Chapter 6

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Wednesday morning. The middle of the week. The day that holds the week together. The Betty Cooper of days. I woke up. I was feeling extra uneasy today, probably the lack of pills. I got out of bed and got ready for school. After I was done throwing on whatever was clean, I called Betty. I hand't spoken to her in days and she wanted to walk to school with me.

Raven Campbell is calling...

Betty Cooper: "Hey! I'm now leaving mine, just throwing my books into my bag."

Raven Campbell: "Alright, I'll meet you at the top of your road in 5?"

Betty Cooper: "See you later alligator. I've missed you in these 3 days that we haven't spoken." She laughed and I smiled. She was such a dork, in the cutest possible way.

Raven Campbell: "In a while crocodile and ditto!"

I ended the call and put my phone into my back pocket. I slung my bag over my shoulder, slipped on my converses and headed out the door. I started to run, but I got a short distance before feeling VERY out of breath. What was happening to me? I sighed and started to walk.

"Raven!" Betty called, she was grinning huge. I swear she will blind me with her outfit one day, it's so bright and pink. It's actually nice. She 'brightens' my day. God. Bad pun. Shut up Raven.

"Hey Betty." I smiled back, but it was a forced smile. I was in slight pain. There's nothing I could do though, I threw all my pills down the drain. Stupid move. Me and Betty walked side by side, we were laughing about how I broke my arm riding my bike up the exact street we were on. Tears fell from my eyes with laughter as we brought up old inside jokes.

"God Betty, I missed you when I was....Away." I said quietly and she sighed giving me a sympathetic smile before putting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay. I know why you hid the truth from us. I just want you to know that you can trust me with anything and i'm always here for you." She gave me that award winning smile and I felt that guilt arise again. The same guilt for net telling Jughead about trying to kill myself.

"I'm sorry." I smiled slightly and we carried on walking. When we reached the school, we both made a bee line for the student lounge. We were holding hands, so we didn't lose each other in the sea of students. When we entered I instantly smelt boys deodorant and expensive perfume. Betty went and sat with Kevin who was doing homework on the far table, Ronnie was sitting on the arm of a chair, flirting with a jock I'd never seen before, Archie was having a fight with his dollar bill and the vending machine that wouldn't accept it and Jughead was leaning against the wall next to Archie with his arms folded. The jocks were talking about the murder of Jason while I plopped myself next to Jughead and leaned against the wall.

"Hey Juggie." I nudged him slightly and he smiled, his way of greeting me without having to actually talk, he was lazy to say the least.

"Today's the day I face the music." I whispered and Archie heard because he glared at me right after Jughead to. Neither of them wanted me to, but it's what's right. Reggie started being a dick to Moose and Kevin about being gay, that pushed my buttons because Kevin was like my own flesh and blood, he was the closest thing I've ever had to a brother.

"Let's think about it for a moment. If a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not going to be a Jock right." Reggie started and I just rolled me eyes.

"No, let's be honest. Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny pathetic internet troll too busy writing manifestos to get laid. Some smug, moody, serial killer fan boy freak. Like Jughead." Reggie continued and as he said Jugheads name my anger rose, he is going to get it in a minute.

"What was it like Suicide squad? When you killed Jason. You didn't do stuff to the body did you? Like after." Reggie just kept on and on, I expected Jughead to stay silent and ignore him. This stuff didn't get to him but his response is one nobody was expecting.

"It's called necrophilia, Reggie. Can you spell it?" Jughead replied smartly. I almost choked as I laughed, but Reggie didn't take it as a joke and leaped up from his chair about to hit Jughead. Jughead jumped up ready to fight, but Archie stopped Reggie from getting to Jug.

"Shut the hell up Reggie." Archie growled, blocking the path for Reggie. Ronnie got up from her seat and put her foot down.

"Boys." She said eyeing them, she was the one who could control the boys. At least I hoped.

"What do you care, Andrews." Reggie spat.

"Nothing, just leave him alone." Archie replied.

"Holy crap, did you and Donnie Darko kill him together? Like some pervy blood brother thing?" Reggie said, he kept pushing my buttons saying things to my friends.

"Shut up Reggie, you're being an asshole." I growled and he looked at me and almost laughed in my face. He backed away from the guys and walked over to me, I saw Jughead and Archie look at each other, they were having a silent conversation.

"Raven Campbell." He laughed. "The girls 'Bad girl' Little miss popular." I shook my head. My nostrils flared slightly as I got angrier, my firsts tightened and my mouth got smaller.

"Everyone knows the story Raven. Little Miss Popular goes on a trip with her parents. One comes back, everyone was so ready to be happy that their friend was home. And to all their disappointment, you showed up. Alive. You fell off the wagon with the guilt that you should be dead and they shouldn't, they took you away when you got too crazy and here we are a year later. So why did you survive? Did you kill them?" Reggie hissed and I felt my heart explode, I felt my blood boil, I felt the pain of my parents rise, I tightened my fists and I felt my face turned red. promised I wouldn't cry, I won't show defeat.

"You know what Reggie. Yeah, I should've been the one to die. Yeah, people weren't expecting me to be alive. And yes, they were all disappointed that out of my wonderful family I survived. But you know what's worse? Everyday, everyday I pray to be dead. Why? Because i'm not surviving. And you have NO idea what it's like to be me. You're just an Asshole walking on mighty thin ice to become captain of the football team. But guess what? One day that ice will melt or crack, and you will fall. You will drown. And me? I'll be watching you drown. I will remember this conversation and let you drown." I spat and Reggie looked at me wide eyed.

"Your parents are dead. They're dead. You killed them and there is no bringing them back. Now I know why you're so angry. Murderer." He growled and that was the last straw, I punched him in the face, and when he took his hand away, his nose was bleeding. Archie stepped in between me and Reggie and moved me over to Jughead who put a protective arm around me.

"You're a dick head Reggie." Archie grimaced before pushing him. And then Reggie pushed him back, slamming Archie into the vending machine that made the same noise to car wind screen did. Archie fell to the ground as Reggie punched his face before getting pulled off by jocks. Everyone except from Ronnie, Reggie, Archie me and Jughead ran out. They didn't want to get in trouble incase a teacher walked in. Jughead removed me from the scene and I walked off from him, I wanted to be alone right now. I went to my classes as normal, I was going to talk to my head master when an announcement came on. It was sheriff Keller and Principle Weatherbee.

"Hello students, we have an update on the devastating matter of Jason Blossoms death. The autopsy report came back and we have news. " Mr Weatherbee started.

"We have had the reports back and we thought we should say that Jason Blossom did not die on July 4th, in fact he was murdered on July 11th 2016. We have informed this early so his grave and such can be corrected. Once again we are sorry for everyone's loss." Sheriff Keller said, soft yet stern.

Oh my god... I was at the river on July 11th. I don't fully remember what happened because I was so drugged up the day I came home.... What if... What if I killed Jason? Jason Blossom killed by former mental patient, Raven Campbell.. I can already see the headlines.
What have I done?

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