Chapter 9: In the City

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Justin's P.O.V.

I held Selena's hand while she tried keeping her balance on the short brick wall. Selena gripped my hand tighter. She continued doing that every time she was about to fall. Looking up at her, I saw she was focused on her feet. Selena grasped my hand.

"I wish I had my phone out and took a video of you eating those snails." I laughed. Selena looked over at me. "They were gross! You sould've told me." Selena whined. "I did." I said. "Yeah but not till after I ordered them." she said. "But your reaction was priceless. But it was cute babe." I said.

Selena rolled her eyes. "Hey! Your reaction was priceless too. I couldn't believe that you decided to try them after you saw my reaction." Selena said. One of Selena's feet slipped off one of the bricks. She toppled over landing on top of me. She began to giggle. "Sorry." Selena apologized. Selena then pressed her lips against mine.

She took her lips off mine then got up. She then grabbed my hand and helped me up. "It's okay it was a good accident." I said. Selena flashed a smile then ran up ahead of me. She began spinning in circles. Once she regained her balance she stopped and faced me. "I just love Paris so much." Selena said. Walking up to Selena, I then wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.

Once we stopped hugging Selena grabbed my hand. We continued walking down the pathway. "This park is just beautiful." Selena said. I nodded in agreement. Selena stopped and looked at me. "Hey babe in French how do you say: I have the best boyfriend ever?" Selena asked. I laughed a little then smiled at her.

"J'ai le meilleur ami de garçon jamais." I responded, "Then I would say: J'ai la meilleure amie jamais." Placing my hand under Selena's chin, I tilted her head up. We put our lips on each other's. Selena then pulled away. "You are seriously the best." Selena said. We then continued to walk down the park pathway. I looked over at Selena. "Hey tomorrow do you wanna go to the Eiffel Tower?" I asked.

Selena's P.O.V.

The Eiffel Tower. Then I leaped up into Justin's arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, I said," I thought you would never ask." I kissed his cheek then his lips. I got down then we continued down the path.

"Looks like someone is excited." Justin said. I laughed. "It's always just been a dream of mine to go to the Eiffel Tower." I said happily. "Well babe it looks like your dream is coming true tomorrow." he said. "I'm glad my dream will come true with you." I said with a smile.

The Eiffel Tower tomorrow. That sounded amazing. My dream would come true with the best boyfriend ever. Justin's phone went off. We stopped as Justin let go of my hand. Justin took his phone out and looked at the screen of his phone. "It's my mom." he said. His eyes widened. "What?" I asked curiously. Justin ignored the call. He quickly put his phone back in his pocket.

"It's past our curfew." he said. My eyes widened. "What do we do now? I don't even remember how to get back to house." I admitted in panic. "Maybe my mom was right. We did get lost." Justin said. "Well at least we had a great time." I said while giggling. Justin rolled his eyes.

"Come on. We need to find a way back to the house." Justin said. We ran out of the park, soon we reached the exit. Panting, I looked around in panic. 'It's a good thing I wore flats.' I thought. Justin and I looked right, then to our left, then at each other. "Which way was the restaurant?" we asked at the same time while looking into each other's eyes.

Biting my bottom lip, I tried to resist from laughing. This was no laughing matter. We were lost; in Paris. We didn't even know the address of the house. This was bad. I looked around. I had no clue how to get back.

"Maybe we should call your mom." i suggested while looking back at him. "I would but she's already mad at me. Plus, I don't want to get the I told you so talk again." Justin admitted. I didn't blame him, I hated that talk to.

"Well what do we do then?" I asked. Justin looked around then back at me. "Wander." he replied. He took my hand and we went straight. None of these shops looked familiar. There wasn't even a restaurant in sight. Biting my bottom lip, I looked around hoping to find something that was familiar to me. We should have listened to Pattie. We deserved the I told you so talk.

We turned a corner. Still no sight of the restaurant. It became cold and I moved closer to Justin. "You cold?" he asked. I nodded. He put his arm around my shoulder. Moving in closer, I leaned in while we continued to walk down the street. Another corner turned, and still no restaurant.

"Justin I think we need to call your mom now." I said. He looked at the floor. Justin unwillingly took his phone out of his pocket. People bumped into us. We scooted closer to the curb of the street. Justin unwrapped his arm from me. A car rushed past us.

A car engine roared coming towards us. Justin began dialing. I turned around and saw a parked car on the street next to us. The car was white and said POLICE on it. My eyes widened. Justin put his phone back in his pocket and rushed over to my side. The police's car windows rolled down.

"Yeah I found them." the cop spoke into his walkie talkie. He put the walkie talkie down. "You Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez?" the cop asked. 'Oh good! Finally someone who speaks English.' I thought.

Justin's P.O.V.

"Get in." the cop demanded. I looked over at Selena. By her facial expression I knew she couldn't make up her mind if we should trust this cop or not; and I agreed with her. How did he know our names and why did we have to get in his car? "Don't look at me like that. Your mom called; Justin and I'm here to escort you to your house." the cop explained. 'Yeah that sounds like something my mom would do.' I thought.

"I'm just glad I can understand you." Selena said. We both laughed. Selena went over to the car and opened the back door. She crawled in the back seat and I followed. I shut the door. We both buckled our seat belts. The car began to drive off. This time I examined the surroundings; I was trying to remember them so I would know how to get home next time.

We pulled up to the house. "Next time don't get lost." the cop demanded. Selena and I both got out of the car. Selena closed the door behind her and the cop immediately took off. We walked up the path that lead to the doorway of the house. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Almost midnight. Sliding my phone back in my pocket, I nervously walked up to the front door.

Selena stood by me on the doorstep. Raising my hand up, I got ready to knock on the door. The door flew open, as I put my hand down. My mom rushed over to us and gave us both a huge hug. She let go of us then signaled for us to get inside.

She looked at us with that I-told-you-so look. All I could think was, 'Yeah, you told me so.' My mom crossed her arms under her chest. Avoiding her eyes, I looked down at the floor.

"Selena why don't you go to your room?" my mom suggested. Selena nodded. She went over to the spiral staircase and went up. My mom waited for Selena's footsteps to die down. She wouldn't stop making that look. "Yeah I know mom. You told me so." I said. My mom nodded in agreement. She uncrossed her arms.

"Justin, I just don't know what I am going to do with you. You broke curfew so I'm going to have to punish you." my mom said. 'Yeah I was expecting that.' I thought. "So ground me." I said. "I would but I don't how." my mom admitted. I looked at her confused. 'What was she was talking about?' I thought. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can't ground from seeing your girlfriend since she lives with us. I can't ground you from your phone; in case you get lost again. Plus I can't ground you from going out." my mom explained. 'Why couldn't she ground me from going out?' I thought. My mom sighed.

"I can't ground you from going out because your dad wants you somewhere tomorrow. Something about a surprise." she said. 'My dad actually had a surprise for me?' I thought. My mom walked over to the staircase and began going up the stairs.

I smiled. 'She forgot to ground me.' I thought with a smirk. "And don't think I forgot to ground you! I just have to find a punishment!" my mom yelled while continuing up the stairs. My smile faded away. She knew me so well.

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