Chapter 23

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I woke up to the sound of rain hammering down on something, it sounded like water on a tin can. I fluttered my eyes open to reveal my flannel unbuttoned, I was lying in a car with a blanket over me, I was in someone's arms. I turned to see Archie, A sudden feeling of worry wiped over me as we were in a car and my top was undone, until I remembered....

"Arch." I whispered, shaking him gently, I wanted to be sweet but when he didn't wake up I got annoyed.

"Andrews!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and he instantly sat up, causing me to be in his lap now instead of on top of him, my body facing him and my legs around his waist. Our faces were inches apart and we had a moment were our eyes locked, my heart stopped and I couldn't breath. I was then taken back to that night, the screaming and crying when I tried to end it all, and his eyes, I had never seen anyone so upset and that's what I did to him, and I couldn't do it again. I could see his eyes closing slowly and his head tilted slightly and I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, before getting out of the car and fast pacing out of the situation, what was I thinking? I unbuttoned my shirt as I walked and I ran my fingers through my hair, stressed about the recent events. I felt bad for just leaving him when he was vulnerable, but it was for his own good, I was protecting him. I decided to proceed my walk back to mine.

Archie's POV

I have no idea what just happened, I knew I had always had a stupid little crush on her when we were kids, but I'm over it, aren't I? I was suddenly hit by flashbacks of us.


I sat on my little blue bike, making my way to the park and once I arrived I had never seen anything so beautiful. A small brunette girl was sitting on the swing by herself, whilst people started to tease her, they threw sand at her, staining her pure white dress and white dolly shoes. I pushed my bike to the floor and stepped in between them, stoping them from throwing the sand.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled, and they did, they continued to play rough on the football field. I looked at the girl, her arms folded and she wouldn't look at me, so instead of saying anything I sat down next to her.

"Hello." I said, smiling but she still ignored me until I started swinging, I was going really high.

"Can you go any higher?" I asked, a laughter in my voice and she laughed, she pushed herself off the ground and before I knew it we were as high as the clouds! We kept going for ages until we finally stopped, she hugged me, which was the moment I had a crush on her.

"I'm Raven." She said with a smile, and I smiled back whilst picking up a raven feather off of the ground and handing it to her.

"I'm Archie, can we be friends?" I asked and she smiled, then we were joined by Betty and Jughead and we all became best friends.


I was broken from my daydream by Jughead knocking on the truck window, he opened the door and sat beside me.

"Why're you out here?" He asked jokingly, he laughed afterwards and I knew I couldn't tell him, he was in love with Raven and I couldn't do that to him.

"Raven was lost last night, so me and dad brought her home but I assume he left us because we were asleep." I said, it wasn't a lie I just missed out what happened this morning.

"Where is she now?" Jug asked and I felt like face palming for being such a bad friend.

"She must've taken off early this morning, I didn't see her." I lied, feeling awful about almost kissing the only girl he's ever liked. He nodded, believing the lie and I smiled awkwardly.

"Lets go get some breakfast, I need bacon." Jug said lightening the mood and I smiled following him into the house.

Ravens POV

The weekend passed very quickly and I hadn't spoken to Archie or Jughead, I mean me and Archie were about to kiss and I left him by himself looking like an idiot.

I woke up to the sound of my dad tapping on my door, I stayed at his a lot more now and I had a thought that I was going to just sell my apartment and live with him.

"Raven, I'm heading to the south side, you need to go to school and don't get into any trouble today." He said and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. I dragged myself out of bed and started pulling my clothes on, a black tee shirt, blue shirt overalls and black biker boots. I combed my hair, yawning the entire time and put my bag on my shoulder. As I left the house, I checked my class schedule and had an inside groan, first period was music with Archie. I did a slow walk to school, and once I had arrived I was greeted by Betty and Ronnie who said they had missed me this weekend. We were just chatting as usual when I saw Archie and Jughead walk into the school, Archie saw me and they began to walk over.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I said, before leaving hurriedly, hoping none of them would follow me. I locked myself inside the bathroom stall and sat down on the toilet seat, staring at the wall and twirling my thumbs I stayed like that until the bell rang. I walked to music quickly, he was sat in his usual seat and i usually sit with him but today I sat the other side of the room, I just felt so awkward. His eyes burnt on me, every time I looked at him he was smiled at me and I just looked away not knowing what to do.

"Okay begin!" I heard the teacher say, but I was too distracted by Archie to understand a word she actually said.

"What's wrong Miss Robinson?" The new music teacher asked and I shook my head, telling her nothing is wrong. Well then, you and Archie need to go carry on with your duet. She smiled and walked back to her desk, I put my head in my hands when I saw his black trainers and I followed them up to his ginger hair and chocolate eyes.

"Come on." He said, holding his hand out, but I got up myself and walked into a practice room, him following from behind. I could already tell that he wanted to talk, and I really wasn't looking forward to it.

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