Chapter 27

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Careful what you wish for. Years ago, I wished for fame, attention, popularity, I wanted to be noticed always. But that night, I wanted nothing more than to be invisible.

We arrived at the dance, I could hear the music before even entering the school.

"You coming?"Kevin asked, I was standing on the steps and I smiled at him and Joaquin, despite the hate I had to my twin right now, they did look cute together.

"I'm gonna wait for Archie, he said he'd meet me in front of the school." I said and they both smiled at me before heading inside. I tried calling him, and texting him, but in the end I just looked like an idiot so I gave up waiting and went inside. The music was really upbeat and fun, the singing sounded familiar and once I looked up at the stage I found out the answers the all my questions. Archie was standing up on the stage, singing alongside Ronnie and I felt a lump in my throat. He had asked me to this dance to prove that he liked me and not her, but I guess when your heart likes someone you've gotta be with them..

(Play song)

I felt my eyes fill with tears, I assumed they were probably a tint of red as they always did that when I cried. I made eye contact with Archie and his eyes widened and he stopped singing, I shook my head and turned on my heel, as I headed for the doors. He called my name, but I had already left. I was walking up past the lockers, I had heard Betty and Jug calling after me, but I didn't care I just kept walking. Once I reached the car park, the tears were begging to fall and I had to wipe them away as I sat down on the steps, my head in my hands as I cried. I heard footsteps approach me.

"Go away Archie." I muttered, but an arm grabbed mine and I was pushed against the wall, which caused my nose to bleed due to the brick and I could already feel a bruise forming. I felt handcuffs tighten around my wrists, I tried to struggle, until I heard a familiar voice.

"Don't be so harsh, she's a child." Kevin's dad said and I was let go of, until a new pair of hands were on my hair and wrist.

"Raven, I'm arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Jason blossom. You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire." It was Kevin's dad, the sheriff of river dale was arresting me for the murder of Jason, and I didn't blame him, because even I believe it was me. I stayed silent, I didn't struggle, I didn't cry, I didn't yell, I just let them lower my head into the back of the sheriffs car. I stared at the school and by my lip as a few tears trickled, I knew that whilst I was gone, Archie would forget about me, along with Jughead and Betty and Kevin. They will hate me, after all, I'm a killer. The sirens turned on and we turned out of the school and headed to the station, which scared the hell out of me.

Archie's POV
I watched as she left the hall and I got off the stage and ran after her, but I stopped once I saw Betty and Ronnie talking, I knew that it was going to be about what happened earlier at Jugs. Betty began to question us, she couldn't believe what we had done and she was tearing up. Then Jughead joined the scene and asked what was going on and Betty turned to face him, before facing us again.

"Are you gonna tell him, or should I?" She said and me and V stood in front of her.

"Jug, we searched your dads house earlier for any sign of him murdering Jason." I began and Jughead looked disgusted at us.

"We didn't find anything Jug, your dads innocent, we think." Veronica added and his eyes skipped between us, before he folded his arms.

"Why would you guys do this?" He asked after a while of taking it all in and Betty stepped forward, she had bloodshot eyes.

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