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it was the first day back for belle at school and to say she didn't miss it was a understatement. she wandered past people constantly rolling her eyes at their idiotic actions or words.

she made it late to her math class by exactly 2 minutes automatically earning a detention.

then, she practically spent 10 minutes arguing with her math teacher who didn't understand that it wasn't belle's fault that two boys decided to fight in front of her when she was trying to walk up the stairs. one of the boys actually looked very familiar.

he simply raised his hand at her signaling it would be best for her to be quiet and with much hesitation belle listened.

belle slumped in her chair nearly all the way to the ground and very dramatically dropped her backpack on the floor causing multiple kids to giggle and the teacher to raise his eyebrows at her.

ten minutes remained of the class until lunch as belle spun her pencil around in the air desperate for some form of entertainment.

suddenly, she felt something hard hit her head causing her to yell a ow. the whole class then turned towards the girl with confused expressions on their faces. "is everything okay ms. araya?" the teacher asked with a look of annoyance on his face.

"just peachy." belle said through gritted teeth as the teacher then continued his lesson. before anyone could even glance again at belle she spun around, anger and annoyance flashing in her eyes.

there sat a boy with long brown hair and brown eyes looking petrified as his friend with long dark black hair laughed at him. belle looked down seeing a hair tie laying right by her foot and slowly grabbed it. the boy was seconds away from muttering a sorry, but soon was cut off by the hair tie hitting him in the eye.

by now his friend was struggling to contain her laughter as she held her sides in pain. the boy bit his tongue to keep himself from yelling considering half the class was looking at the three of them already because the girl was nearly on the ground from laughing so hard.

the teacher then looked up once again completely pissed this time. "belle, you will go to miss. smith's room and do a hour long detention immediately after school." the teacher said practically shaking with fury.

by now there was approximately 3 minutes before class ended as belle's mouth had once again gotten the best of her as she let out a loud, "are you blind?!" at these words the teacher nearly threw his pen at her but belle didn't care.

"as far as i'm concerned he hit me first and i apologize if my mother taught me how to defend myself something yours clearly didn't teach you!" belle yelled out, standing now. by then she realized she was in deep shit as the teacher looked like he had fire burning in his eyes.

"ms. araya, since you obviously can't keep your mouth shut you will have a two hour detention instead." he said with a bitter smile on his face.

the boy nearly died of laughter before the teacher cut him off, "you will also be serving detention after school for a hour to mr. larsen." the boys smile soon fell into a frown.

as soon as those words left the teachers mouth the bell rang and belle and the boy both ran out. belle had just exited the classroom as the boy came sprinting outside, crashing into her. the boy collapsed on the floor on top of belle. the girl then followed them outside the classroom laughing really hard at the sight in front of her.

the boy got off of belle offering her a hand as she reluctantly toke it. "i'm isaac, that's cassie." the boy who's name belle had now learned was isaac said as he dusted his hands off on his jeans then held out a hand for belle to shake.

"belle." belle simply said shaking his hand back. "well belle, that was a wonderful shot." cassie said a smile on her face as she offered belle a high five which belle slowly toke.

"sorry about that by the way." isaac said causing belle to awkwardly nod her head back. the three stood in awkward silence before isaac broke the tension.

"do you have any friends?" he asked only to be slapped by cassie. "isaac you don't just ask someone that!" cassie shrieked looking from belle to isaac.

"oh, i don't," belle answered truthfully. the brunette was never good at making friends unlike aiden who was friends with everyone he encountered.

"don't worry, we don't really have any friends either. you can sit with us if you want." cassie offered, a hopeful smile on her face.

"correction, you don't have many friends." isaac said earning a glare from cassie. "i happen to be friends with isak and the rest of his group." isaac continued.

belle rocked back and forth on her heels considering the offer before saying a quiet yes, a small smile on her face. for belle anything was better then sitting in a classroom talking to a teacher who hated her as she pretended to talk about her homework but really she just needed somewhere to sit.

cassie said a loud yet quiet yay as she grabbed belle and isaac's hands. she walked hand and hand with the two to where they sit at lunch.

belle's thoughts we're running haywire as she contemplated whether this was a good idea or not but soon realized it was when the two begun explaining more about themselves.

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