. Beginning to run, I headed off in the direction of the house.

Panting, I had been running for awhile now. Taking a short break, I now stood in front of the house. Finally, I had made it back. Going up to the front door, I opened it. Closing the door behind me, I saw Justin on the couch. His mom looked up at me ad smiled. She unwrapped her arms Justin and said, "Justin look."

Justin looked at me, and I could see the tears in his eyes. He sprung up from the couch and ran over to me. "Justin." I giggled. Justin picked me up and spun me around then set me back down on the ground. He smashed his lips against mine. By the way he was kissing me, I could tell he missed me.

He took his lips off mine then unwrapped his arms from me. "What did you  go swimming?" he asked while poking my stomach. Giggling, he put his arm back around me. Putting my lips against his, I heard footsteps go up the stairs. Justin took his lips off of mine.

"I'm just  happy that you're alright." he said. Smiling, I wrapped my arms around Justin. Justin pulled me in closer. Resting my head on Justin's shoulder. The way Justin was holding me was beyond amazing. I felt safe and where I needed to be. Now I knew that I definitely made the right decision running off to Paris with Justin.

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