Chapter 16

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The next day I woke up feeling good. I had overcome a fear last night and I had my brother and my Dad there. After the concert, I got a milkshake with Kevin, Archie and Ronnie. I got out of my bed and got ready for the day. I slung my bag on my shoulder and headed down the stairs of my apartment building and out the door. I walked to school knowing the two people I knew who I wasn't speaking to. I asked Betty to come and she said she would and Jughead promised to come, but instead they were canoodling together. I was so upset that I didn't see them there, I wanted them to be there.
Ronnie and Betty told me that they had dealt with Chuck after school yesterday, they didn't go into detail though and I respected that. They had found a disgusting book about the girls the football team had banged and I felt sick when they told me. He was being expelled today.

Before I knew it, I was at school, walking down the hallways. I saw Jughead standing at his locker, usually I would jump on his back and tease him, but today I didn't even look at him I just walked past and I could feel his eyes on me.

"Raven?" He called our, but I carried on walking. Not today Jones. I arrived in my science class and I knew I would have to sit with him. I sat down, pulled my book out and stared doing the task. Jughead was scanning me for clues as to why I was being so cold.

"Want a clue Jughead?" I spat, saying his full name, which I rarely did. He knew something was up now. He nodded and I rolled my eyes that he was so clueless.

"It could be the fact that, I mean it was no big deal, but a certain someone was playing a certain instrument at a concert last night." I growled, I didn't even look at him. I rested my head in my hand, looking away from him.

"Oh my god. Raven I am so sorry! I completely forgot me and Bettt-"

"Yes, you and Betty were canoodling together while I played at my first concert wishing you were in the crowd. But no, you broke your promise and you hurt me." I looked at him, tears in my eyes. The only reason I'm like this with promises is because my mom promised to never leave me and she did. Jughead promised to be there and he wasn't. Promises are dumb and they only exist for comfort, not to be kept.

"What're you talking about? Me and Betty went to find Polly, she had no idea about Jason's death or anything and she's pregnant! She's now missing and Betty is devastated." Jughead said sighing and I felt guilt wash all over me. I jolted up instantly and turned to look at Betty, she seemed okay, but I could see behind the mask. I sighed, I still hadn't forgiven Jughead though.

"I really am sorry Raven." He said, I could feel that he was close to me and to be honest I just wanted to cry and hug him and tell him about all the shit that's in my mind lately. I wanted to, But I don't think "hey I killed Jason" is really a topic that should come up, especially if I'm not sure I did it. I just nodded and carried in working. The rest of the lesson consisted of Jughead looking at me with sad eyes and me working hard, for once. The bell rang and I immediately left, not giving him a chance to talk to me. It was when I left the classroom that I realised I had left my bag. Shit. I waited for everyone to leave until Jughead walked out, he handed me my bag.

"Raven, meet me at Pop's after school? Please." He begged and I just walked away. I know I was overreacting but he didn't have to miss the concert and then not tell me he was going to miss it.

The rest of the day dragged, because I didn't talk to literally anyone. I was in such a mood, even though I shouldn't have been. I got to my Dads ignored him and Joe and I collapsed on my bed, I screamed into my pillow. I sat at the end of my bed, playing with the charm on my necklace, when I heard a knock on the window. I turned around to see Jughead, I looked at him confused and I couldn't help but smile slightly. I walked over to the Window and pushed it opened.

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