Chapter 10

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I woke up the next day feeling groggy. I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and jumped slightly as I saw I wasn't alone. Memories from last night flooded back. I was homeless. Jughead didn't need to take care of me to. I slipped my legs into rolled up mom jeans, I put on a black top that clung to my small curves, an over sized green bomber jacket hugged me, keeping me warm and my navy converses were tight around my feet. I threw my bag on my shoulder and as I opened the door I heard a quiet voice.

"Leaving so soon?" I heard and turned my eyes to the voice. Jughead was sitting up, he rubbed his eyes before yawning. Now I felt guilty. He caught me trying to leave.

"I didn't want you to have to look after me, you have enough to deal with Jug." I replied looking him straight in the eye, he frowned slightly and he sighed.

"Raven. I know you can take care of yourself, but it would be nice to have someone to go through this with." Jughead said and I dropped my bag on the floor and sighed.

"I'm sorry. I was being selfish, of course we can sort this out together Jughead and there's only two people I can turn to, which makes me feel sick. I'll call them later." I gritted. I had two family members left, but they were a full last resort. Jughead furrowed his brows, but he didn't ask any questions, he respected my privacy. After a while, me and Jughead were about to leave, when my phone started to buzz and I took it from my back pocket, Jughead looked at me. I answered the call from 'Unknown'.

"Hello?" I said, almost as a question. Why do I keep getting these calls?

"Miss Raven Campbell?" An old ladies voice rang through the phone, she sounded Italian.

"That's me. Who are you?" I asked, I was more confused than ever.

"My name is Sienna Valentina. I was your mothers childhood friend. I know you have absolutely no Idea what happened to your house or any of your things, but I do. I am the new owner of your house and all of your things were handed to me, I heard you were no longer in the institute and I would love to invite you to your old house tomorrow afternoon so you can take what's rightfully yours." The old lady said and I thought I was going to faint. My mouth was open like an idiot and tears started to fill my eyes. I didn't want any of it! I didn't want what was there's. I suddenly felt rage over me and I clenched my fists, Jughead must've saw because he put a protective arm around my shoulder, which brought me back to reality. I knew my parents would've wanted me to look at the stuff. I took a deep breath before replying.

"Sienna. I would love to. Is 3 pm okay?"

"Of course my child, see you then." She said and I breathed the breath I was holding, my fists still clenched. We said our goodbyes and I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. Jughead hugged me tightly and after a while he pulled away.

"What happened?" He said concerned, he was holding my shoulders.

"My moms childhood friend has all of our stuff at my old house, and she wants me to go take what I want. I have to go in there and look at our old stuff." I felt more tears fall down my cheeks and my voice breaking as I spoke.

"Hey. Don't cry. You're so much stronger than what you think Raven. You've survived more than anyone. You lost your parents. Your house. Your mind. And yet here you are, still standing. It doesn't matter what happens tomorrow, i'm with you one hundred percent." He said and I looked him in the eye. He was so sincere and kind. God. I wish I wasn't on self destruct mode, otherwise I would try to see what we have. I picked up my bag and took his hand before walking outside. He held a spray paint can and he left his mark on the side of the booth. I held my hand out so I could write something. I wrote.

"Raven Campbell will never forget the memories this place holds."

Jughead smiled at me before we came face to face with the last thing I wanted to see. A Southside Serpent. Jughead and from what I heard his name was FP. Jughead told me to go into the booth while he sorted something out. I did hesitantly and after a moment I went back outside and they had finished their talk.

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