Chapter 30

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The next morning I woke up to unfamiliar surroundings, and when I rolled over I felt a person, causing me to jolt up, before all the memories flooded back and I smiled. I began to trace Archie's back with my finger and he rolled over after a long while, clearly enjoying it.

"Morning." He said and I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Morning." I replied, before checking the time, it was actually really early and school wasn't for another 3 hours. I grabbed one of Archie shirts from the floor and placed it on, Archie was in his boxers. He leaned in for a kiss, but I pushed him away and I raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't brushed my teeth, Arch." He said and he laughed and tried again, so I jumped out of the bed and we proceeded to play a game of kiss chase until his arms wrapped around my waist from behind and he snuggled
Into my neck, causing me to try and push away, laughing loudly.

"Stop!" I screamed as he tickled me.

"Give me a kiss." He said, chuckling himself and I turned around and pecked him on the lips, my arms fell around his neck and his around my waist.

"We had better get ready for school, this isn't going to be easy." I said whilst looking down.

"We'll get through it, we always do." Archie said and I smiled, rewarding him with another kiss for his words of wisdom. I eventually left the room and showered, letting the hot water wash off the prison grime. I stepped out of the shower and tied a towel around me, before wiping the mirror and drying my hair with another towel. I brushed my teeth and walked back into Archie's room, my suitcase was already head as he had fetched it for me before I got out. Archie wolf whistled once I entered and I hit him jokingly.

"Shut up." I teased and he laughed before exiting to shower himself. I rolled my eyes and giggled to myself as I got my clothes out for day, and putting them on. I tied the laces to my navy high top converses and I took in my look and sighed in satisfaction. I blow dried my hair, before running my fingers through it. I heard the water stop running and then a half naked Archie walked in, causing my cheeks to turn red, was he really all mine?

We walked down the stairs, Fred was drinking a coffee and he gave us a small smile, which we returned.

"How are you two holding up?" He asked and we both did a synchronised sigh.

"I'm fine, i just hate that all my friends are involved in this." I said and Archie hugged me from the side and kissed my head.

"You've been strong through all this, they will be to." Archie said and I flashed him a small smiled, we began to speak to Fred for a while longer.

Me and Archie walked to school together, his hand never left mine and I smiled, he clearly wasn't ashamed to be seen with me.

"Did you hear about to Jubilee?" I asked and he nodded, which was followed by a long sigh and so I stopped and turned to face him.

"Yeah I did, I've been asked to sing in it." He said as if it was a bad thing and I smiled and my arms fell around his neck, his instinctively wrapped around my waist.

"You'll do great Arch, I promise and anyway, I'll be standing by your side the entire time." I said and he raised his eyebrow.

"I've been asked to sing to." I said quietly and he lifted my chin with his finger, a huge smile on his face.

"Oh my god!" He said, before kissing me passionately and I giggled on his lips as my back arched.

Later that day......

I had been getting dirty looks all day, it had been proved that it wasn't me, did they not know that or something!? I walked into the lunch hall, and I spotted my friends sitting together and they waved me over. I honestly felt like turning the other way and running, but I knew I couldn't do that. I sat beside Archie and rubbed my face.

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