Chapter 25: Smells like Paint

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Justin's P.O.V.

The taxi stopped in front of my house. "Thank you." I said.Grabbing the bag of paint brushes, I got out of the car. Opening the back door, I took the cans of paint and the tarp out. After closing the back door, the taxi took off, It was hard to hold everything at once. Struggling along the path to the house, I went up onto the porch. Setting a paint can by the door, I bent down and lifted the doormat up and took the house key out. Letting go of the doormat, I stood up and put the key in the door.

The door swung open. Taking the key out of the door, I put it back under the doormat. Picking up the can of paint, I closed the front door with my foot. Setting one can of paint down, I thought, 'Now time for a surprise.' Going up to the third floor with a can of paint and paint brushes, I looked out the window-wall. It still looked kind of light out. Then I set the paint can down.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I checked the time. Only 3:13. Yep, I had time. Hopefully. How long would they wait for me to come back to the set? Picking up the the paint can, I went down the hallway. Setting the paint can by my door, I set the paint brushes next to it.

Going down the spiral staircase, I went and got the other paint can and tarp. Then I saw the front door was unlocked. Setting the paint can and tarp down, I went to the front door and locked it. Picking up the paint can and tarp again, I went up the spiral staircase. This paint can seemed heavier than the other one. Going back onto the third floor, I went over to where mine and Selena's rooms were.

Opening Selena's door, I dragged the paint cans in. Grabbing the tarp, I laid it across the carpet. Taking a paint brush out of the bag, I noticed there was something in the bag. Taking it out of the bag, I examined it. 'Oh this is what you use to open the paint can.' I thought. Setting the paint can opener next to the paint cans, I looked at the rest of the paint brushes.

Taking them all out, I laid them on a section of the tarp. Dragging a paint can onto the tarp, I grabbed the paint can opener. Squatting down near the paint can, I tried to figure out how to open it. Yeah, I had no idea how to open this paint can. How was I supposed to do this?

Looking at the paint can, I thought, 'It couldn't be that hard right?' Bringing the paint opener to the paint can, I tried to figure out how to use this. Well it looked like the paint opener would fit there. Sticking the paint can opener into the crease of the paint can, I began taking the paint can opener around the paint can. 'This is easy.' I thought.

The smell of fresh paint filled Selena's room. The scent was so strong it made me cough. The cap was almost off now. Reaching the last part of the can, I waited for it to pop off. Then the paint can opener got stuck. Tugging on it, it wouldn't budge. Pushing down on the paint can opener, I tried to make it move then yanked up. The paint opener went up and sent the cap flying off.

Quickly putting the paint can opener in front of me, I watched the cap. The cap went flying into the air. 'Please land on the tarp. Please land on the tarp.' I thought. The paint can top landed over on the end of the tarp, at the bottom of the circle. My eyes widened. It began teetering back and fourth. 'Just land on the tarp.' I thought. The cap of the paint can went down onto the carpet.

Of course!, I had opened the black paint and Selena's carpet was white. Rolling my eyes, I got up. Now there was going to be a big circle of black paint on her carpet. 'Should've gotten a bigger tarp.' I thought. 

Beginning to walk, I tripped over the paint can opener. Starting to fall; I stuck my hands out hoping to catch my fall. My right hand went into the paint can. The paint was almost up to my elbow. Rolling my eyes, I thought, 'Seriously?'

Getting up, I slowly took my hand out of the paint. My whole forearm was black. Shaking my forearm; little droplets of paint came off my forearm. The paint began dripping off my fingers. Rolling my eyes, I wiped my arms against the tarp. A majority of the paint went onto the tarp. But my forearm was still black.

Walking to the edge of the tarp, I picked up the cap from the paint can. A whole circle of black paint was on her carpet. 'How do I get this stain out?' I thought. Looking over at the rug, I had an idea. Dragging the rug over, I put it on top of the circle of black paint. This was probably a bad idea. But oh well. Shaking my hand again, the paint was beginning to dry.

I put the cap (with the paint side facing up) on the tarp. Going over to the paint brushes, I picked one up. Dipping it in the paint can I thought, 'I seriously should have bought a smaller paint can.'

Selena's P.O.V.

The car pulled up to the house. Right now I was so relieved and happy to get out of the car. Literally, I was stuck in the middle of Jeremy and Pattie fighting the whole way home. All they were fighting about was who was the worst parent. If they asked for my opinion, I would have honestly answered. But they didn't. Then I saw lights were on in the house. That was a good sign, right?

Patiently, I waited for Pattie and Jeremy to go ahead of me. Their fighting died down. Jeremy unlocked the door then we all went in. Jeremy closed the door behind me. We all looked at each other confused. A majority of the house's lights were on. 

"Do you smell that?" Pattie and I asked. Jeremy and I began to sniff the air. Taking a big whiff, the aroma filled my nose. The scent was so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. 'Finger! Fingernails! The smell was similar to the smell when I painted my fingernails.' I thought.

"Is that paint?" Pattie asked. Looking over at Pattie, I replied, "Smells like paint." Looking around the house, I tried to figure out where the scent was coming from. 'Wait. Why did the house smell like paint?' I thought.

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