Chapter 7

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I went straight home after the announcement. I felt 'sick'. I did. I felt sick and tired of the secrets and the mystery. I would know if I killed someone, right? Maybe I should tell the police I was there. Maybe I should tell them it was me. But was it? These thoughts ran in my mind for hours until I heard a soft knock on my front door. I just groaned.

"What?" I grimaced, laying face down on the couch. I wanted to be alone, I didn't know what I was capable of anymore. I felt guilty. Even if I didn't actually do anything.

"It's Jughead. Open up." He said even softer than the knock. Ugh. He wanted to give me sympathy for earlier. He would know what to do if I told him. But what if I told him and he left me? He promised he wouldn't but do I want to take that chance? No.

"Go away Jughead." I yelled and I put a pillow over my head as I heard him come through the door. He didn't listen to anyone, that's probably why he's such a good reporter.

"Raven, everyone's worried about you. I'm worried about you." He whispered walking over to me laying on the couch. He put his arm on my shoulder and I felt electricity run through my body, he must've felt it to, because he jolted slightly at our touch.

"I'm fine Jones. I'm ill. Now leave me in peace, alone. Leave the Pop's there." I gritted, he had bought me burgers from Pop's. I could smell them. He didn't budge, instead he sat on me.

"Jughead! Get off!" I yelled and he started to tickle me, he knew how easily I gave in when he tickled me. I started laughing loudly, I was angry yet laughing.

"Jughead! Stop! I swear- Jughead!" I screamed, laughing loudly. I could hear him laughing to, he knew everything about me and he knew my weakness was tickling.

"Okay. Okay." I said panting when he stopped. "You win, you can stay."

"I want to know what's wrong." He said slightly more serious. He really cared and it hurt that he did. I could be a suspect, or even the killer of Jason. I didn't want to drag him down, I had to tell him. As much as the idea hurt me, I needed him to know. But not now.

"Reggie just rained on my parade today." I sighed, putting my head in my hands. It wasn't a complete lie, he did, but that's not why I left school. He got what he deserved, I punched him in the face for gods sake, but I wasn't ready for that announcement. Jughead put an arm around my shoulder and I leaned into him, I felt safe when I was with him. Even if he wasn't really big, he made me feel protected and wanted, even loved. We sat like this for a while in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was nice.

"Hey, Jughead?" He hummed in response and I looked at him, I lingered the look for a while until he looked back at me.

"Are you and Archie going to make up? He did the right thing today, he was going to speak up." I said quietly and Jughead just sighed. I could see the hurt in his eyes, him and Archie were so close and it hurt me that they no longer were. They needed each other, especially if I was thrown back into the mental institute.

"Honestly? I'm not sure Rave. Stuff happened, stuff i'm not ready to talk about. One day, I will tell you I promise. He protected you today and tried to come clean, and that was the Archie that was my friend. I saw a glimpse of my old friend, always protecting his friends, doing the right thing." Jughead said, he sighed again at the thought of his old pal. This time I put my arm around him comfortingly, he smiled at me weakly and then looked at his lap.

"Come on." I said standing up and reaching my hand out. "Let's get a milkshake, the takeaway is probably cold by now." I laughed slightly and Jughead smiled and breathed out a laugh. He took my hand and our fingers intertwined and my heart beat quickened. Why did he do this to me? Maybe one day, when i'm better, I'll tell him my real feelings. We walked out of my apartment and down the street, it was late, the orange lamp posts illuminated us as we walked under them. Jughead's hat caste a shadow on his face, and his one distinct dark curl hung out of his hat. He was beautiful in every way. He saw me staring at him and he looked back, we were still holding hands.

"What?" He smiled and I shook my head.

"Nothing, just admiring that hat of yours." I smiled back and I stopped in my tracks as I saw where we were. The tree. The tree we hit in the car. It was staring at me like a wild bear. I felt attacked. I felt scared. My eyes instantly glistened with tears. The tree was still broken. Not as broken as my heart when I saw my parents dead bodies next to me.

"Raven, I'm sorry! I didn't realize were we were walking.." Jughead said he turned to stand in front of my, he placed his hand on my cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb. I instantly blushed at his action, and he hugged me. I felt warm despite the cold outside, he put his arm around me and together, we walked past that stupid tree. I had done it, my worst fear, with Jughead Jones by my side.

We got to Pop's and as we walked in I saw Betty and Veronica sitting together, I assumed this meant they had made up completely now.

"Raven! Are you okay?" Betty said waving for us to join them, mine and Jughead's hands were still intertwined. We walked over and I saw Veronica look at our hands and raise her eyebrows, smirking. I quickly let go of his hand blushing, it wasn't like that between us, it couldn't be.

"I'm good, Betty. I wasn't feeling to good after what Reggie said, so I went home. Sorry for worrying you." I smiled, and I feel like it looked so fake, but Betty smiled back with that perfect smile and held one of my hands, which were covered in rings.

"Hey. You don't need to apologize Reggie was wrong and we we're all here for you Rave." Betty replied and I smiled for real this time, she made me feel so much better even with one sentence. I tucked my long brown hair behind my ear and Ronnie started to speak.

"Exactly. If he bothers you again, tell me. Even though, it seems you can handle yourself." She laughed and I laughed slightly also. She was right, I had seen so much, I could take care of myself and even though I was more sensitive, i'm stronger. I looked up at Jughead who was sitting next to me, he smiled before cracking a joke, we all laughed. Jughead new how to make us all laugh, he was perfect. Most people describe him as "Damaged." or "A weirdo." but to me, he was absolutely perfect. The rest of the night consisted of laughter and drinking milkshakes or in Jughead's case, eating 20 burgers. I had a good night, but the thought of me being a killer stained my mind.

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