Chapter 2

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I woke up. 1 am. I had yet another nightmare. I knew who I needed right now. I knew who I wanted to comfort me. They weren't in my phone. Nobody was. I put on some trackies, I tied my hair in a bun and I slipped my feet into some sneakers. I left the house and made a straight path to Pop's. I entered through the door to smell a mixture of milkshakes and fried goodies.It sent a smile through me. My eyes scanned the room. He wasn't here. I turned around, when I hear clicking on a laptop. I turned my eyes to the noise. There he was, his bright green eyes staring at his laptop screen, concentrating. His raven hair slightly curled out of his crown shaped beanie, I remember always trying to touch it...Something he wouldn't let anyone do..Ever. He had an coffee at his side, he pulled all - nighters, he needed that coffee like an ill person needs their drugs. He hadn't noticed me, but Pop had. I asked him for a milkshake and a cheese burger. I wasn't hungry, but I knew that if Jughead was as mad at me as I thought, then I needed bribery. I slid into the booth, facing him. He didn't look up.

"Yeah, it's great to see you to Jones." I muttered, still. Nothing.

"You can't ignore me forever Jug."

"You don't get it Raven, do you?" He mumbled.

"Get what?"

"You don't get what it's like to put faith and hope and trust into a person and without even a goodbye, they just leave you." He said, he was looking at me now. His green eyes looked sad. I wish I could tell him where I really was.

"I do actually." I said under my breath but he heard it anyway, his eyes widened.

"I didn't mean tha-"

"It's fine Jughead. Well i'm not fine, but this situation is." I forced a smile out, I feel like it seemed force to,because Jughead looked at me strangely.

"I'm just saying, you're telling everyone these lies about going to New York. But I can read you like an open book. If you went you would come back showing off with pictures. You wouldn't be so different, so quiet. Damaged almost. I just wish you could trust me enough to tell me the truth." His words burned into my head. Damaged. I knew he would figure out. I wasn't in New York. Jughead wasn't dumb, he could read people. Jughead was like a detective, he could just stare from the sidelines and know everything that's happening. That's why we were such good friends, we were the same, we could easily detect things.

"I was in New York. I probably seem 'damaged', because I lost my family." I spat.

"I'm sorry, Raven. My mouth doesn't have a filter." He said holding the bridge of his nose, just as Pop put a cheeseburger and a milkshake down. Jughead eyed it like he was a vulture.

"A piece offering, be my best friend again? If you do, it's all yours."

"You dummy, I would be your friend with or without bribery. But bribery works too." He replied and I rolled my eyes laughing while he chewed on the burger.

"I heard about Jason." I started. "Did they find the body?"

"No, Cheryl says he drowned or whatever."

"And what do you say to that?"

"I say he was murdered. Mo body, no drowning." He whispered, I smiled. I missed him so much. I leaned my head against the window as I listened to his fingers tap his keyboard.

"Want to read to me what you've written, Dickens." I teased laughing and he did laughed to. I listened to the smooth melody on his voice. The deep softness that lied within. Jughead looked weird and almost... Creepy? On the outside, but on the inside he was the sweetest, funniest and most caring guy I've ever met. I felt old feelings creep up inside me as he read his novel, feelings I shouldn't have. Not for my sake, for Jugheads. I'm a bomb on a timer. One day i'll blow, taking anything and everything around with me. I didn't want to take Jughead down with me.

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