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"i mean, i technically was invited so we can go it's just i wasn't invited by my brother." belle explained the next morning to her russ bus.

"i mean you were invited by a penetrator so that should count as something," chris said shrugging while eating what looked like pudding.

"do you think christoffer likes you?" vilde asked wiggling her eyebrows causing not only belle to squirm uncomfortably but eva too.

belle noticed eva's uncomfortable and cold glare causing her to mumble a quick, "i highly doubt."

all the girls turned towards the other side of the courtyard where chris sat, a brunette perched on his lap. eva huffed what she thought was a unnoticeable huff but everyone had heard.

the group sat in silence for a solid 2 minutes until the bell rang, everyone quickly getting up and walking in different directions.

belle walked towards her next class, science until she felt someone run into her. she turned around and looked down on the ground, where chris laid with a smile on his face.

"charming," belle spat, holding the straps of her yellow fjallraven backpack tighter.

"you aren't going to offer me your hand?" chris asked. he watched as belle shrugged then turned walking away. he soon realized she was not going to help him and jumped off the ground, running after her.

"thanks for the help," chris sarcastically said, finally catching up to belle.

a smirk made it's way onto belle's face, "anytime."

"awe, what happened to the sweet belle?" chris asked. the two were walking next to each other, crossing the courtyard as belle stopped. "what happened to the chris that just fucks for living?" belle asked, surprising herself at her own outburst.

"does someone have jealousy issues?" chris asked. he watched as belle scoffed, a smirk then making its way onto his face.

"so, how about the party. are you coming?" chris asked with a expressionless face. although his face was expressionless he was practically pleading for her to say yes on the inside.

"yep, so are the girls." belle said turning to him. a smile made its way onto her light pink lips as the bell rang signaling the two were late. belle turned her head towards the classroom she should be seated in, seeing her empty seat through the window.

"well, miss. vega we have reached your destination." chris said motioning towards the door. belle let a sigh escape her lips as a small smile came to chris' lips that he failed to hide.

"goodbye, chris." belle said with a smile. he watched as she waved and walked into the classroom. the final bell then rang meaning you were completely late now. chris watched as she sat in her seat, met eyes with him, and sent him one last finale wave.

he waved back and swiftly begin jogging towards his class. completely ignoring the ginger who glared at him and belle from the other side of the classroom.

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