Chapter 19

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If Kevin's dad wasn't the Sheriff I would've been scared of getting arrested, because of the spped we were going. We had all told Betty we would be there and I promised her and Polly, I would feel extremely guilty if I missed it. We arrived at Ronnie's apartment, where Polly was staying, and I took 2 steps at a time. Archie was just in front of me as we entered. He opened the door angrily, he hadn't spoken the whole journey back and I knew he was fuming, not only because Jughead lied about his dad, but because one of his dad's men had hit me. The blackness around my eye had gotten more purple now and my nose had kind of cleared, there was still slight blood stained on it though. As we walked in, Archie headed straight to Jughead along with me whilst the others were in the car. Ronnie saw us and immediately followed us. We reached Jughead, his eyes widened as he saw me, he placed a hand on my cheek and carefully caressed the bruise around my eye with his thumb. He looked up at Archie angrily.

"What the hell dude? You had one job and that was to make sure she was safe!" Jughead raised his voice slightly with furrowed brows and Ronnie saw my eye and putt her hand on my shoulder.

"It's not my fault that YOU'RE dad let this happen!" Archie growled and we were then met with Betty who saw my eye. Jugheads looked scared about what would happen next, and who Archie would tell Jug's secret to.

"Raven!? Are you okay!?" Betty asked pulling me into a tight hug, before I pulled away. I nodded and almost laughed at her, why was everyone so worried about me all the time?

"I'm fine Betty." I smiled and we both reverted our eyes to the two boys who were looking at each other with anger.

"What have I missed?" Betty asked innocently. She touched Archie's arm, even though she was over Archie, you could still see the torch she held for him and you could still see the love in her eyes.

"Did you know that Jughead's dad is the leader of the Serpents?" Archie spat and Betty's and Ronnie's eyes widened.

"No, I didn't know that." Betty replied. Jughead looked at me with a worried look, he didn't expect me to say anything, but I had to, if I didn't I would feel awful. That look on his face, it broke my heart.

"My dad is a Serpent to." I whispered so only they heard. Everyone's attention was on me and it was as if FP wasn't a Serpent.

"You're dad?" Archie said, he was speechless and so were the others. Obviously, none of them knew that my real dad was alive, because I had never told them. All this time they thought I had nobody and I had just lied to their faces all along.

"Lucas Campbell is the co - leader of the Serpents, he's also my dad. My real dad. He left when I was 3 and I was made to believe that he was the enemy, when he wasn't. He never came to see me, because if he did he would be banned for life. Part of the deal between the family was that if I approached him then it was okay, but my mom told me these horrible lies about him and I hated him my entire life." I took a deep breath, they were all staring at me with wide eyes and I hadn't even told them the whole story.

"And Joaquin, he's...He's my twin brother." I muttered. I couldn't believe I had just told them the truth.

"Wait, what?" Ronnie said as she folded her arms.

"You-" Archie sarted, but he stopped himself not knowing what else to say. Betty just stared and I felt tears sting my eyes, god I felt awful. I just shook my head, tears daring to fall and I walked out of the apartment. I heard Jughead say something before the door shut.

"Well done guys, all you had to say was something comforting. Do you have any idea how long she's been fighting the battle of telling you guys the truth? She's hurt and you're standing there and staring at her like she's from another planet!"


After a long, sad walk to Pop's I arrived and sat in a booth. I knew I shouldn't have been so affected by telling the truth, but they looked so disappointed in me and I couldn't take that. Mad I can do, but disappointed? No thanks. After a short moment, a waitress put a milkshake on the table in front of me and walked off when I said thank you. I stared out of the window into the dark car park thinking about how I used to be.

My mind started to drift to the old me. The bitch, the popular bad girl. I walked with confidence, I did my make up perfectly everyday and I lied and manipulated people. I knew everything about everyone and when the time came, I'd use other people's secrets against them. I was 'friends' with everyone and to be honest I was starting to drift away from Archie, Jughead, Betty and Kevin. I thought the people who called me their friends were there for me, but at the end of the day, they weren't. Archie saved my life. Betty made me feel happy. Kevin filled me with laughter. My new friend Ronnie stuck up for me. And Jughead, Jughead has always seen passed the bullshit, passed the bitchiness. I was always me with them and I still am, that's why I love them. I mean, that's why we've always been friends... I then started to think about past boyfriends. My first ever boyfriend was Reggie Mantle. 14 year old me thought he was soo attractive, when in reality he's an asshole, he was sweet back then though. I kissed him at a school dance and we dated for a month? Moose Mason was my boyfriend when I was 12, he was the kind of boyfriend where you asked to hug the day before and never kissed. The same year as Reggie, I got another boyfriend called Ethan Roland. He was my boyfriend for 2 years, we broke up a week before the accident. He was that sexy, popular, asshole that all the girls swoon over. I'm not sure where he is now, but i'm glad he isn't at Riverdale. I was in love with him and if he was still here, I'd end up falling into that assholes arms again and that's the last thing my broken heart needed.

It's as if the universe hates me, because as soon as I was just telling myself I'm glad he's gone, the bell of Pop's rings. His blonde shaggy hair was now shorter, his jawline was still very defined and his ocean blue eyes were now filled with something I couldn't quite put my finger on. He had a serious look on his face which wasn't a weird thing, his face was usually serious or smirking. I sipped my milkshake and looked down, trying to hide myself from him, the last thing I needed was his cocky and confident attitude making my night worse. I heard his deep voice talking to Pop, the voice filled my mind with memories. First the memories were full of kissing and walking through the corridors, both confident and sexy. Then, the memories filled me with pain, arguing, yelling, him cheating on me and the us breaking up. I heard footsteps getting closer, I didn't look up, I was just praying that he hadn't noticed me. The footsteps stopped right beside me and I looked up. There he was. Ethan Roland.

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