Chapter 48: Waiting Room

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Justin's P.O.V.

Sitting patiently in the waiting room seat, I grew nervous. They had been operating on Selena for awhile now. There was dead silence between Scooter, Alfredo, and I. I figured we were all afraid to say something. The elevator dinged. We all looked over at the elevator, and my mom walked out through the doors.

Her eyes immediately focused on me. I stood up from my seat. My mom rushed over to me and wrapped her arms around me, and held me tightly.

"Justin you okay?" she asked while letting go of me. Shrugging, I then sat back down and slumped in my chair. My mom sat down in the seat next to me. Alfredo and Scooter sat across from us and just looked at the floor.

"Sweetie what happened?" my mom asked with concern. Staring at Alfredo and Scooter with a blank face, I couldn't stop thinking about Selena.

"I texted you what happened." I said. My mom rolled her eyes.

"No Justin I want the details on what happened." she demanded. Turning my head, I looked at her and shrugged.

"I really don't want to talk about it." I said. She rolled her eyes. My mom looked over at the two guys sitting across from us. She flashed a quick smile at them then looked back at me.

"Okay. I know you don't want to talk.  I'll just ask yes or no questions. And you can just nod or shake your head." my mom said. I nodded. 'The yes or no game.' I thought.

"You and Selena were fighting, right?" she asked. I nodded. It was a good thing that my mom wasn't making me talk; I wasn't in the mood.

"Did she make you upset?" she asked. Shaking my head, Selena has never made me upset before. 'I had made Selena furious with me.' I thought.

"So you made her upset?" she asked. Nodding, I sighed.

"Let me guess. It had something to do with Barbara?" she asked. Groaning, I noded. My mom sighed.

"I figured." she said under her breathe. Looking at her with a confused facial expression, she looked at me.

"Why?" I murmured.

"Well  you two seemed to be fighting more when Barbara came into the picture." my mom began. Nodding in agreement with her, that was nothing but the truth.

"Plus she had a huge blow out at the party." my mom added. Feeling like laughing, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I just didn't have the energy to.

"What did she say?" I murmured. Right now, I couldn't stop thinking about Selena. 'What happens if something goes wrong in the surgery?' I thought. My mom sighed.

"She just had a huge blow out. She said you quit the movie, and she was angry at Selena. She began cussing and flipping everyone off." my mom admitted. I half smiled.

"Dad fired her right?" I asked with hope.

"Immediately. And he dropped the movie." my mom admitted. Hearing about Barbara getting fired lightened up the mood a little. She deserved to get fired. Also, I was glad to here that the movie got dropped.

"Wait so what's dad going to do?" I asked.

"Wow! For someone who doesn't want to talk, you sure do talk a lot." my mom said. I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously mom?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"It really doesn't matter what he does." she said with some anger in her voice. Looking at her confused, I thought, 'Why was she talking like this?'

"So who's the driver who hit her?" my mom asked curiously. Glancing at Scooter and Alfredo, I then looked back at my mom. She looked over at them.

"They hit her?" she asked while looking back over at me. Nodding, I didn't want to look at them.

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