Chapter 31

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My first day, my first day of school all over again, except the school was much rougher and much more intimidating than riverdale high. Me and Jughead looked at each other and then back at the school, was this where we belonged? We were just trash, getting thrown away, never to be seen again. We walked through the metal detectors, and most of my stuff was taken away, including my phone. Jughead used the school phone to tell Betty that we were safe and to tell her were we where, but he told them not to come after us because this where we belonged.

Come lunch time, we had already befriended the entire group Serpents and we were joking and laughing around one table and for once Jug was the life of the party! The Serpents were great, I mean I had been hit on one too many times and the last time it happened I was pinned against a locker by a guy and a group of the Serpents grabbed him by the neck, pulled him away and beat the crap outta him, they're looking out for me and Jug, this is us.



Archie and Betty say at the same time and we turn around to see them two and Veronica, our eyes widened as we looked at each other, they shouldn't be here. We walked to the car park with them, my hand stuffed in my pockets and my breath was visible in the cold air, It was very cold. Archie pulled me away from everyone else and his arms wrapped around me, I breathed a sigh of relief, I've been wanting to do that all day to relieve my anxiety. When he pulled away he sighed and I looked down, only to have my chin tilted upwards again.

"Riverdale is your home." He said, before planting as kiss on my nose and I laughed gently.

"Not anymore Archie, and this is why I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to try and stop me, but you can't." I said and he rolled his eyes , his arms folding together.

"You think I'm going to leave you here? In the south side, you clearly don't think very highly of me." He said and my hands fell onto his cheeks, despite the coldness of them he didn't push them away.

"Archie i think so highly of you that I didn't tell you because if I even heard your voice this morning I wouldn't have left, I can't keep putting you all, and myself through this crap. I belong to this place, I fit in." I said, and Archie sighed, causing me to sigh also and I laughed.

"I want to keep you safe." I said and Archie rolled his eyes and his arms fell around my waist.

"Raven, I'm not going to let Riverdales civil war break us up." He said and I smiled, a teasing look on my face.

"Oh, so we're dating now?" I asked playfully and he kissed me softly and I smiled.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked and I grinned and shrugged mr shoulders.

"I don't know, perhaps you'll have to answer it again." I said and he kissed me again, but the kiss was deeper this time and we were like it for a longer moment. Veronica ran towards us with Betty and Jughead and I furrowed my brows, they all looked very panicked, until I received a message and I understood why.

"Thank you Raven, for everything :) I'm sorry for what I did and said, I'm going to be with Jason now." I read aloud and we all looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Where would She go to be with Jason?" V asked and realisation hit me of what she was going to do.

"She's ya sweet water river, let's go!" I said and we all sprinted there as it wasn't much of a distance, we all began to scream he name as we walked through the woods.

"Cheryl!" I yelled with each step, we were getting closer to the river, until we finally got there and.... it was empty.

"She's not here." Archie said annoyed, but I noticed Betty had wide eyes and I followed her gaze.

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