Chapter 11: Problem on Set

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Selena's P.O.V.

We continued following the man, then he stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around and looked at me and Justin. The way he looking at us was like we were creatures he has never seen before. "Are they allowed to know?" he asked. "Well since I don't know what the problem is, I don't know." Jeremy said. 'He had a point.' I thought. The man rolled his eyes then tured back around. He began walking and we all followed.

Whatever the problem is, it can't be that be bad. We reached the part of the lot that was filled with trailers. 'This is probably where the actors live.'' I thought. We walked up to a trailer. The man placed his hand on the doorknob of the trailer. "Why are we at the actor's trailer?" Jeremy asked. The man ignored Jeremy. He then opened the door.

I was so confused. He came down the stairs, then motioned for us to go up them. Pattie and Jermey went up the stairs, and we followed behind them. Once we were in the trailer, I looked around. There was nothing in here. (Well there were a few decorations.)

"Why are we in an empty trailer?" I asked. Jeremy glared. 'Okay wrong time to ask a question.' I thought. Jeremy looked angrily around the trailer. What was he so upset about? There was nothing here! Wait was he looking for something? Looking around the trailer, I still saw nothing.

Jeremy walked over to the trailer's table. Looking over at Pattie, I saw that she was just as confused as I was. I looked back over at Jeremy. He picked up a vase off the table. He glanced at Pattie. He looked back down at the vase. He violently threw the vase towards Pattie. "Dad what are you doing?" Justin yelled angrily. Pattie ducked.

The vase flew over Pattie's head. The vase hit the trailer window and shattered. Justin let go of my hand and immediatley went over to his mom. He looked at his dad angrily. "What's your problem?" he asked rudely. Jeremy looked at the vase then at Pattie. He seem liked he didn't know what he just did.

Jeremy ran out of the trailer. Rushing, I went over to Pattie and Justin. Justin helped Pattie up. "You okay?" he asked. Pattie nodded. Justin picked the small pieces of glass out of Pattie's hair. "What's his problem?" I asked. Pattie looked at me. "He just has some anger issues." Pattie admitted.

Seriously, Jeremy had anger issues? It was hard to believe he had them, but after that outburst, I could believe it. But he had everything he could possibly want. Plus what is even the big deal about an empty trailer? Justin took the last piece of glass out of Pattie's hair.

Justin's P.O.V.

Taking the last piece of glass out of my mom's hair, I was beyond worried about her. I knew my dad had anger problems, but seriously? Throwing a vase? That was over rated. Soon we all left the trailer.

Going up to my dad, I knew I had to stand up for my mom. He was arguing with the man who had brought us here. "What's your problem? You could have just killed my mom!" I complained. My dad didn't even look at me. "Hello? I'm talking to you." I said angrily.

My dad looked at me. He looked at me like he didn't know what I was talking about. "Are you serious?" I asked. Now I was beyond annoyed with my dad. Maybe I was right, he didn't care about me. He probably didn't even want my mom and I here.

"I'll talk to you about this later." he muttered. "No we need to talk about this now." I demanded. My dad looked at me angrily. "Can't you see I'm busy?" he asked. I hated hearing him say that. He always seemed to be busy now.

My dad rolled his eyes. He looked past me and looked at my mom. "Pattie I'm sorry." my dad yelled. I looked at him confused. He called that an apology? "I'm fine honey. I forgive you." my mom called. My dad nodded. 'How could my mom forgive him? He threw a vase at her.' I thought. My dad went back over to talking to the man. Annoyed, I stormed off back to my mom and Selena. Now I was annoyed with both of my parents.

After awhile my dad stopped arguing with the man. He turned and faced us. His face was filled with annoyance and anger. "What's wrong honey?" my mom asked. My dad let out a deep sigh. "Something went wrong with the movie. If I can't find a replacement for the male lead in two hours then they are canceling the movie." my dad whined.

Now I understood why my dad was upset. But he still had no right to throw a vase at my mom. "Herb and I are going to do auditions." my dad said while pointing to the man in the suit. My mom went over to my dad. "Want me to help you with your auditions?" she asked. He nodded then they all walked off.

Taking Selena's hand we began to follow behind. My dad stopped then turned back around and looked at us. We both stopped. "Justin you and Selena can go in that trailer and meet the female lead." my dad said. He winked at me. Rolling my eyes, I couldn't believe him.

Was he seriously trying to hook me up with the female lead? Holding up my hand with Selena's hand in mine I said, "I have the perfect girlfriend." Putting our hands back down, my dad looked at me with slight disappointment.

"I know. I was just kidding. But you should seriously meet her." he said while turning back around. Selena and I turned around and headed to the trailer.

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