Chapter 18

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After school I headed straight to Pop's I didn't even get changed. As I opened the door the bell rang in my ears and I smiled at Pop who looked up from the grill as he saw me enter. I approached the bar and leaned on it slightly.

"Hey Pop. Can I get a double chocolate milkshake please?" I smiled warmly and he nodded, before I turned around to see Jughead, Betty and Ronnie sitting in a booth. At this point my milkshake was done so I picked it up from the counter and pulled a crumpled $5 note out of my pocket and handed it to Pop.

"Keep the change." I said kindly, before joining my friends at the booth. I instinctively sat next to Jughead who was also sitting next to Betty, Ronnie was opposite us.

"Hey guys." I waved and Jughead looked at me and grinned.

"Hey." He eyed my milkshake, I could see that his plate was empty and his milkshake glass. I rolled my eyes and laughed before sliding it to him.

"Go crazy, but if you drink it all, I will kill you." I teased and Jughead put his hands up in surrender before drinking some of my milkshake, I eventually had to pull it away from his firm grasp, I wanted some to. He laughed and gave up after a while of playing tug of war. We all got into the conversation about Fred's construction site. After a while the bell to Pop's rang again and we were joined by a familiar red head. He took a seat next to Ronnie.

"Hey Archie, Jughead told us what happened." Ronnie said hinting at what we had been talking about, but holding back and not saying exactly what she knew. She placed a hand on his arm comfortingly as if he had lost something big.

"Me and Moose are going to the South Side to find the Serpents, you in?" Archie asked Jughead and his eyes almost immediately widened along with mine. none of them knew that me and Jughead were related to Serpents and they'd be angry if they found out, not only because they're Serpents, but also because we withheld the truth from them.

"Woah hey, you didn't say it was the Serpents that beat Moose up." Betty interrupted in a quiet, yet powerful voice. She was sweet and plain, but we all loved her, even if the only flavour she enjoys is vanilla. As she turned her head her blonde curled ponytail moved, almost as if it was flowing in the wind.

"That's because we don't know that for sure." Jughead growled slightly, everyone thought it was just Jughead being Jughead, but I knew. He had the same thoughts as me that why would our Dad's hurt a minor.

"Exactly." I added in annoyance and everyone looked at me confused, especially Archie.

"Look, It's worth a shot if it'll help my Dad." Archie replied and I sighed, he was right and I owe it to Archie. I know I should be fighting my own corner, but Archie saved my life and I couldn't just shut him down, especially when he was so worried about his dad and his dad's business. Fred was like family and he always helps me out, going against Archie and Fred would be like trying to fight a ninja with 10 swords, i'll only end up hurt.

"Kevin's boyfriend can get us in." Archie added after a moment of Jughead and him staring at each other and I felt nostrils flare and my mouth tighten.

"Joaquin is going to get you into where?" I practically spat. I knew where he was going to say. 'The Whyte Wyrm.' It was the Serpent bar, were I had reunited with my family and met Jughead's dad. I shook my head, annoyed and everyone wondered why I was so worked up. Jughead placed a hand on my knee and I instantly felt calmer at his touch.

"Some bar where the Serpents hang out. If Moose spots who beat him up, we can call Sheriff Keller and get them all arrested." Archie replied and I almost lost it. I could see it in Jug's face to. They were going to call the parents on our dad's and I couldn't let that happen, this time I owed it to Jughead and FP.

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