Chapter 22

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I started to fast pace walk, it was 3am and I was walking around in the dark and I got lost. Ethan's house was a long way from mine and I became scared quickly. Ethan lives on the outskirts of Riverdale, not even inside it and so I became lost as I didn't want to take the pitch black shortcuts through alleys and the woods. I had picked up my phone and started to ring Jughead, he kept declining my calls and so I rang the one guy who had never let me down.

Archie's POV

I was watching as Jughead was gaining many missed calls, and he was declining them all considering he was so tired. I had finally gotten comfy again and as my eyes started to close my pone started to buzz on my bedside table and as soon a so saw he name pop up I pressed accept.

"Raven?" I said in a tired croaky voice and I heard her sniff as if she was crying which caused me to sit up instantly.

"What's happened!?" I questioned, slightly panicked and I heard a shaky sigh.

"Archie I'm lost, I don't know where I am and it's really dark." She said through the phone and she sounded terrified! I looked at the time and it was half 3 in the morning! I knew I needed to get her so I went to wake my dad up and I explained to him, all whilst on the phone to her to make sure she's safe. My dad instantly got up and put clothes on before we rushed into his van.

"Where are you?" I questioned and she was quiet for a second , I'm assuming to look around.

"There's one lamp post on, I'm standing under it. There's an old petrol station and diner type thing and a woods facing me, that's it the rest is just a straight road." I could hear the fear that laced in her voice and I felt sad that she was this scared. She was on speaker and luckily dad knew where she was and we speeded to the place he thought of.

"Raven are you still there?" I asked but I noticed that the Call was ended and when I tried phoning back it wouldn't go through, panic set in motion.

Ravens POV
"Stupid phone!" I spat angrily, the battery had died so now I was left standing under a street lamp with no jacket, freezing and scared. I started to kick at the ground, when I heard footsteps behind me, I assumed it was Archie and I decided to tease him.

"Took you long enough." I said jokingly, however when I heard no reply I became suspicious and before I could turn around I felt my bag being tugged, I turned instantly. A man with a grey matted beard and a red hat was trying to take my bag, I was fighting against it pulling it back in a game of tug of war when he pulled a knife out.

"Hey sir, woah, this doesn't have to get messy." I said putting my hands up, I let him take the bag, but he wasn't done.

"What else could you possibly want!?" I spat, wishing that Archie would be here soon. I watched as the old mans eyes looked toward my chest and reverted back to my eyes, he clearly wanted me to remove my clothing and I knew I didn't have a choice.

"You're a sick old man!" I spat, slowly letting my feet take me backwards, but with every step backwards he took another forwards.

"Take it off!" He screamed and I could tell he was on drugs, or drunk but whichever one it was it wasn't good. I started to unbutton my shirt, the knife threatening me in his hand I could feel the tears trickling down my cheeks, knowing what could happen. I didn't stick around to find out though, because I began to run as faster as I could, when I felt myself being forced to the ground the old man on top of me. I started to scream and hit him, but his hands started on the rest of the buttons on my shirt and more tears fell down. The screaming began to hurt my throat, but I didn't stop until I felt the point of his knife on my hip. All I could do was release shaky breaths as I felt his lips brush against my bare stomach. I closed my eyes, fear took over and I was stuck. I opened my eyes when I heard a bang, I saw Archie and the man that was above me now in the floor knocked out.

"Raven!" He said, but when he saw my appearance and tear stained face he knew what had just happened. I stood up and looked down at myself, ashamed. My flannel was completely unbuttoned, revealing my black laced bra. I couldn't look at him, my eyes burned the ground as tears fell and I suddenly started crying. It wasn't long before I felt a pair of muscly arms around me, I knew it was Archie as I breathed in his familiar scent. At first I just stood there, however I then wrapped my arms around him, his head resting on mine and his finger slowly rubbing my back. I felt so weak and powerless.

"Shall we go home?" He whispered and I nodded, knowing that he meant his house, there's nowhere i would feel safer than with Archie. We found Fred in the van, he had no idea as to what just happened, but when he asked I didn't feel like telling him.

"Where's jughead?" I asked in a quiet voice from the backseat, Archie said he'd sit with me. He had already pulled a blanket over us and my head rested on his shoulder.

"He's at mine asleep." Archie replied and I felt pain suddenly hit me, why did he ignore all my calls!? I nodded and felt my heavy eyes begin to close, and I suddenly fell into a deep sleep on Archie's shoulder.

Archie practically saved my life, and so I owe him mine.

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