twenty eight

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belle walked up the school stairs as music played through her headphones. she toke a drink of the blue water bottle filled with vodka, something she would no doubt be suspended for if any of the teachers found out she had.

the girl was drinking again even though everything was fine. the truth was she was so mentally tired and physically too considering she had stayed up all night finishing her homework. she wouldn't label herself as a alcoholic because she knew how to limit herself most of the time.

she found cassie sitting on a bench and quickly joined her. her head slammed onto the table causing cassie to quickly jump up. "are you okay?" cassie asked.

belle simply shook her head, "yes" before closing her eyes again. the girl was exhausted. cassie simply laughed at belle's actions before continuing writing down various sentences.

"what are you doing?" belle asked with a raised eyebrow. a smile came to cassie's face as she started speaking. "i'm writing poetry. you know how art is a way for you to represent your feelings? well that's like poetry for me."

a large smile made it's way onto belle's face seeing how cassie's eyes practically lit up when talking about poetry. "that's great cassie. really! will you ever let me read any of your work?" belle asked.

cassie pursed her lips before smiling slightly. "it depends. show me more of your art and i'll consider it." she said.

belle laughed before speaking again, "deal." belle then rested her head back on her hands as cassie continued to write her poetry. soon belle had fallen asleep, the bell being the thing to wake her up.

cassie quickly gathered all her belongings before muttering a quick, "bye" to belle and then scolding her for not getting enough sleep last night. belle waved bye back to cassie then turned around to go to her next class when suddenly her body smashed into someone else's.

"schistad." belle said with a smile on her face as she made eye contact with the familiar boy. "vega, shall i walk you to your next class?" he asked.

belle smiled before agreeing. the two continued making small talk for the rest of the walk, belle yawning for most of it though. "are you okay?" chris finally asked her.

belle placed a small smile on her face. "yes chris. i swear i'm fine." she said before taking another drink of the hidden vodka. chris raised his eyebrows at the girl as she continued to chug the drink. "that must be good." chris said as belle finally detached the drink from her lips.

belle simply smiled at him before giving the boy a quick hug. she waved bye and walked away towards her next class by herself, happier then earlier. chris was positive the drink she was drinking wasn't everything everyone thought it was.

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