Chapter 5

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I woke up on Tuesday morning, to the sound of my alarm clock. My literal worst enemy. I hit the top of it and got out of bed, rubbing my eyes. I had no nightmare last night! Not taking the pills stops them, although I had been feeling light headed and I lost my appetite. I showered and threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white 1995 tee shirt and a denim jacket, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and slipped my feet into navy high top converses. I took a slow walk to school, taking in my surroundings, the birds, the the trees, the wind and I looked at the exact tree that was now broken, the tree that killed my parents. I was arrived at school and saw Jughead.

"Hey Juggie." I greeted and started walking through empty halls with him.

"Hey Raven." He smiled, we walked together through the 'Arts' hallway.

"When Cheryl told us she was guilty yesterday. It sent actual shivers down my spine." I said, starting a conversation.

"I know, I thought she had killed Jason. Instead she lied. She thought he was alive, then when they found the body he was murdered. And on top of that she heard a 'gunshot.' None of it makes sense. I think she's lying." Jughead rambled.

"Maybe, maybe not. Jughead you only believe things when you see them." I teased and he laughed and so did I. We walked passed to music classroom and I stopped in my tracks before looking through the window, there stood Miss Grundy and Archie very close, about to kiss and holding hands.

"Jughead." I whispered and he joined me in looking through the window.

"What the hell do we do now." I whispered and we walked away.

"He's in trouble." Jughead said and I knew he was right, but butting into Archie's life seemed wrong. Especially after he's been protecting me as to why I was put in the ' Loony bin'

"I'm going to confront him tonight, you're helping right?" Jughead whispered, and I couldn't say no to those green eyes. So I nodded and we walked to class.


It was 6 pm and me and Jughead were sitting on the steps of Archie's.

"I'll play bad cop you play good cop?" I said. Archie hated him enough already, I didn't want to let things get worse. Jughead shook his head.

"No. Me and Archie aren't on great terms anyway, it's better if he hates me more rather than arguing with you." I just nodded, he was right. I didn't know what to do, I owed Archie my life. I heard footsteps and I saw Archie about to walk up the stairs.

"Raven? Jug? What's up?" He assessed.

"What's up is we saw you, Archie." Jughead started standing up and I quietly followed behind him. I looked at Archie who looked really confused, I looked at my feet. I couldn't do this to him, he saved my life for god's sake.

"In the music room. With Miss Grundy." He continued and Archie's eyes widened and he got close to Jughead, he looked angry.

"Keep your voice down my dad's in there." He growled.

"Archie, we're trying to help you." I whispered, I didn't want to make him angry. His eyes turned from Jughead to me, I didn't see the rage or hate, all I saw was guilt and it hurt me that he felt guilty for this.

"I'm trying to be your friend, even though we're not anymore." Jughead added. I felt the tension rise between them as he said this. A lot has happened between them, and I hope one of them will tell me soon. I hate them fighting and not involving me, letting me help.

"How long have you and Miss Grundy been ...." I asked with a sympathetic look, I was playing good cop too well and Jughead noticed how nice I was being despite everything.

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