Chapter 29

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Archie's POV

"Did Raven kill Jason?" I asked Joaquin, he was sitting in a chair as we were all interrogating him for answers and he shook his head, which caused us to all look at each other.

"I don't think so, but I know who hid the body." I said and I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to explain.

"Your Dad Jughead, he asked for my help to sort out a mess." Joaquin said and we all looked at Jug, was Raven paying for FP's murder? We finished questioning him, and we were told about another Serpent who could've been involved, so we all left, but before we could, it was time to say goodbye to Joaquin he had to get out of town and Ravens dad was going with him.

"Have you said goodbye to Raven?" I asked them, before they got onto the bus and they both looked at each other before looking down, and I shook my head in disbelief.

"You're seriously going to do the thing she has only just forgiven you for!? You're going to leave her stranded, again!?" I yelled and they looked ashamed, but I wasn't about to let them stay now, they don't deserve her, I stood in their way and forced them into the bus, i was protecting Raven. We watched as the bus drove off, and without a second glance, I left

A lot of time passed, the day was full of police questioning and even a dead body, but we finally found the thing we were looking for and it was all stored on a tiny piece of plastic. Betty pushed it into the side of her computer, before lifting the lid to reveal a video, she clicked on it and we all gave each other confused glances.

We saw Jason sitting in a chair, he was tied down, which was odd as he had supposedly been shot in the woods.... A serpent appeared on the screen and began to toy with him, before the most unexpected person appeared on the screen. Cliff Blossom, Jason's dad, they spoke for a while, before Cliff pulled out a gun and shot Jason between the eyes with a huge bang, followed by a deafening silence. Everyone was doing the same action, our hands covering our mouths as tears fell, out of remorse or fear? I couldn't tell. Betty closed the lid slowly, and all I could hear was faint sobs of my friends, but I knew exactly what I needed to do.

Me and Betty took the tape straight to Alice Cooper, because she was a reporter and could easily get the word out there. Later that night, she then took it to Sheriff Keller and Mayor McCoy who watched the entire thing.

Ravens POV
I was sitting in my cell, picking at the ends of my grey t shirt in boredom and nervousness. I heard a lot of commotion outside, but I didn't know what as their voices were all muffled due to the walls standing between us. I sighed, before the door the the room I was in opened, revealing a very guilty looking Sheriff Keller, his head bowed.

"Raven, I can't begin to describe just how sorry I am." He said, his keys inserted into the lock of the cell and my eyes widened as I stood up.

"Sheriff stop, I don't know what I'm capable of anymore." I said, as I stood in the furthest corner away from the door, but he held it open anyway.

"Raven it wasn't you, we have video footage of Cliff Blossom shooting Jason. I'm very sorry that I assumed it was you, you're my sons best friend and I should've been kinder instead of making you think you're crazy. We'll never know why you were chosen as the cover up, because Cliff killed himself." The Sheriff said and my eyes widened even further, what the hell has happened to our small town!? "I also have information that your dad and brother have left town...."

My heart sank, they had left, without saying goodbye? They did it again, and in my mind I was that little girl again, waiting for them to come home, even though that day never comes. I nodded slowly, before walking to the door, freedom had never felt so good. His arm fell around my back as he guided me out, it also comforted me slightly. There was a few things I had to sign, but I regained my belongings and before I knew it, I was standing outside the station looking at the stars above.

"Where the hell do I go now?" I said to myself, I was back to the beginning, but then a thought rushed over my mind and I smiled. I had one place I could go for the night, one place I was always welcome. I began to walk, the cold being non existent as I was finally happy to feel the outside air. I walked up the steps and knocked on the red door, nobody answered and I looked at my phone, it was 1am, they'll be asleep! I opened the door slowly, the entire place was dark and I started to remove my shoes.

"Welcome home!" I heard many voices shout and as I looked up, I noticed all the lights had switched on and I saw all my friends in the lounge, banners and balloons everywhere and I grinned, of
Course they'd do this for me. I walked over to them, only to be bombarded by hugs from them all, including the parents, even Alice! But there was one certain red haired boy that I couldn't see anywhere, until my eye sight went black as someone's hands had covered my vision.

"Guess who." His goofy voice and I smiled, before moving his hands to my cheeks, turning around and colliding our lips together. A long awaited moment, kissing in front of others and he wasn't even pulling away, in fact he deepened the kiss slightly and I smiled against his soft lips. Once we pulled away, everyone finished their goodbyes for the night, and it was just me, Fred and Archie. Jughead was staying at Betty's for a few nights as FP had just been arrested for helping hide the body. Archie led me upstairs, his hand intertwined with mine, and the moment the door shut, we began to kiss again, however it was much harder. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his toned body, before my body was gently slammed against the wall, his hands on my cheeks. I removed his shirt and he smiled once it was gone, I shook my head and breathed out a laugh as the kiss continued, getting deeper and faster each second. He moved me towards the bed, whilst laying on top of me. I removed my shirt and I began to trace is abs with my index finger, he looked down at me with a grin. My hand reached for his cheek, and my thumb caressed his ear slowly. I felt my trousers begin to be removed, leaving my vulnerable in my white lace underwear. I unbuckled his belt and his jeans fell to the floor, he kicked them away and began to kiss me again, his hands Sliding onto mine on the bed before they intertwined. My body filled with goosebumps as he touched my bare skin and he began to kiss down my body, causing my back to arch. The rest of that night, that perfect night, was history.

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