Chapter 10: It's too Early

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Justin's P.O.V.

Someone was shaking my shoulder. Trying to ignore them, I tried to stay asleep. They shook my shoulder harder. Opening my eyes,I looked at my dad and yawned. 'At least I thought it was my dad. I mean he didn't have a phone in his hand,' I thought jokingly.

"Justin we need to go now." my dad said. Sitting up in my bed, I was still half asleep. "Where are we going?" I asked sleepily. Rubbing my eyes, I then swung my legs over my bed. Picking up pants, I then put them on. My dad threw a shirt at me. Quickly, I put it on. "Hurry we need to go." he demanded. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my phone off my desk. Pressing the home key, I read the time: 5:27 a.m.

He had to be kidding right now. It was 5:00 in the morning. Where could we possibly be going? "Oh yeah, make sure to wake your girlfriend up. That is if you want her to come with us. We're leaving at 5:30." my dad said. He walked over to the door and took his phone out of his pocket. "Dad you can't be serious. Why are you waking me up now? Selena literally has two minutes to get ready." I said.

"Then she better get a move on." my dad said while leaving the room. For some reason, I felt my dad had planned this out. I mean only giving Selena two minutes to get ready. It seemed like he didn't want her to come. Leaving my room, I went over to Selena's room and opened her door. The door let out a loud creak. Selena rolled over in her bed. Sitting on the edge of her bed, I stared at her.

Selena looked so cute when she was sleeping. Moving closer to Selena, I put my hand on her shoulder. Shaking her lightly, her eyes began to open. Her eyes immediately looked into mine, she giggled then sat up. Selena tilted her head.

"What time is it?" she asked sleepily. "It's almost 5:30. You have to get ready now if you'e coming with us." I said. Selena un-tilted her head. "Where?" she asked. "I'm not sure. We just have to go soon. So get dressed fast." I said. Selena nodded. Placing my lips on her cheek, I quickly kissed her cheek then left her room.

Closing the door behind me, I waited by the door. "Awww dang it! I won't have time to put my makeup on." Selena whined. Turning my face towards the door, I said, "Selena you look beautiful without makeup." Selena laughed a little. "Babe that's sweet but you don't have to lie." Selena said.

"Babe I'm not lying to you. You're gorgeous with or without it," I said. "I love you." Selena said. Selena opened the door then I said, " I love you too." She even looked gorgeous in sweats. "Do I look okay?" Selena asked. I nodded. Her sweats looked great on her, and her white crop showed just the right amount of stomach, plus she was wearing her J-ring.

Selena took my hand and we rushed down the stairs. I still wasn't sure why we had to rush out of the house. All I knew was that we had to leave now.

Opening the door, Selena and I went out it. Closing the door behind us, I saw my dad get in the passenger seat of the car. Selena and I rushed into the back of the car.Before getting in the car, I let go of Selena's hand. The driver immediately took off when he heard the door shut.

"Attachez-vous des enfants." the driver said. Bucking up my seat belt, I saw Selena with a confused facial expression. "Wait, what?" Selena asked. Laughing under my breathe, I just loved when Selena looked confused. She was just too cute. "Just buckle up babe." I said. Selena had a look on her face that said: oh-yeah-duh. Selena then buckled her seat belt.

Rolling my eyes, I heard the sound of my dad's phone typing. One day I swear I'm just going to rip his phone out of his hands, throw it on the ground and smash it. Just to see how long he could survive. "Sharp turn! Hold on!" the driver said.

The driver slammed on the breaks. Selena slammed into my side. Selena returned back to her original seat. Seriously it's like 5:30 in the morning, I don't want to go anywhere. The car came to a stop. Looking around, I saw that we were at a gated area. The driver rolled down the window.

"Name." they demanded. "Jeremy Bieber." my dad said while looking down at his phone. Selena moved closer to me. "Oh Mr. Bieber! Go right through!" the man exclaimed. My dad nodded his head.

The man pushed a button and the gate opened. The driver went through the opening. The gate closed behind us. Selena and I looked out the window next to me. "Where are we?" Selena asked.  Selena and I both looked at my mom. She was sound asleep.

"Dad where are we?" I asked "Can't you see I'm busy." he said. The clicks of the letters continued. Looking back out the window, I saw people running around. There were people in costumes, holding set pieces, and people with cameras. 'Are we on a movie set?' I thought. "Dad are we on a movie set?" I asked. His phone shut off.

My dad turned back and looked at me. "Not just on a movie set Justin. We're on my movie set." my dad said with a smile. That was the first time that I saw my dad smile since we came to Paris.

Then I remembered the Eiffel Tower. I was supposed to take Selena today. "Wait dad! This is cool and all but how long do you think we will be here?" I asked. "Awhile. Like a few hours or so. Why are you going somewhere?" my dad asked. Taking Selena's hand I said, "Well Selena and I are going to the Eiffel Tower today." I said with a smile.

Selena's P.O.V.

Justin took my hand. He looked into my eyes and said, "Well Selena and I are going to the Eiffel Tower today." "I thought your mom didn't want you going out anymore." Jeremy said. Looking at Justin with concern, I had forgotten Pattie didn't want us going out anymore. "Well she hasn't picked a punishment." Justin said.

"Justin it's okay if we don't go today. I mean we have a whole year." I said. Justin had a look on his face that said: Are-you-serious? "Selena don't be crazy. The second we leave the movie set we'll go to the Eiffel Tower. I want your dream to come true." he said. 'He's so sweet.' I thought.

"Justin seriously it's fine." I said. Justin squeezed my hand a little tighter. "No. Don't we're gonna go." Justin said with a smile, I then smiled back. "Well I'm glad the two of you are happy to see the set." Jermey said angrily. Justin and I both rolled our eyes. Sure I was excited to be on he set of a real movie, but I had been dreaming of the Eiffel Tower forever.

The car came to a complete stop. Jeremy got out of the car then Justin got out. He held the door open for me. Looking over at Pattie, I saw she was still asleep. I shook her shoulder while saying, "Pattie." Pattie mumbled a little. "Pattie." I repeated. I took my hand off her shoulder.

Pattie stretched out her arms, hitting me in the face. Falling, I landed across the back seat of the car. "Oh Selena! I'm so sorry! Wasn't thinking! It's too early." Pattie said while helping me up. "It's fine." I said. Getting out of the car, Pattie followed behind me. Justin slammed the car door behind us. Pattie walked over to Jeremy's side.

Justin grabbed my hand. He turned his and I turned mine. He smiled. Every time he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. "Don't worry. We're still going." he said. Nodding, I believed him. We were going to the Eiffel Tower today.

A man in a suit quickly walked up to us. He had a blue tooth in one ear, and a phone in his hand. He stopped in front of Jeremy. He put his phone in the pocket of his suit. He had a worried look on his face.

"Jeremy, we have a problem." he said. Jermey looked concerned. "What kind of problem?" Jermey asked. "Just follow me." he said. We all began to follow him.

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