Chapter 20

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His voice rang through my ears, I thought I was dreaming.

"Raven?" The voice said in an almost whisper. I could feel my head looking up, slowly. I wasn't smiling, I was terrified to even look at him. When our eyes met, his widened. A small smile crept on his face and it was a smile I hadn't ever seen, it was sincere. He instantly sat in the booth, opposite me and he took my hand in his, I couldn't even pull my hand away.

"You're okay!? God, all this time I thought you were- Never mind." He shook his head, before looking into my eyes again. His large hands were warm and matched his new smile, something was very different about him. Even though he had clearly changed, doesn't mean I had forgotten what he did to me. I remember dressing up in the best designer outfit I had and doing my hair and makeup, showing up to that stupid party to surprise him, and he was playing tonsil tennis with HER. I finally released my hand from his grip and glared at him, what was he doing!? He jumped slightly and my reaction.

"Raven, I'm so sorry. I'm an idiot and i'm cruel, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm just glad you're here and okay." He sighed, he looked so genuine and I wanted to know why.

"What's happened to you? Why're you so...... Different?" I asked with a quiet voice, tilting my head slightly and looking him dead in the eye.

"Well." He sighed. "My dad decided that I shouldn't be so upset over a girl I cheat on and so he sent me to military school, I got back last night. When did you get back?"

"July 11th." I replied bluntly, now avoiding his gaze as it was his turn to ask questions.

"Why? Riverdale isn't the place for someone with your kind of talent Raven." He said, I felt his gaze on me and hearing him say this filled me with confusion, he knew?

"Um, what do you mean talent?" I asked, there's now way he knew, I never told him.

"Word gets around this town fast raven, and you think that I couldn't hear you when you used to play in the music room at lunch time? I used to hide in there, just to hear you play the piano." He said and an instant smile crept to my lips, he knew, he knew and he didn't care. Why did he have to be such an asshole.

"Well, I stopped playing after the accident, I didn't want to considering mom taught me. I did recently play at the school concert though, which was cool I guess." I replied, the old me would've been completely confident and snarky, but not anymore and I could tell he was picking up on that.

"Okay Campbell, you're clearly not the same person either." He said, trying to sound as much as the old him as he could, it wasn't working and it didn't suit him anymore. I breathed a laughed and shook my head.

"People change, Roland." I replied shrugging my shoulders and smiling. In this moment, I didn't feel shy anymore, I felt content. He pulled my milkshake away from my grip and started drinking from it. My mouth opened wide and I hit him playfully.

"Hey!" I joked. "You're the rich one, you should be buying me another one, not stealing it." I teased and he laughed putting his hands up in defeat.

"Okay okay. Your wish is my command Campbell." He laughed, and he actually did. He ordered me another one of my favorite milkshakes and he ordered himself a strawberry one, I looked at him in disgust.

"Ugh, you're disgusting." I teased, rolling my eyes at him. He just laughed at me.

"Don't hate until you try it." He replied pushing it over to me and I gave him a look of disgust.

"Go on." He insisted and I was about to decline his offer when I heard a voice next to me, my attention was so on Ethan, that I had no idea that we weren't alone.

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