Chapter 4

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I jolted up from yet another bad dream, It was 9 am. The formal starts at 6 pm, I have ages. Last year I would've jumped out of bed with my best friends, having a bath, putting my hair in rollers, doing each others makeup and nails, having a laugh while my mom took pictures. This year I woke up alone.


I opened the door revealing two smiling girls.

Betty and Veronica. I groaned slightly.

"What are you two doing here?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

"It's the dance silly." Ronnie said.

"And we have to have the best day. I know we used to do it with your mom Raven, but it can still be fun." Betty added smiling a weak smile.

"Fine, come in." I sighed smiling. The rest of the day was just like it was with Mom, fun. We laughed, listened to music did each others nails. I had a great day. But it all came crashing down when I had to put my dress on, tears fell down my cheeks as I hugged the dress.

"Raven? What's wrong!?" Betty asked putting an arm around me.

"It was my mothers dress." I whispered through tears. I hated breaking down in front of them. I hated the sympathy. But they hugged me and made me feel better. After a small while they had succeeded in cheering me up. I went to change to reveal 2 stunning figures.

Ronnie's dark hair was down and slightly curled, her dark purple dress complemented her tanned skin tone and had a ribbon as a belt, her feet were covered with purple sparkly heels. Her eyes were covered in dark purple eye shadow, which matched her dress.

Betty's blonde hair was down too, she never had it down it looked beautiful, her bright pink dress stopped above her knees it was very simple yet very Betty, her shoes were the same shade of pink, she held a pink purse in her hand. Her make up was simple, the main part was the pink lipstick.

"You guys look beautiful." I said before turning to look at myself in the full body mirror. They both gasped when they saw me, their eyes wide. I'm not sure why, I didn't feel good enough when I stood with them.

"Us? Have you seen yourself Raven? Damn, you are stunning!" Ronnie said grinning and standing next to me in the mirror.

"Exactly, give yourself more credit Raven! Honestly, you look beautiful." Betty joined us.

My dress was skater style and off the shoulder. It was baby pink and laced with flowers. The length wasn't short or long, it stopped at mid thigh. I wasn't wearing makeup, I never did. My long blonde hair was half up half down with bits pulled out at the front. Of course, my main accessory, my statement, were my black high top converses. I twirled for them laughing slightly. I looked like my mother in this dress. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Ronnie said and Betty followed, they were up to something. After a minute I went to the living room to find Archie and Kevin. They both stared at me.

"I'm gay. But you're someone I would be straight for." Kevin said staring at me with wide eyes and I laughed.

"Thanks Kev?" I smiled, a genuine smile. I looked at Archie who was slightly red, his mouth was slightly open before Veronica hit him gently.

"Raven, you look...Beautiful." He said and I blushed slightly. Crap, I need to recover.

"Tell me something I don't know Andrews." I laughed and so did everyone else. We walked outside and I saw a black limo.

"Wait.." I said. "Is this for us?"

"Indeed." Kevin said, he took my arm in his and we got inside along with Betty, Ronnie and Archie. The journey there I was mostly looking out of the window, watching the cars as they went passed.

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