Chapter 32

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After the speech we all headed to Pop's for a few milkshakes, to celebrate Betty's amazing speech. Me and Archie were sat on one side and Jughead and Betty were say the other side, like a double date almost. Archie's arm fell around my shoulders and we all said cheers and clinked our glasses together. Who would've known that the safe beacon of Riverdale was a tiny little diner run by a jolly old man?

Later that night me and Arch ventured to my dads house, I couldn't do it alone and so he told me he'd come with me. My keys inserted into the locked and I pushed the door open, to reveal everything how it should be. I opened the mail box before entering and it was full of bills and stuff that wasn't my concern yet. I threw my keys on the table next to the door and I walked into the lounge and took in the ghost atmosphere.

"I'll get us a drink." I said as I left Archie in the lounge, I poured us both a class of Pepsi and I handed him a glass, he was looking at a picture of me when I was little.

"You were so cute." He said and I raised an eyebrow was we both placed our drinks down, he noticed me facial expression and grinned, before holding my chin.

"N'awww you're still cute." He said in a baby voice and I rolled my eyes playfully, he pulled me into a hug and I noticed his face turned serious.

"What's wrong?" I asked as his chocolate eyes stared longingly into mine and he placed a surprisingly warm hand on my cheek and I could feel them turn red.

"Raven Robinson." He said and I smiled, he planted a single kiss on my lips.

"I'm in love with you." He whispered and my eyes widened, my mouth parted slightly as I tried to see if I had hear correctly, his smile showed me that I did. It was my turn to place my hands on his cheeks, my thumbs caressed his ear and he smiled at me.

"Archie Andrews, I have loved you since the moment you saved me from this bullies on the playground, you've always been my hero." I said and his lips brushed mine. Not innocently, but fiery, passionate and demanding. In this moment, my senses have been seduced and I can no longer think straight. "Raven." He whispered slowly, prolonging each letter as if savouring them. I smiled, my heart fluttering at his voice as my hands made their way to the back of his neck. He finally kissed me, and my world fell away, it was slow and soft at first, comforting in ways that words never could be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingled. I ran my fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was zero space left between us and I could feel his heart pumping just as fast as the pace of the kiss quickened. I was lifted onto the kitchen table, he stood between my legs and the pressure of our kiss grew harder and the speed quickened. Doing this, with my soul mate, it would never get old.

The next day, I woke up next to my boyfriend in bed, both naked and vulnerable. I wrapped a blanket around me and stood up to get changed, trying to avoid waking Archie.

"I've seen all of you're beautiful body Raven, you don't have to hide it from me." He said and I jumped slightly when he first spoke, and I blushed at his words, before letting the blanket drop to the ground. I looked over my shoulder to see him smiling and I threw a shirt at his head, before putting my clothes on. I laid back down next to him after we both for dressed, and I pulled my phone out so o could text everyone.

"Cmon Andrews, we're going to Pop's."
I said work a grin and he smiled and our hands intertwined as we walked downstairs, I then saw a text pop up on my phone and I smiled once I saw the caller ID.

"Hey Rave,
We're so sorry about leaving, we didn't even think but we knew sooner or later everything would be figured out and FP would drop us in it, but his loyalties are incredible just like Jughead. We're on our way back and we're going out for a meal tonight to catch up, we miss you and love you. See you soon!
- Joaquin x" I read aloud and Archie side hugged me and kissed my head, and I hugged me phone, all
I wanted was to have my family home.

We arrived at Pop's and we all squeezed into one booth, me Ronnie,
Kevin, Archie, Jug and Betty. We clinked our milkshakes together and smiled.

Friends, new or old, this is our place and no one could take that away from us. Riverdale is our world and if anyone wants to ruin that then they have to face us, we are the very soul of riverdale and we intend to stay that way. This exact booth with these exact milkshakes is where all of our friendships began, and it is where this story ends.

This isn't the end of our story however, in fact it isn't even the start of the ends.
It's the end of the beginning and there are so many more adventures for us to live through, and we'll do it the way we always have.....


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