Chapter 8

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A football game. School spirit. Food. Drinks. Cheerleaders. Jocks. And me. Today was the football game, as I stepped onto bleachers, I saw a familiar friendly face and heard that fatherly voice.

"Raven! Come join us, we have a spare seat." Fred called over, he was smiling. I stepped over people's legs until finally reaching Fred and Kevin.

"Hey." I smiled and sat next to them, they offered me food and drinks and of course I accepted. It felt like forever we were sat there talking, until I saw Jughead and Archie stood together talking. All I could think was that this couldn't end well, I had witnessed first hand how heated their discussions can become.

"Hey, i'm going to get a refill, back in a minute. Want anything?" I asked, standing up. I needed to get down there before they made a scene. They both said they were good, so I gracefully paced down the bleachers, until I tripped on the final step. I was so clumsy. I fell, only to be caught in 2 strong arms. I knew those arms. I looked up to see a certain red head. He smirked before chuckling.

"Wow. Okay. Thanks Arch." I laughed before releasing myself from his grip. I looked up at him again only to see his black eye.

"Archie!" I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed his eye gently with my thumb. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good Raven, are you?." He smiled and I suddenly remembered why I came down here. I nodded quickly and eyed them both.

"Are you two?..." I started and Jughead finished my sentence.

"We're good." Jughead smiled. His eyes lit up slightly as he said this. He looked so happy to have his best friend back and that made me happy. I put my arms around both of their shoulders, pulling them into me.

"Good. 3 musketeers and all that." I laughed and so did they. I didn't want to move. The moment was perfect. I had my two boys with their arms around my sides, they were friends. We were friends. I couldn't ask for me than these two, Betty, Ronnie and Kevin. They needed to be in this moment, but I was happy with being just us three.

"Archie. You're game! They'll start without you!" I suddenly jolted and pushed them away. I looked at Archie with wide eyes and almost pushed him so he wouldn't be left out.

"Start without their star player? I don't think so." He winked and chuckled. I laughed and he waved before jogging towards to field. I then saw the cheerleaders walking out and I cheered, only because Betty and Ronnie were on the team. I turned my attention back to Jughead.

"Okay. How much food is he offering you?" I teased and giggled. Jughead smiled and breathed out a slight laugh.

"It will be discussed over many days." He paused and I just waited, I knew he would say it. I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to carry on.

"And many burgers." He finished and I laughed before pushing him gently.

"Knew it. You'll never change, Jones." I smiled and he returned the smile.

"Want to ditch this place and get a milkshake?" Jughead asked with a grin. I grinned, he knew I wouldn't turn down one of Pop's double chocolate milkshakes, my favorite.

"Fine, only if you're paying." I teased and we walked away from the game laughing.


I woke up the next day, a pain flooded in my chest. It hurt, bad. I decided to just shower, it was probably nothing. After an hour of getting ready for school, the pain passed and I was fine. I had my shoes on and bag on my back, I was about to leave the door when a text popped up on my phone.

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