Chapter 15: Male Lead

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Justin's P.O.V.

The golf cart stopped where we had dropped Barbara off. 'New male lead in my dad's movie? What?' I thought. I was so confused. Why did my dad even hire me? If he did this as an idea for us to become closer......well it's the thought that counts. Selena and I got off the golf cart, and I saw my parents with Barbara. We walked over to them.

"Dad, what was that guy talking about? New male lead? He's lying, right?" I asked. Looking over at Selena, I saw that she was staring at Barbara with jealousy in her eyes. 'Don't be jealous babe.' I thought. "No. You're the new male lead. So it looks like Barbara is going to be your new co-star." my dad said. Looking over at Barbara, I saw she had a huge smile on her face. 

"Can we talk?" I asked while looking over at my dad. My dad and I went over to the side. "Why do you look so sad? You should be happy! You're the star of my new movie!" my dad said excitedly. "I'm not sad, just confused. Why me? I thought you were finding someone else." I said.

"Well I had to pull a few strings to get you as the lead. But it was all worth it. I know you are going to do great son." he said. The tone of his voice sounded so fake.

"You sure?" I asked. He nodded. I still felt like my dad was lying to me. But I should be grateful. I'm going to be in a movie. Wow. "So do you want to do it or not?" he asked. "Sure." I said in an unsure tone.

Walking back over, I went over to Selena, Barbara, and my mom. "So I'm the male lead." I said. Selena smiled at me. She looked excited and nervous. Selena came up to me and hugged me while saying, "You're going to do great babe." Letting go of her my dad came over to us. "Well we better get you familiar with the set." my dad said. Another golf cart pulled up and my mom and dad got on it.

Barbara, Selena, and I got on the other golf cart. Selena and I headed to the backseat of the golf cart. Barbara then grabbed my hand and demanded, "Sit up front with me." Not giving me a chance to say my opinion, she tugged on my hand and pulled me up front. Once we sat down in the front seat, she let go of my hand. Selena sat down in the backseat alone.

Barbara leaned in closer to me. Swallowing, I scooted over a little. 'She knew I was with Selena, right?' I thought. The golf carts came to a stop. We all went into the building. Selena seemed to be distant from me when Barbara was around. She was so quiet. Looking around, I saw that Selena was behind me; walking very slow.

"Babe you okay?" I asked. Barbara moved closer to me. Selena perked up and said, "Yeah" Her smile was fake. Looking back forward, I tried to think of the real reason why my dad would hire me. I wasn't even sure what my dad's movie was about. That was sad. Looking behind me, I looked to see if Selena was coming closer to me. Still distant.

Looking back forward, it seemed like we were taking a maze to get on set. "Do we even know where we are going?" I asked.  "I'm the director. Of course I know where I am going." my dad said rudely. 'He seemed so different on set. Maybe that's because he didn't have a phone in his hand. Haha. No, just kidding.' I thought.

Walking slower, I hoped Selena would catch up to me. Selena walked by my side. She was looking down at the floor, I moved closer to her. Kissing her cheek, I felt her frown immediately turn into a smile. She looked me in the eye. "Don't worry, just because she is the female lead and I am the male lead doesn't mean anything is going to happe between us."  I said convincingly.

"Okay, okay. I trust you." Selena said. Kissing her cheek again, I heard her giggle. Pulling her in close, I kissed her. Her lips were so soft. She pulled away from me. "As much as I love this, we have to stop. I don't want to get you fired." Selena said.

Beginning to laugh, I then saw the seriousness in her eyes. She was being dead serious. "Yeah like my dad is going to fire me." I laughed. 'Wait, would he?' I thought.

Moving in closer, I kissed Selena again. Kissing Selena made time freeze, and made me forget about everything in the world. "Justin stop making out with your girlfriend! I'm trying to show you the set!" my dad yelled. Selena pulled away.

"Told you." she giggled. Rolling my eyes, I took her hand. We quickly caught up to my dad. He stopped in front of a door. "Behind this door is the set." my dad said with excitement.

My mom wrapped her arm around me. "Sweetie just because you are in a movie doesn't change the fact that you are my baby." my mom whispered. Looking at my mom I replied, "I know mom." She unwrapped her arm from me as my dad opened the door.

I couldn't wait to see what the set looked like. The excitement was filling me with questions. What knid of movie was I going to be in? All I hoped was that Barbara and I wouldn't have to be a couple in the movie. We followed my dad into the set room. He quickly closed the door behind us.

There was a huge beach set, that looked like it was representing Hawaii. "You two like the set?" my dad asked excitedly. "Love it!" Barbara said. "Wait, dad. I'm confused. If this movie, what seems like takes place in Hawaii, why are we in Paris instead of Hawaii?" I asked.

"Well your characters start off in Hawaii. But then Barbara's character; Elizabeth; has to move to Paris to be with your character; Jace. So Elizabeth runs off to Paris to be with Jace." my dad explained.

Selena and I looked at each other. How ironic. My dad's movie is exactly what happened with me and Selena. Well sort of. Same concept. 'Wait? Couple? With Barbara!' I thought. Looking away from Selena, I immediately looked at my dad.

Selena's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that Jeremy had a similar story line to what had happened between Justin and I. My eyes widened. 'That meant Barbara was going to be Justin's love interest in the movie.' I thought. It was obvious that Barbara liked Justin. She was probably the one that suggested that Justin be the male lead. But it was wrong to accuse her. But it seemed like something she would do.

"Wait. So Barbara and I are like dating in the movie?" Justin asked. Jeremy nodded. "Yeah, I don't know if I am comfortable with that." Justin said. 'Thank goodness.' I thought. The last thing I needed was for my boyfriend to fall for a beautiful actress. "Justin it's fine. Things won't get to intense." Jeremy said. Now I was so relieved.

"So I won't have to kiss her, right?" Justin asked. Jeremy pulled out his phone and began texting. "Well of course you are going to have to kiss her." Jeremy said. Justin let go of my hand. He walked over to his dad and said, "Yeah I'm not comfortable with that."

"Well get comfortable. It's acting." Jeremy said. Barbara moved over towards me, and stood close by me. My eyes stayed focused on Justin.

"Well why can't you just hire Selena? I mean she is my girlfriend. Plus it sounds like this movie is based off of me and Selena." Justin said. It was sweet of him to want me to be in the movie with him. But to be honest, I was no actress.

Jeremy continued looking down at his phone. Even though I could see the back of him, I knew he was annoyed with Justin.

Justin grabbed the phone from his dad's hands. Jeremy immediately looked up. "What's your problem?" Jeremy asked. "Dad I'm trying to have a conversation with you." Justin said. Justin then threw his dad's phone.

Laughing a little, I didn't expect Justin to do that. Pattie immediately ran over to where Justin threw the phone. She caught the phone in mid-air and yelled, "Got it!"

"Justin I am not hiring Selena. Barbara's the female lead and that is that." Jeremy said. Pattie walked up to Jeremy and handed him his phone back. Jeremy checked his phone to make sure it still worked then continued texting. Barbara nudged me. Unwillingly, I looked over at her.

"I would be worried if I were you." Barbara said. Looking at her confused, I asked, "Why?" 'That was a stupid question. I knew why I should be worried. And to be honest, I was.' I thought. "Well I am an amazing kisser. So the second Justin kisses me on set, is the day he breaks your heart." Barbara said with a smile. Glaring at her, I tried to show that I wasn't worried.

"Why would Justin dump me for you?" I asked while crossing my arms. Barbara glared. "You'll see" she said with a smirk. "Doubt it!" I said. Barbara flipped her hair, and her hair flew into my face. She strutted over to Justin. 'Who did she think she was?' I thought.

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