Chapter 1

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That night. That awful night. Running. Crying. The taste of blood and dirt over powered all my other senses. The flashing lights. The sirens. I could use the sense of smell and taste, but sight and touch? Gone. I couldn't move. I tried screaming for my parents. Nothing came out of my mouth. Panic set in motion. Was I dead? Or worse. Were they dead?!

Today was the day. Not just any day. It was THE day. The day I return home from this crap hole. Thinking about Riverdale and going back there broke my heart. What do I say to the people I left? What do I say to my old friends.

The taxi drove me past a large sign.

Welcome to

I traced the sign with my index finger through the window. I instantly recognised the small town. I saw the road where I learnt how do ride a bike with Betty, I saw the cinema where I would watch chick flicks with Kevin, I saw the broken tree.. the one that caused it all.

The car stopped outside a small apartment. This was my home for the time being. I pulled my bag from the trunk, thanked the taxi man and stepped inside my new 'home'. The keys fit perfectly into the lock and twisted with a click, the door swung open and my eyes widened slightly. On the outside, this place looked damaged and out of place. But on the inside? It had so much potential. I spent the rest of my day unpacking, moving furniture, hanging up pictures and turning it into my own space. After hours of being alone, it struck me. Pops. I had been craving one of his double chocolate milkshakes since I was told I was returning to this ratchet town. Pop's was the only place that I have ever felt safe, yet I could also be alone with a book or my thoughts. I threw on some clothes. Last year it would've taken me hours to get ready, makeup, hair, the good clothes, the whole shabang. I didn't care for looks anymore. A year in the mental asylum proved that make up gave you spots, I had none anymore. I didn't wear a single bit of makeup, my freckles visible, my long blonde hair waved down my back, my green eyes used the sparkle, but they were now tired and visibly as I had purple staining underneath them. Instead of a perfectly thought outfit, I threw on some black jeans, a white shirt, my black converses and a blue denim jacket. I picked a book up from my freshly organised bookshelf. 'In cold blood.' This will do.

I stepped outside, the cold air instantly hit my face. The world was quiet as I walked to Pop's. The only sounds were distant cars, and my feet hitting the pavement. I didn't realize how far I had walked until I felt something bright above me.

'Pop's Chock'Lit Shoppe.'

The place felt me with warmth despite the winter air, despite the coldness I felt every second of every day. I stepped through the door. The bell went of, the stupid bell. I forgot how annoying it had always been.

"Hello, what can I get for yo-. Raven. Raven Campbell." A big man laughed, it was Pop. "I didn't expect to see you again, how was New York?" I sighed quietly, ah yes the lie. The lie that everyone except for one red head knew to be true.

"Hey Pop. It was great actually thanks. Could I get a double chocolate milkshake please? No matter how many diners there are in New York, none of them compared to yours." I winked.

"Of course." He grinned, and gestured for me to take a seat. I turned around and scanned the room only to see 4 pairs of eyes on me. A blonde beauty with the most gorgeous pair of diamond blue eyes, filled with love and hope. A tall skinny brunette boy with bright green eyes filled with lust and trouble. A Black haired girl whom i'd never seen before, her dark eyes full of mystery and desire. Finally, a red haired hottie with chocolate eyes filled with warmth and kindness. The boy who pulled me from the edge, saved my life. My old best friends. Betty Cooper. Kevin Keller. And Archie Andrews.

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