Chapter 28: Alone at the House

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Selena's P.O.V.

Waking up in Justin's bed, I looked around his room. The water was running from the bathroom that was connected to his room. Justin walked out of the bathroom with just his pants on. Sitting up in the bed, I smiled. "Morning." I said. His eyes widened. "Oh morning babe, I didn't know you were up."Justin said.

"Sorry, I'll put a shirt on." he said while laughing. Just smiling at him, I was enjoying the view. Justin quickly licked his lips. The door opened, causing us both to turn our heads in that direction. In the doorway was Jeremy.

"Justin we need to leave soon." he said. Justin nodded. Picking a shirt up off the bed, I threw it to him. Justin grabbed the shirt in the air, and said,"Thanks babe." Justin then put the shirt on.

"Aren't you gonna get ready to come on set with me?" Justin asked while sitting down on the bed. Smirking, I knew that Justin was listening to mine and Jeremy's conversation last night. So he knew that I wasn't going on set today. "You know I'm not going. I'm just going to hang out here at the house." I said.

Justin nodded, then said,"Okay. I'm going to miss you." He said. Smiling, I said,"I'm going to miss you too." We both heard a car honk.

"That's my cue."Justin said, and I nodded. "Justin! Hurry up! We need to go!" Pattie yelled. Justin rolled his eyes. He leaned over to me and quickly pecked my lips. "I'll see you when I'm done on set." Justin said.

"Justin come on! Your dad is waiting!" Pattie yelled. The car horn honked again. It now sounded louder. Justin got up off the bed and went to the door. He opened the door and stood in the doorway. He turned around and said,"I'll miss you." Shaking my head, I giggled. Justin was so cute.

"I'll miss you more,"I said. Justin's smiled grew wider. "I'll miss you more than more." Justin said while laughing.

"You're so cheesy." I said while laughing. He blew me a kiss then closed the door behind him. 'Yay! House to myself!' I thought sarcastically. Once the front door was closed, I got up from Justin's bed. Going into the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and groaned.

Seriously I was a mess. I had a terrible bed head and looked so sloppy. Running a brush through my hair, I had no idea about what I was going to do all day. After brushing my hair, I set the hair brush down on the counter. Looking at my pajamas, I thought,'Was there really a point in getting dressed today?'

Leaving Justin's bedroom, I went into the window-wall room. Bringing my legs up onto the couch, I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my shins. Looking out the window-wall, I just loved it so much. It just showed such an amazing view. Seriously, I probably wasn't going to do anything today. Besides looking out the window-wall and relaxing.

Justin's P.O.V.

Getting into the back seat of the car with my mom, I heard the sound of letters being typed. The driver drove off. My mom and I quickly put our seat belts on. It felt weird without Selena being in the car. Seriously, I wanted to stay at the house with her. But no, I had to come and do this movie.

The car seemed to be going faster than usual. Looking at my mom, she was purposely avoiding my eyes. Looking away from her, I looked at the head rest my dad's head was laying against.

"Hey dad why did you ask Selena to stay at the house?" I asked. In the corner of my eye, I saw my mom look down. She obviously knew that my dad was going to lie. To be honest, I was expecting him to lie.

"I didn't. She told me that she didn't want to come."my dad said. Yep, I was right. he was going to lie to me, and do a bad job at it. Probably get my lying skills from him. Rolling my eyes, I just wished that he would be honest with me.

"So what are we doing on set today?" I asked in an annoyed tone. All that we've done for this movie so far is one scene. How long was it going to take to do this movie? Well I guess I should be blaming myself for only running one scene; I mean I've seriously been screwing things up.

First of all I had only memorized my lines for that scene. Second, I was messing up on the scene. Third, I have trouble connecting with the lead actress. Fourth, I blew off a whole day on set. Wow, I really was  a bad actor. Why hadn't my dad fired me yet? If I was the director, I would have fired me a long time ago.

"Well you are definitely kissing Barbara."my dad said, making me groan. My dad knew how I felt about kissing Barbara. "Plus things will go well today. Since Selena isn't here. No distractions." my dad said. Raising my eyebrows, I now knew why he had asked Selena to not go on set today. 

"It's a good thing she decided to stay at home today." my dad said. Rolling my eyes, I could tell by the tone he was using that he had a smirk on his face. "Yeah decided...." I said.

The car pulled up to the lot. Paparazzi swarmed around the car. They were all yelling at my dad. Looking at all of them confused, my dad rushed into the building. The paparazzi swarmed around me, making me lean up against the car. They all began asking me questions.

They were all yelling so I couldn't make out any of the questions they were asking me. My mom came out of the car. "You should be ashamed of yourselves." my mom said. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and guided me through the paparazzi. We went into the building.

My mom unwrapped her arm from me and we both faced each other. "Thanks mom," I said while hugging her. My mom let go of me and said,"Anytime sweetie.. Now go get dressed before your dad gets angry with you." 

My mom walked off to the set. Turning around, I headed to my dressing room. Today was going to be like every other day. Just another boring day on set.

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