Chapter 17

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I woke up the next day to my alarm as usual. I instantly turned it off as the annoying bleeps rang in my ears. I got out of my bed and slumped to the bathroom, where I got ready. Today's outfit, was a white and black striped tee, black overalls and white converses. I put my hair into a high ponytail and I pulled my baby hairs out at the front. I threw my bag on my back and headed towards the door. I saw a pink envelope on the ground, I picked it up and inside was an invitation to Polly's baby shower at the Lodge house. Well this won't end well... I closed the door behind me as I walked out  and down the stairs and finally, out of the building. I walked to school quickly, I needed to talk to Archie and make sure that he was okay, I heard someone trashed his dad's work site. After a long walk of thinking, I arrived at school and headed straight to Archie's locker. I had got there just in time, Archie was putting his books in his locker. I bumped into him playfully.

"Hey Andrews. You're looking dapper today." I teased, pushing my fingers through his hair. He grinned weakly, he was clearly affected by what happened and I wish i had been there. I can't help two friends at once though, can I? I sighed and gave him a weak smile.

"I heard what happened. Are you okay?" I asked and Archie gave me a small smile before shrugging his shoulders.

"Just annoyed. That shouldn't have happened to my Dad, he's a good man. And then Moose getting attacked is just the icing on the cake really." He growled and I sighed.

"I know. Fred is a great man and Moose didn't deserve getting hurt either. So, who do you think did it?" I asked, trying not to insist on an answer as he was sensitive. At this point, Jughead was now standing with us. Archie sighed.

"I don't think. I know. It was the Serpents, who else would it be?" Archie growled and I felt a slight bit of pain, I knew Jughead felt it too. Both of our fathers and my twin brother were Serpents and we had to protect them.

"How can you be so sure Archie?" I asked, trying not to sound like I'm takin sides. Jughead rolled his eyes at Archie's accusations.

"I just know. We all helped Dad out and now the Serpents trashed it." He practically groaned afterwards as if he spent a lot of effort helping his dad.

"Just don't go around making accusations that could be false." Jughead added gently and Archie sighed and closed his locker, his books safely inside.

"I know it was them Raven, I'll prove it.Can we meet at Pop's after school?" He asked. I looked up at him and smiled weakly.

"Sure, but remember it's Polly's baby shower tonight, don't miss it." I sighed, it meant a lot to Betty that we were there and I didn't want Archie's rumours ruining it for her and Polly. Archie nodded and I could tell Jughead was internally groaning.

"Do I have to go to that?" He moaned and I flicked him in the head playfully. He looked out me from the corner of his eyes and he couldn't help but shoe his little smirk.

"Of course you have to come, I need company and who's going to help me and Betty bring the cakes in?" I teased laughing and he tended up, but finally laughed. I felt my phone buzz as Archie and Jughead started talking about the video game hat they're currently obsessed with.

Betty Cooper: Hey Rave, you still coming tonight? x

Raven Campbell: Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world Bets. I'll be helping to decorate to. ;) x

Betty Cooper: You're amazing! Thank you Raven! See you later. I'll meet you at Ronnie's at 4:30? X

Raven Campbell: See ya at 4:30 :) x

I grinned to myself for a moment, before putting my attention back into the two guys in front of me. They were talking about what level they were on.

"Wow. Well as exciting as this conversation is, class is starting in 2 minutes and I can't be late. See you guys later." I smiled at them.

"We've both got maths. We'll meet you at lunch, normal spot." Archie replied waving.

"Bring food." Jughead added bluntly and me and Archie laughed, even though Jughead was being deadly serious. I trotted off down the hallway and plonked down into a stool in art class. The only reason I enjoyed art, was because they let me do photography and that was my favorite type of art. I mean there's many types like sketching, painting, water coloring, portraits etc, but photography was the best, you could use real life things to express yourself and it was like one big metaphor. I didn't do photography like I did piano, but I just loved doing it in art.

(Okay. I've messed up big time! This will be such a short chapter, because I have made the stupidest mistake. I watched the new episode of Riverdale today and found something out. Joaquin also nicknamed in this fan fiction as Jo is pronounced Wah - keen. I am so dumb lol. For now i'm not going to go back and change anything, so let's all pretend that when I've called him Jo it says his full name. Jeez. Thank you all for reading this far! See you in the next chapter for Polly's baby shower!)

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