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it had been 2 weeks since their mother's death and belle had finally left the house. they had decided not to do a funeral considering it was only the two kids that would probably attend.

aiden and belle had not cleaned out their mother's bedroom and simply locked her bedroom door. none of them wanted to walk into that room again so, they didn't since aiden threw the only key to her bedroom in a lake.

it was a sunny sunday morning as belle licked her ice cream, sitting on the curb of the ice cream shop as aiden talked to his friends. she was wearing a white t-shirt that had far to many paint stains to count and a pair of light blue mom jeans.

belle had missed almost 2 weeks of school but no one really minded seeing as belle didn't actually have any friends just people she talked to in class when she was forced to.

she watched as aiden and all his friends laughed, many wearing the same various penetrator jackets. some looked familiar and some looked unfamiliar. as far as she could tell there seemed to be more penetrators then the last time she saw them all together.

she continued sitting on the side of the street eating her almost entirely gone ice cream as she let out various loud sighs. she eventually got up, threw away her napkins and walked back inside the ice cream shop where there seemed to be more penetrators.

"what the hell." belle muttered. in belle's eyes it seemed like they were a cult and all moved together. she wasn't entirely wrong.

belle looked around the store and after not finding what she was looking for started walking towards the only worker she could find.

she walked up to the cashier as the cashier looked up a smile on her face but soon frowned as she realized a teen girl was standing in front of her and not one of the many penetrators.

by now the bell rang on the door but belle didn't bother looking to see who had came into the store.

"yes?" the cashier asked as she began impatiently tapping her fingers on the countertop.

"do you have a bathroom?" belle asked as the cashier then scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"no, sorry." the cashier sarcastically said, a smirk on her face.

"really. well what's through that door?" belle said gesturing her eyebrows towards a brown door in the corner of the shop.

"a storage room." the girl said as a large smile appeared on her face.

"oh okay, so you urinate on the floor then right? or do you hold your pee in for the whole day?" belle asked, sarcasm practically dripping off her words.

"i'm going to have to ask you to calm down." the cashier replied.

"i will pull down my pants and urinate on this damn floor if you don't let me use the bath-"

"excuse me, can i have the restroom key?" a boy asked, interrupting belle as he pointed across the counter to a key labeled bathroom key on the wall.

the girl seemed to fall into a trance as she grabbed the key, slid it across the counter to the boy, and then placed a small smile on her face as she rested her head on her hand.

belle turned around extending her hand for the key but the boy just walked past her, laughs escaping his lips.

belle followed after him, completely infuriated. "excuse me!" she yelled grabbing the attention of almost everyone in the shop.

the boy that belle recognized as one of aiden's many friends let out a loud sigh as he turned around, "what?"

"i have been asking for the key!" belle yelled walking closer to the boy. he raised his eyebrows before backing up, a smile spreading across his face. "sorry, you were holding up the line, plus i have to pee to!" he said crossing his legs as if he were a kindergarten on the verge of peeing his pants.

"no, wait!" belle yelled after him but he simply unlocked the bathroom door, then slammed it leaving a very pissed off belle on the other side. all the penetrators in the shop roared with laughter but two people, aiden and a tall boy who she recognized as william.

belle was embarrassed as she kicked the bathroom door then walked out of the ice cream shop. various eyes were still on her, laughs still leaving all of their lips. aiden soon left the shop and caught up to her.

sadly but yet fortunately, that would not be belle's last encounter with the boy.

ART | chris schistad Where stories live. Discover now