Chapter 24

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(Play song)
I held the sheet of music in my hand as archie began to finger the strings of his guitar, I could feel his eyes on me as he sang, but I couldn't look at him, I was shy.

He sung first, the words flowing off his tongue perfectly and his guitar playing was even more perfect, I just didn't know were we stood. I've heard the rumours about him and Veronica and if he really liked me back, wouldn't he have said something? All these thoughts flooded my mind until it I had to start singing, and when did i accidentally caught eye contact with Archie and for some reason, I just couldn't look away. We were singing this song and it was as if we were singing it for each other, which brought a smile to my face. When the chorus came, we both had cheesy smiles planted on our faces and our knees touched due to how close we had become. Every lyric, we began to get closer and closer, I couldn't help it, especially when I felt his warm hand on my cheek, his chocolate eyes melting me as he leaned in. In that moment I forgot about everything, Ronnie, Betty, Jughead. None of them mattered, because for that moment, all I wanted to do was feel his lips against mine. I let my eyes flutter shut as our lips collided slowly, the kiss instantly filled me with butterflies and he deepened it causing me to be surprised, yet Carry on. It was as if there was a puzzle and there was one piece left, but when our lips met, it was a perfect fit and the puzzle was complete. I pulled away after the passionate kiss, which filled me with warmth despite the cold air outside.

"I'm sorry!" He said, before taking off out of the practice room, leaving me there like an idiot. All I could think was "am I really that bad?"

Class ended and I started putting my stuff into my bag, whilst the entirety of the class went for lunch. The teacher left and I swung my bag over my shoulder I then heard his annoying voice and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey babe." Reggie said, I turned around the face him and he had a huge smirk on his face. I then saw chuck next to him and my body filled with rage, why on earth was he let back into our school!?

"The hell are you two doing in here? You look like lost little puppies." I hissed whilst walking over to the photocopier with my music book to copy some sheet music for my homework.

"To see you actually." I felt and arm around me and when I looked up it was Reggie and I just rolled my eyes, instead of trying and failing to get it off.

"Well you found me, what do you want?" I asked, not paying much attention to anything they wanted to say.

"There's a hue party going on at Archie's on Friday, you going?" Chuck asked, with a devilish grin and I furrows my brows.

"But it's Juggies birthday on Friday, we usually go to the cinema." I said glaring at the pair, as if they were to blame.

"Don't shoot the messenger, the party is for Jughead, but it's a surprise that Betty prepared." Reggie said and I sighed folding my arms, she had made a hue mistake.

"Jughead hates parties, just as much as he hates his birthday. The hell is Betty doing?" I said to myself, I shoved my music book into my bag and was about to shoot off when I felt my wrist being grabbed and I felt my body against Reggie's.

"Cmon let's give us one more try, hey? You look sexy when you're angry." He said and that was the final straw.

"Oh I do? Well here's something that'll stick in your memory then!" I spat, whilst my fist punched him in the nose, as hard as it could. I hid the pain that t caused my knuckles and I could see blood already dropping from his nose. I stormed out of the classroom and bit my lip, hiding the tears that demanded to fall due to instinct. I gripped my wrist and stared at my swollen knuckles.

"Shit." I whispered, before heading to the girls toilets, but before I reached the door I was stopped by Jughead. He looked like he had something on his mind, but he noticed that my hand was hidden behind my back.

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