twenty two

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belle walked up the stairs of william's apartment. people were either inside or outside of his house, all mainly inside.

people's eyes went wide as they saw belle. she looked better then usual meaning she had let cassie do her makeup earlier just for fun. therefore she looked different but in a good way.

belle walked through the front door as she constantly bumped into people. the smell of weed and alcohol became stronger the farther she walked into the apartment. bright lights blinded belle from the dj as he danced around the living room, people dancing with him.

belle looked around, people were smoking, drinking or grinding on each other.

belle pushed past people towards the kitchen to get a beer. as soon as belle walked into the kitchen she stopped. her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach as she bit the inside of her cheek.

chris was making out with eva as vilde stood behind them with wide eyes.

chris was making out with eva as vilde stood behind them with wide eyes

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vilde looked up as her eyes went wide when she saw belle. "belle?" vilde whispered. it wasn't loud enough to hear over the music as chris just made out with eva more passionately. belle tried to stop looking but it was impossible.

eventually she bit her lip and turned around. she was pissed as she shoved people now trying to find william's bathroom.

tears came to belle's eyes as she opened the bathroom door, unaware of the other people in it as she held her head with her hands. she knew she shouldn't have came but what could she have done. no matter what belle tried to tell herself she felt like it was her fault that chris was basically toying with her feelings.

a moment of silence passed before a voice interrupted her. "belle?"

belle jumped before quickly turning around. there sat isaac with bright red eyes sitting in a bathtub, jonas, isak, magnus, and mahdi sat next to him.

"you good?" isaac asked with raised eyebrows before quickly taking a hit of the joint he had in his hand.

belle watched as isaac just laughed when belle didn't respond.

"come here," isaac said motioning for belle to come towards him.

belle reluctantly walked towards her high friend as jonas scouted over for her. belle sat between isaac and jonas, resting her head on the back of the bathtub.

"what's wrong?" jonas asked looking at her. "everything." belle answered truthfully.

"you know what could fix that?" magnus asked the girl. belle looked at all of them with raised eyebrows before isak smirked.

isaac smiled before sticking out his hand, "take a hit."

belle looked around at the boys. he didn't have to tell her twice as she did exactly what he told her.


ten minutes later everyone was high out of their minds. belle smiled as she rested her head on jonas shoulder. isak continued telling his story that wasn't that funny as isaac toke another hit of the joint.

"aiden's going to kill me but, this is so fun!" belle exclaimed as she laughed.

"see belle, weed is bad for you but it sure as hell is good for the heart and soul when you need to numb the pain, huh?" isaac asked the girl.

she just smiled at him as the door was swung open making everyone look up. "hello." a attractive boy said as he walked towards the group of people.

"you're back!" isak exclaimed as he smiled at the boy. he looked like a little kid in a candy store as he looked at the teen, lust and hunger in his eyes.

"who's this?" the boy asked pointing to the girl who was playing with jonas' hair.

"that's belle. she's my bestfriend." isaac said as he placed his arm around the girl's shoulder.

"well belle it's nice to meet you. i'm even." even said with a smirk on his face as he stuck out his hand.

belle shook his hand before resting her head on jonas shoulder again but, this time jonas looked at her with something in his eyes,


i know in the show even didn't walk in while they were smoking but i
wanted to introduce his character
to belle already.

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