Chapter 15

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I got to dads from school that day, butterflies flying in my stomach as I thought about performing tonight. I looked at my knuckles, both hands were cut and bruised from the mishap earlier today. I went into the kitchen and put some frozen peas on them. I knew he would have some, I don't at the apartment.

"I just got a call from your headteacher." I instantly turned at the sound of my dad's voice, he made me jump.

"Oh yeah? What did they say." I replied rolling my eyes, looking him dead in the eye. "Wait, how do they know to contact you?"

"I told them to change it considering...And they told me you whooped some Jock's ass in the boys locker room." He said, almost proud. I knew he wouldn't lecture me, he wasn't that kind of Dad. Knowing him, he'd praise me for being tough.

"Look, although i'm proud that my daughter can take care of herself, you can't do this stuff Raven." He started and I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious! I don't want me daughter turning out like me." He said with sincerity and I almost felt bad.

"Dad, I won't become a Serpent, doing illegal deeds for my friends Dad. Oh, and i'm performing piano tonight at school, 7 pm." I said almost casually and Dad's eyes widened, Jo heard this from the lounge and entered the kitchen.

"You're performing again!?" Jo said and his eyes moved down to my knuckles he looked angry.

"Need me to sort someone out?" Jo asked and I breathed a laugh.

"I think she did that herself." Dad laughed. "Kid, that's great! I'm so proud of you."

I smiled at all the praise.

"I've got to go home and get ready, can I count on you guys to be there?" I asked. It was a big deal for me to be playing again and anyone who knew me would know that it would be the most important night of my life.

"Of course." Dad said and I felt reassured. I said bye and before going home, I headed to Pop's, I needed to see him.

I opened the double glass doors to Pop's and the bell rang, alerting Pop that I had entered. I scanned the room, I knew he was here, because I could here him typing away. I followed the noise, to see the top of his beanie poking out from one of the red booths. I slid in, sitting opposite him.

"Jones oh Jones, wherefore art thou Jones." I giggled as he looked up from his screen, smiling.

"Hey Juliet, I heard what happened earlier." He whispered, so we could keep it private. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Please do not give me a lecture about how I shouldn't have done it, I've heard enough from Archie to last a lifetime." I put my chin in my hands and let my elbows rest on the table. Jughead shut his laptop so he could put his attention in me.

"I'm not going to lecture you, I heard that you had your reasons and Chuck is an asshole, I'm glad someone finally shut that smug guy up. I'm just annoyed that it had to be you, you were going to stay out of trouble, remember?" He said. I appreciated what he said, even he did add that at the end. Jughead knew what to say in situations. I smiled.

"I remember. Guess what." I said grinning.


"I said guess." I frowned and he went to extreme extents to make it look like he was things, he furrowed his brows and put his hand on his chin.

"I give up." He eventually said laugh and I pushed him playfully.

"I'm performing today, piano at the school." I smiled and felt heat rise to my cheeks as he gave me this look, the look of amazement.

"Raven, wow. I'm so happy that you're finally showing people what you've got." He grinned and I tapped his nose with my finger.

"You'll be there right?" I asked, my smile disappearing at the thought of him missing it. He put his hand on mine and his green eyes pierced through mine.

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