Chapter 24

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We were all at Archie's, waiting for him to arrive with Betty, when we heard them we all hid behind something and turned the lights off.

"Surprise!" We all screamed as we jumped out of our hiding places and I could already see the fear in Jug's eyes and I instantly felt bad for him, I gestured to Betty to get the cake and we all stayed by Jug head's side. We were actually having a nice night, and then Betty came in with the cake as we all sang happy birthday, he blew out the candles and suddenly hundreds of people starting flooding into Archie's house. they had keg's and boomboxes and it was crazy. I looked around and all I could see was drunk people and dancing.

(play song)

I watched as things got trashed, food flying everywhere and the music was very loud in my ears. Red cups were glued to everyone's hands and I then saw Archie with Ronnie and Betty and instantly felt annoyed, what happened to his promise? I rolled my eyes and I was about to leave when hundreds more people flooded in, pushing me towards to back of the house. A drink was shoved into my hand and I stared at it, unsure what to do. I threw the drink down the sink and carried on looking for Jughead, it was supposed to be his party and he's probably hiding away from it all and I was actually quite jealous. I felt a sweaty arm fall around my shoulders, It was Reggie, again. I pushed him off but he couldn't manage any actual words because he was under the influence of alcohol. I eventually got bored and knew a place I could hide away I sprinted to Archie's garage and I closed to door behind me, resting my head against it, my eyes closed.

"It's that bad hm?" I heard his familiar sarcastic voice and turned around, a smile planted on my face as I collapsed into the chair next to him, my hand fell onto the dog, I started petting him gently.

"I've looked everywhere for you, it's crazy out there." I said sighing and slumping into my chair even more.

"I know, why would you let that happen?" He spat, as if it was my fault. He stood up and folded his arms, his back facing me and I stood up and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Me? I tried to stop them."

"Well you clearly didn't try hard enough! I didn't want a stupid party and I thought after that long in an institute would stop you from being so crazy!" He said, raising his voice slightly and I folded my arms and breathed out a sarcastic laugh.

"Enjoy the party." I spat, storming out of the garage while tears made my eyes wet, however I bit my lip refusing to let them fall. I headed straight for the front door when Cheryl and Chuck stood right in my way, locking the door. Archie was now by my side and everyone who was left here, which wasn't a huge amount of people were watching.

"Let's play a little game." Cheryl said and I sneered at her and folded my arms.

"The last time you wanted to play a game, people ended up heartbroken and I won't let you hurt my friends again." I hissed, looking her up and down and it was becoming clear that I had no choice. I could see Jughead appear also and I rolled my eyes to myself.

We all sat down in the lounge, I was sitting beside Archie yet every time he tried to touch me or look at me I ignored him. Cheryl explained the rules of the game and everyone secrets started to become clear, but when they started talking about Archie it began to piss me off.

"Well Dillon Doyle plays with guns." I spat folding my arms, I thought that all my secrets were known, but I wasn't expecting what came out of their mouths.

"None of these secrets compare to the one I know about Riverdales very own mentally unstable girl." Chuck said staring at me.

"Raven Campbell."

"Leave her the hell alone Chuck." Archie hissed, staring him down but Chuck just ignored him.

"Raven decided to take a step further in her wacko side and tried to kill herself! Mr hero hair Andrews saved her life, so now we all know the reason she was shipped off." Chuck said and my tears welled up, I couldn't tell if I was going to throw up or cry. I felt everyone's eyes on me and even Jughead looked like he was going to cry. For once the walls, the walls that made me and kept me strong had been knocked down, I had become weak, nothing. I stood up as if the world was in slow motion, the tears fell and I heard punches behind me, but I didn't bother turning round. I carried on down the street and I didn't turn back, I could feel my eyes stinging with tears all the way until I reached pop's. I sat in the booth furthest to the back and I let my legs hug my chest as i stared out into the cold misty air. The nights was dark and the trees were barely visible against the black sky. I watched as a chocolate milkshake was placed in front of me and as I looked up I saw Hermione smiling.

"It's on the house sweetheart." She said before strutting off to serve a group of teenagers, I assumed that they had come from the party. I played with the straw of my milkshake, stirring it around and dipping it up and down, I couldn't eat or drink right now. I heard the be ring many times as Pop's slowly became empty and people began to leave due to the late night. I heard the bell rang, but I was too busy staring out of the window to notice who it was until their footsteps stopped right next to me and I felt people fill into the booth. I looked up and saw that Jughead had a cut cheek and Archie bruised knuckles.

"And how do they look?" I asked trying to hide the fact that I was crying, despite the bloodshot eyes and tear stains.

"Much worse don't worry." Archie said nudging me slightly, causing me to smile at his lame attempt.

"Why didn't you tell my Rave?" Jughead asked looking nah me sincerely and I couldn't even look him in the eye, especially after mine and Archie's kiss.

"It wasn't important, I'm better now." I said staring at my lap, but I could feel Archie's eyes burning into me as he knew i was still lying.

"She's not okay Jughead, in fact it wouldn't surprise me if since she's got back she was more upset than before." Archie said, his hand moved to my thigh under the table for comfort, I let my hand slide into his for extra comfort. I could see his smile when I did this.

"I've been better since I got back, because I have you guys, Arch. If I still needed help I wouldn't be here." I said looking back and forth between the two, I could see Jughead eyeing my milkshake like a vulture, so I slid it to him. He didn't accept it though, instead he pushed it to the side and looked at me with serious concern.

"I'm so so sorry about what I said to you earlier, I honestly didn't mean any of it. I don't know what came over me, but I think I'm just scared, scared that you'll reject me or that you'll leave again and so I've been pushing you away." Jughead said and I felt instant guilt wash over me, I kind of knew that he liked me, but I had fallen for someone else and I didn't know what or how to tell him. My head hung down again and I just couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"Jughead I have to tell you something." I said quietly, I didn't want to make a scene out of it, despite the fact that no one other than staff were there.

"You and Archie kissed, I know." He said, causing me and Archie to both lift our head in shock.

"H-how?" I asked hesitantly, I kind of wish me and Archie could keep it secret, but I know better then that.

"I knew stuff was happening between you anyway and I was asked to bring something to your class and I decided why not come say hello and then I saw you kissing in the room." He said and I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Are you mad?" Archie asked, scanning Jughead for any signs of lies or hurt, but neither of us could see any.

"No of course I'm not mad, yes it was a kick in the ass, but it's not like I can spend my entire life crushing on someone. Anyway, maybe one day she'll agree to be with me." Jughead said and I saw the jealous look spring onto Archie's face which made me giggle slightly.

"I'm so glad I have you two to call friends, i wouldn't be here today without you." I said, looking at Archie knowing that he saved my life. There was just one more secret left that the town could potentially find out.

I might be the killer of Jason Blossom.

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