Chapter 27: Clean-Up

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Selena's P.O.V.

Closing my bedroom door behind me, I looked at Jeremy. Jeremy crossed his arms. 'How could he be angry with me? I didn't do anything!' I thought. Looking at him confused, I asked, "What?" Crossing my arms Jeremy then uncrossed his. He looked at the door then back at me.

He signaled for me to follow him. Following him, he lead me over to the window-wall room. Looking out the window-wall I smiled. The same beautiful view it always had. Jeremy cleared his throat and I then looked back over at him.

"What?" I asked while uncrossing my arms. Jeremy rolled his eyes as if he expected me to know what he was thinking. "You know what." Jeremy said.

"If I knew what you were talking about then we wouldn't be having this conversation." I said. Jeremy looked at me annoyed. 'Well it was true. If I knew what he was talking about then we wouldn't be having this conversation.' I thought.

Shrugging I said," I seriously don't know what you are talking about." Jeremy stopped lookingat me annoyed. "Look I made a promise to Justin." he said. Looking at him confused, I tried to figure out what he was talking about. "Okay....What promise?" I asked.

"I promised not to kick you off set. anymore." Jeremy said. I nodded. "But Justin never said that I couldn't ask you to leave the set." Jeremy said. 'Well that's kind of the same thing.' I thought. "Okay but why do I need to leave the set?" I asked. Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Look we are running behind on this movie. It's obvious. Plus you and I both know you are a distraction to Justin." Jeremy admitted. Nodding, I was sort of a distraction on set.

"Okay so I can't go on set tomorrow?" I asked Jeremy nodded. Looking up at the ceiling I was sad yet relieved that I didn't have to go on set tomorrow. Looking back at Jeremy, I said,"Okay I won't go on set tomorrow." Jeremy nodded and smiled happily.

"Just stay at the house. The last thing I need is for you to get lost again...and Justin to be unhappy." Jeremy said. At first I actually thought that Jeremy cared about me getting lost. But who knew? Maybe he does. But I'm sure he would be more upset if he lost his phone.

"Okay I'll stay at the house." I said. Jeremy nodded then went back over to the spiral staircase. Turning back around, I headed back to my room. Maybe being at the house would be better than being on set. But at the house by myself? How was this going to go? But it did sound kind of fun. Reaching my room, I opened the door.

Justin's P.O.V.

Pressing my ear against the door, I could hear the murmurs of my dad and Selena talking. Then my dad asked Selena to not come on set tomorrow. 'What was his problem?' I thought. Then he called Selena a distraction. Seriously, I thought that we moved past this. Then I heard footsteps go down the spiral staircase, then footsteps coming near the bedroom. 

My eyes widened. The footsteps stopped in front of the door. 'Oh wait. My ear is still on the door.' I thought.

The door opened and I moved with the door. Falling onto the floor, Selena shut the door behind her then rushed over to my side. She helped me up and asked,"Babe what were you doing?" Standing up, I looked over at Selena. "Not listening in on your conversation." I lied. Selena rolled her eyes. "You're a terrible liar babe." she said.

Wrapping my arm around Selena's waist, I pulled her in closer. "And that's one of the things you love about me." I said with a smile. Selena and I moved in closer and then kissed. She took her lips off of mine. Unwrapping my arms from Selena's waist, she walked over to the tarp.

"Help me clean this up?" Selena asked kindly. Walking over to her, I picked up the paint cans and took them downstairs. Throwing the paint cans in the trash, I ran back inside. Running into the living room, my mom shook her head.

My mom crossed her head and said," I see you were painting." Looking down at my clothes, I was covered in paint. Looking back at my mom, I nodded. "Have fun?" she asked curiously. "Yeah Selena helping me clean up the mess right now." I said. My mom began to tap her toe.

"So that's what you were doing all day?Painting?" she asked. Nodding my mom came up to me and hugged me. "Don't ever do that again." she demanded then let go of me then lightly pushed my shoulder. "Okay I won't." I laughed.

"Justin I'm serious. Don't run off anymore. It scares me to death. At least next time just call me. I just want to know that you are alright. Don't worry about calling anyone else. Just me." my mom said.

"Okay just you." I said while laughing.  My mom rolled her eyes then went over to the spiral staircase and went up them. Following behind her, I went up to the third floor.

Opening Selena's bedroom door, I went in. The tarp was rolled up and in a corner of the room. Noticing the rug was moved, I looked over at Selena. "Really Justin?" she asked while looking at the black circle on the carpet. Shrugging, I replied,"Sorry babe it was an accident." I admitted. Selena playfully rolled her eyes.

"C'mon let's just get out of here. The fumes are getting to me." Selena said. We then left her room. She pulled out her phone and checked the time. "Well I'm gonna go to bed. See you in the morning." she said.

Grabbing Selena's hand, I said, "Sleep in my room." Selena bit her bottom lip then said,"I don't think your mom will be okay with that."

"No I'm sure she'll be fine with it." I said with a smile. Selena went and took a shower then got into her pajamas. Taking a shower, I put my boxers on. Going into my room, I saw Selena sleeping in my bed. 'She's so cute.' I thought.

Going onto my bed, I smiled. Selena slept under the covers and I slept on top of them. Wouldn't want my mom to suspect anything. Laying next to Selena, I kissed her forehead. "I love you Selena," I said after taking my lips off her forehead.

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